實用英語——a recipe for disaster 可不是你想的這個意思!


1.one good turn deserves another 以德報德,禮尚往來

When someone does something to help you, you should do something helpful in return.


例:Please can you help me with my homework, I did yours last week and you know what they say: one good turn deserves another!

2.to fall at the first hurdle 跌倒在第一關

Someone fails right at the start of what she or he is trying to do.


例:Plans to construct a new motorway will fall at the first hurdle if they can't buy the farmland to build it on.

實用英語——a recipe for disaster 可不是你想的這個意思!

3.pain in the neck 令人討厭的事情或人

When people say pain in the neck, it means something or someone is annoying, actually very annoying for a long time.


例:Completing this tax form is a real pain in the neck, there are so many boxes to fill in.

4.burn a hole in your pocket 有錢不花難受

漢語裡叫 "讓錢燒的",也就是說有錢不花難受。

例:I've got a bad habit of spending my money as soon as I get it. Money burns a hole in my pocket.

5.to turn something upside down 把……翻個底朝天

When someone turns the place upside down', what she or he means is you are making the studio very messy.


例:I turned my house upside down and I still couldn't find my car keys.

6.a recipe for disaster 後患無窮

A recipe for disaster本意為災難的菜譜,實際意義是a combination of things that will, at some point, go wrong and cause harm, damage or in this case, humiliation – in other words it will end in trouble.


例:My doctor says drinking too much, not exercising enough, and having a stressful job are a recipe for disaster. He says I might die young!

實用英語——a recipe for disaster 可不是你想的這個意思!




實用英語——a recipe for disaster 可不是你想的這個意思!

