

1. 团结一致、共克时艰 demonstrate solidarity [ˌsɒlɪ’dærəti]

2. 任何蛊惑和抹黑都不会奏效,任何离间和挑拨都不会得逞。Those attempting to smear or delude others, drive a wedge or sow discord will only end up empty-handed.

3. 俄罗斯的疫情形势日趋严重 the increasingly severe epidemic situation in Russia

4. 新冠肺炎定点收治医院 designated hospitals for COVID-19 patients

5. 同俄方专家就疫情防控医疗救治等问题广泛交流 have exchange with their Russian counterparts on such topics as epidemic prevention, containment, diagnosis and treatment.

6. 将与俄方更深入交流分享经验,提供防控和诊疗指导与培训 There will be more in-depth exchange, experience-sharing, guidance and training.

7. 专家组还通过视频连线方式向旅俄华侨华人、中资企业和留学生讲解疫情防控科普知识,发放防疫物资。The group also shared through video-link know-know in prevention and control with Chinese nationals including students and employees of Chinese enterprises in Russia and distributed medical supplies.

8. 在中方抗疫最艰难的时刻 at our most trying times fighting COVID-19

9. 俄方给予中方鉴定支持和帮助 Russia offered us strong support and assistance

10. 俄方正处于疫情防控的关键阶段 Russia is at a crucial stage of epidemic prevention and control

