
古钱币在中国市场收藏一直走势还是比较好的,因为古币在收藏方面,包括储存方面,都相对于其他的收藏要方便很多,这也是涉及市场热的一个重要因素。 但是作为收藏者,也必须预料到收藏有风险,收藏必须要重视选择品相,而且在选择收藏时,在了解过去价格,以及今后走势之前,也要更好地考虑它的价位,碰到价位比较低的可以收藏,这样可以提高利润空间。

The collection of ancient coins in the Chinese market has always been on a good trend, because the collection of ancient coins, including storage, is much more convenient than other collections, which is also an important factor related to the market heat. But as a collector, we must also expect that there are risks in the collection, and we must pay attention to the selection of items in the collection. When we select the collection, we should also better consider its price before we understand the past price and the future trend, and when we encounter the lower price, we can collect, which can improve the profit space



The Jin Dynasty (1115-1234) was an ancient minority regime in China. In 1114 A.D., after emperor Taizu of Jin unified all the departments of Nuzhen, he established the capital of Huining prefecture (now Acheng, Heilongjiang Province) in the following year, which was called "Dajin". He destroyed Liao Dynasty in 1125 and Northern Song Dynasty two years later. In the first year of Zhenyuan (1153), King Wanyan liang of Hailing moved the capital to Zhongdu (now Beijing). Due to the lack of writing in the early Nuzhen ethnic group and the decline of culture, Nvzhen came into contact with the advanced Han culture in the process of the expedition, and began to absorb many aspects of Han culture, such as writing, etiquette, art, and construction. During the reign of Jin Shizong and Jin Zhangzong, the politics, economy, and culture of the Jin state reached their peak, which played a very important role in the middle of the Jin Dynasty.



Wang Yanyong (1123-1189), the fifth emperor of the Jin Dynasty, the grandson of Wan Yan Aguda, the emperor Taizu of the Jin Dynasty, and Li Shi, the empress of Zhen Yi, reigned from 1161 to 1189 under the title of "Dading". When Wanyan Liang, the king of Hailing, left for Tokyo (Liaoyang) in the Song Dynasty, and was later crowned emperor. Jin Shizong put an end to the war of invading Song Dynasty, made great efforts to rule the Song Dynasty, and partly got rid of the malpractice of the reign of Hailing king. Wanyanyong is very simple. He doesn't wear silk robes, which makes the national treasury of the Jin state full. The farmers live a relatively rich life, and the world is well-off. The realization of the "rule of Dading" laid the foundation for the prosperous period of the rule of Mingchang by his grandson, jinzhangzong, who was also called "little Yao and Shun". Under wanyanyong's rule, the Han Dynasty was stopped, the moderate national policy of "Nuzhen oriented" was carried out, and the "Nuzhen cultural revival movement" was initiated on the basis of adopting the Han system, which reduced the status of the Han people and improved the treatment of the Nuzhen tribe. As a result, the ethnic conflicts increased to a certain extent. In the 29th year of Dading (1189), wanyanyong died at the age of 67. His posthumous title was Guangtian Xingyun, Wende, martial arts, Shengming, Renxiao, Emperor. His temple was Shizong and was buried in Xingling.


The Tongbao of Dading was forged by Jin Shizong in the 18th year of Dading. Since the founding of the people's Republic of China in 1115, the coins of Liao and Song dynasties have been used for more than 40 years, but no copper coins have been made by himself. Wanyan Liang, the king of Hailing, continued to set his capital in Zhongdu (now Shenzhen), until the second year of Zhenyuan (1154), he ordered the household to print "cash delivery". Later generations successively forged the "Zhenglong", "Dading", "Taihe" and "Zhenyuan" copper coins, which were exquisite in writing and modeling and cherished by collectors. Among them, "Dading Tongbao" is the real one. It's very rare since it was left. There were big collectors who wanted to spend a lot of money but could not get it!



Compared with the Tang Kaiyuan and song daguanqian, "Dading Tongbao" is more beautiful in writing and more rigorous in specification, which embodies the aesthetic consciousness of the Chinese nation. This is closely related to the money making in the Jin Dynasty, which is good at absorbing the past dynasties, especially the song Qian essence and the love of culture and art by the monarch and his ministers. "Dading Tongbao" has a far-reaching influence on later generations of coin making. For example, the characters of "zhidatongbao", "zhiyuantongbao" and "zhizhengtongbao" in the Yuan Dynasty are closely related to "Dading". At the end of the Yuan Dynasty, the insurgents "Tongbao of Dayi" and "Tongbao of Tianding" were also followed. In the early Ming Dynasty, "Dazhong Tongbao" and "Hongwu Tongbao" were all modeled on Dazhong. "Yongle Tongbao" is more similar, it can be said that the influence is deep to far. There are two kinds of Tongbao in Dading, Xiaoping and zigzag. The amount of zigzag casting is very small. People with rich color and gray color say silver is actually copper money. Wide margin is very rare, most of them have no words on their backs. There are many formats of reciting "Shen" and "you". It is recorded in the history that in the 19th year of Dading, the "Dading Tongbao" was built. Shen and you are the chronicles of the local branches, which should belong to the 28th and 29th years of Dading, that is, the year of Wushen and the year of Jiyou. In addition, there are no other local branches. Some people interpreted Shenyou as "gold" in the five elements, and prayed for national auspiciousness.



According to Ma Dingxiang's annotation: ancient coins of different dynasties, most of the coins of Taihe (jinzhangzong) were made in Yuan Dynasty Although Ma Dingxiang is not included as the Tongbao of pingdading, compared with Yuan Zhu Tai and Qian, it can be basically determined that both of them belong to the same period of coin casting. In addition to Taihe coins, there are Kaiyuan Tongbao, Daguan Tongbao, Chongning Tongbao and so on, all of which are mainly converted into ten big coins.


Dading Tongbao is one of the ancient Chinese coins. It was cast in the 18th year of Dading (A.D. 1178) of Jin Shizong. Qian Wen imitates the thin gold body book format to have the small flat, the fold two kinds, moreover the iron money. The amount of money cast in two fold coin is less, and the color is gray and white. It is said that its money material contains little silver. The coins struck in the 28th year of Dading (1188 A.D.) have dry branch inscriptions. The "Dading Tongbao" money is simple in shape, generous in appearance, and imitation of "thin gold" in character. It is more exquisite than "Daguan Tongbao".


专家推荐:此枚币面中心直书“大定通宝”背面光素无纹,钱文行楷,工整允健,挺拔俊俏,结构严谨,横笔尾端向下顿挫,撇弯捺曲,疏朗和谐,轮廓规矩,铸造精湛,制作精美,此枚大定通宝,虽经历了无穷岁月,但纹路依然清晰可见,上面的锈迹也见证了其历史的积淀,具有非常明显的历史过渡性特征,有着难以言喻的收藏价值。铜币保存比较完好,钱文、轮廓 的清晰程度比较好,包浆凝重纯真,熟坑浆相,包浆自然,浆质坚实不糟,分布深浅不等,凸显自然。露铜之处,可察其铜材,铜色更是熟旧滋润,老相凸显,无异无邪。此等铸相实乃真品无疑,铸相一眼开门。此件藏品大定通宝,造量稀少,价值不言而喻。

Experts recommend that: this coin face center straight book "Dading Tongbao" has plain light on the back, Qian wenxingkai, neat and healthy, straight and handsome, rigorous structure, the end of the horizontal pen down suddenly, bending and bending, sparse and harmonious, regular outline, exquisite casting, and exquisite production. Although this Dading Tongbao has gone through endless years, the pattern is still clear, and the rust on it is still visible

