

Some technologies in the world seem awesome and reliable, but they have never been developed. For example:


Virtual Reality, Artificial Ovary, Clean Meat, Controlled Nuclear Fusion, Quantum Computer.


In the past 15 years, Tesla has made the best-selling electric cars, and SpaceX has produced the most cost-effective rocket. Musk, the boss of the two companies, believes that the perfect combination point of the two technologies may be electric aircraft.


He and his bestie, Google's founder Larry Page, both agree that battery technology is becoming more and more mature and vehicles must be electrified, and there is a huge commercial opportunity, the electric aircraft.


Why the technology that even the super bosses think highly of cannot take off?

我是電動Emma, 今天手動告訴大家,電動飛機為啥沒發展起來。

I am Electric Emma. In this video, I will tell you manually why the electric aircraft has not been developed.


Any new technology that can be popularized must do particularly well in two dimensions: improving convenience and lowering the price. According to this logic, electric aircraft has great potential to become popular.



Let's have a look at the first dimension, "improving convenience". The electric aircraft may allow us to board in the city center. Because there exists no noise in the electric drive, coupled with the larger torque of the electric aircraft and the shorter runway needed, it will not disturb residents even if it takes off and lands in the city center.

接著說第二維度“降低價格”,電動飛機的運營成本會很低。航空公司每次飛行的最大成本就是燃油費,佔了運營費用的40%-50%, 全體空乘人員的成本才佔15%-20%。能省下燃油費,機票大降價是必然。

Next, the second dimension, "lowering the price". The operating costs of electric aircraft will be very low. The largest cost of each flight is the fuel cost, which accounts for 40%-50% of an airline's operating expenses, while the cost of all flight attendants accounts for only 15%-20%. Surely, air tickets will be greatly reduced due to the savings on fuel.



Since the benefits of electric aircraft are obvious, why has no one ever produced it on a large scale?





There are three major pain points behind this:

Technically, the aircraft has a weak teammate;

In policy, it is so difficult to get a certification;

In terms of resources, the super bosses are not interested in it.



In addition to analyzing these pain points one by one in this video, I also want to talk about the links between technology, business, politics, and culture. Science and technology are great, but not omnipotent. The technology produces great value only when it reacts with people and other fields at the right time.


Let's start with the first pain point of electric aircraft:

01 技術上的豬隊友

Technical Weak Teammate



In the past 20 years, electrical machinery has driven almost the entire physical world: from electric hair driers, electric lamps to computers, elevators, and electric cars, more things are being electrified, even I have become Electric Emma.


Only hardcore players such as aircraft and rocket are left to be conquered. Because you can't recharge by pulling wire at any time, if you want to electrify the aircraft and rocket, you have to rely on a weak teammate--the battery.


From an aeronautical engineer’s perspective, the battery has three major weaknesses: expensive, heavy, and taking up space.


Batteries have always been less efficient than fuel. Today's best batteries can only reach an energy density of 300wh/kg and it is quite awkward to use on aircraft.


In 2018, Siemens made a small pure electric aircraft that was “the best in the world”, but the electricity can only support it for 45 minutes. The pilot said: flying with this thing was so stressful because he couldn't even eat midnight snacks. If he got a little fatter, the electricity could not even support him to fly for 45 minutes...


Why does the battery perform so badly when used on an aircraft? Because there is an impasse between the battery, machine weight, and power. Let's take a look at this battery contradiction model:







Only when the power is equal to the weight of the aircraft can it fly.

So if the weight of the aircraft increases, so does the power.

More power means more batteries are needed.

And loading more batteries means that the aircraft is heavier and needs more power to drive.

Look at this impasse.


To make matters worse, the more fuel an ordinary aircraft consumes, the lighter it will be, while no matter how long the electric aircraft flies, the battery is still so heavy. Therefore, if the battery energy density is not increased, the electric aircraft will not be able to fly far.


However, some knowledgeable people may say: even if it can't fly long distances, there are still many application scenarios, such as sightseeing aircraft and small aircraft for trainees to practice.


That's right! Data shows that the operating cost of a small fueled aircraft used for training is $45 per hour, while a small electric aircraft costs only $1 an hour, which is almost cheaper than a shared bike. This price difference makes electric aircraft very promising in this subdivision.


At all times and in all over the world, most of the successful technologies start from the market segments, so why cannot electric aircraft blossom and bear fruit in the subdivision field that it is good at?


The reason is the second point I want to share today:

02 政策上,領證好比登天難

In policy, it is so difficult to get a certification



If you want to test flight or operate an electric aircraft, you have to get a certification. To put it bluntly, you have to pass a series of stringent tests to prove that every part of the aircraft is safe, among which the most devilish one is the "battery will not fire" test.


The relevant department explains: if an electric car ignites spontaneously, you can pull over and get out of the car to escape. However, once an electric passenger plane catches fire in the air, it is hopeless. Therefore, the governments must set the highest standards for the supervision and reliability of aircraft.

美國已經算是對飛行限制相對寬鬆的國家, 但即使在那兒,一架電動飛機光去把安全測試的流程走一遍,就需要好幾年。而這個時長,都夠新一代電池技術問世了。也就是說,當你拿到許可證時,這架飛機在技術層面已經out了。

The United States is considered a country with relatively loose flight restrictions, but even there, it takes years for an electric aircraft to go through the safety test process. The time is long enough for a new generation of battery technology to come out. In other words, by the time you get the certification, the aircraft is already technically out.


Some companies have come up with a shortcut to solve this problem, that is, instead of producing an electric aircraft from the very beginning, they transform the fueled aircraft directly, replacing its fuel system with electrical machinery and batteries. In doing so, they can indeed escape some tests and save some time, but this method of pretending a little cute soul with a domineering lady's body is obviously against the rules.


The energy density of lithium batteries is only 1/40 of that of jet fuel. With such a replacement, how can batteries and electrical machinery have any advantages? According to the test, their endurance can only at best reach the 1/20 of a fueled aircraft.


相比電動飛機,電動汽車的命實在太好了!這十年裡,不但國家給錢補貼,還打出了綠牌扶持這張王炸來實力捧場。更重要的是,電動汽車行業還有像馬斯克、李想、李斌這樣的大佬all in投資創業。

Compared with the electric aircraft, the fate of the electric car is so good! Over the past ten years, the countries have not only given money subsidies but also provided the shocking green-card-support to boost it influentially. More importantly, the electric car industry possesses super bosses like Musk, Li Xiang, and Li Bin who have been all in to start their own businesses.


This brings us to the last point we're going to talk about:

03 超級大佬沒翻牌

The super bosses are not interested in it.



I just finished writing a book about Musk, in which I have mentioned that electric cars always compete with electric aircraft for resources, including the investment of super bosses.


In 2003, the tech giant J.B.Straubel of Silicon Valley met Musk and expected Musk to invest in his electric aircraft project. Musk was tempted at the beginning, but he couldn't make up his mind. In the end, accidentally, the two decided to join hands to develop electric cars, so there was Tesla, setting off an electric car revolution.

航天愛好者會問:如果當時他倆選擇扶持電動飛機,又會怎麼樣? 是不是富人現在預訂的不是Roadster,而是電動直升機啦?

Space enthusiasts may ask: what if they chose to support electric aircraft at that time? If so, will the riches book electric helicopters instead of Roadster now?



There is a good saying: super bosses promote science and technology, and history makes heroes. The success of technology and its application is not accidental but determined by chemical reactions in many dimensions, including economy, politics, culture, ”industry giants“ and so on.


Like Turing during World War II, without the abnormal stage of the war between England and Germany, would Turing have a chance to display his talents beyond the time? Could the foundation of computer science be laid so quickly? Could the development of artificial intelligence be foreseen more than half a century in advance?


Most often, we mistakenly think that science and technology and progress are bound to improve year by year. But in fact, technology can be developed only when the super bosses donate generously, the policy is in place, the genius has a stage, and people are willing to make great efforts upstream and downstream.


On the issue of electric aircraft, the bottleneck of battery technology and the restrictive policy and resources make its development even more difficult. In spite of this, there are still many enthusiastic practitioners all over the world devoting their lives to electric aircraft.


If you look back the major technological breakthroughs in history, you will find that every innovative technology follows a similar law. The first plane made by White Brothers, the first modern car made by Mr. Mercedes-Benz, the current electric aircraft, autonomous driving, and so on, all these have to go through the four stages summed up by Gandhi:


First they ignore you (首先,他們無視你)

Then they laugh at you (接著,他們嘲諷你)

Then they fight you (然後,他們要打敗你)

Then you win(最後,你獲得勝利)


The electric aircraft, obviously, is still in the first stage and the journey is long. I want to end this video with the first successful flight of a human aircraft into the sky.


In 1903, the handmade aircraft made by White Brothers left the ground for the first time, but the flight time did not last for a minute. Even though it was imperfect at the beginning, the aircraft was able to fly very smoothly during the world war after many years and was able to cross the ocean after another period. Now, it can fly for more than ten hours easily.


The high-tech things in our time always start with a similar imperfect trying. When will the electric aircraft be mass-produced and will it eventually set off the third aviation revolution? It's worth waiting for.


In this series of videos, I will analyze some hardcore technologies that seem to change the human process but have not yet developed, such as controllable nuclear fusion and artificial ovary. Don't forget to give me a "LIKE" and subscribe to my channel.

我是電動Emma, 左手科技,右手文藝,我們下回再見。

I am Electric Emma, technology one side, literature and art the other side, see you next time.

