208 contactless security非接觸安全

ibabylipsPart 1免費 :全年級學習筆記 + Part 2 收費:1~5年級口語訓練

contactless security


208 contactless security非接觸安全

From contactless security to automated cleaning procedures, see what the future of airports holds.


❀ 知識點 —— 詞彙 ❀

  1. contactless security = n = ①

  2. contactless = adj

    = (信用卡或支付系統)非接觸式的 = 劍橋詞典裡的含義是 relating to the use of wireless technology to make a payment using a credit card or debit card, or a mobile phone 關於使用無線技術使用信用卡、借記卡或移動電話進行支付的
  3. security

    = protection of a person, building, organization, or country against threats such as crime or attacks by foreign countries 保護(措施);安全(保障),這個詞=n =安全、安防系統、保安人員、保障、安全感都涵蓋了。一切與安全相關的,在財務領域下孩指證券。
  4. automate = v =

    to make a process in a factory or office operate by machines or computers, in order to reduce the amount of work done by humans and the time taken to do the work = 使工廠或辦公室的一個過程由機器或計算機操作,以減少人類所做的工作量和所需的時間

    = 使得自動化

    automated cleaning 都是其後的程序procedures的前置的形容詞。這裡,提示大家想想以往,我們反覆提到的Ved為什麼是形容詞呢?
  5. what the future of airports holds ——這添加句號後可以是個獨立的句子,也可以做為一個名詞性從句出現在某個句子裡,做名詞成分。這個句型值得舉一反三,多多練習。

❀ Part 2 小學口語 - 職業者在做什麼?

