

Huanghua pear, Chinese scientific name: Dalbergia odorifera, alias: Hainan Huangtan, Hainan Huanghua pear, Huali. Pterocarpaceae, Dalbergia, Leguminosae plants, also known as Hainan Dalbergia, Hainan Huanghua pear wood. Origin: Diaoluoshan Jianfengling low altitude plain and hilly areas, mostly growing in Diaoluo Mountain about 100 meters above sea level, sunny place. Because of its slow growth, solid wood and beautiful patterns, Huanghua pear wood, red sandalwood, chicken wing wood and Tieli wood are known as the four famous trees in ancient China. It has always been one of the four famous trees.



Huanghua pear is generally divided into Hainan Huanghua pear and Vietnam Huanghua pear. Huanghua pear is actually a yellow brown "Huali" or "flower palm". It is the main material of hardwood furniture in Ming and Qing Dynasties, and the heartwood is yellow brown. In the Ming and Qing Dynasties, the exquisite wooden furniture was made of "huanghuali". Its texture was hidden or visible, and its color was not static and noisy. It was regarded as a high-quality product and was favored by the craftsmen of the Ming and Qing Dynasties. Especially, the aesthetic taste of the literati and officialdom in the prosperous period of the Ming and Qing Dynasties made the huanghuali furniture outstanding, whether from the perspective of artistic aesthetics or artificial science Picky, can be called the treasure in the world furniture art.



In all kinds of classical furniture, huanghuali material furniture belongs to a better variety of maintenance oh. Because the stress of Huanghua pear is small, it is not easy to crack after forming, and the probability of deformation is smaller than that of hardwood with acid branches.


Huanghua pear has other advantages. It is oily. The oil secreted from the furniture from the inside to the outside will form the coating slurry. With the formation of the coating and the oxidation of the air, the color of huanghuali classical furniture gradually darkens, and it gradually transits from yellow to brown or dark brown. Some players like dark color, in order to speed up its color change, think of a way, is to smear walnut oil many times. In fact, multiple smears of walnut oil can indeed speed up the color change, but this is just a protective color. It's just the walnut oil stains on the furniture, which is different from its own overflow of wood pulp. I still like the feeling of self overflow.



The wood color of Huanghua pear is golden yellow and warm. The heartwood is dark, reddish brown or dark brown, with the texture of repeated angles. Because the wood property of Huanghua pear wood is very stable, no matter whether it is cold or hot, it will not deform, crack or bend. It has a certain toughness and can make all kinds of special-shaped furniture.


The specific gravity of Huanghua pear is lighter than that of mahogany. Huanghua pear wood texture clear, such as clouds and water, very beautiful. What's special is that there are many wood boils in the wood grain, which are flat and unbroken. They show the texture of fox head, old head and hair of old head. They are beautiful and charming, which is called "ghost face"



Hainan unique precious tree species, heartwood is extremely resistant to decay, light section, beautiful texture, and lasting fragrance, is a valuable furniture, handicrafts and other superior wood; heartwood as medicine can replace imported incense; wood distillation oil aroma is not volatile, can be used as a fixative. Due to the precious wood, the adult plants were almost cut down, and some stumps were dug up by roots for medicinal and arts and crafts materials. Natural resources have declined sharply.



High quality recommendation: many valuable wood of Huanghua pear chair has elegant and gorgeous texture naturally. Therefore, when using these valuable wood to design and make wood ware, scholars and craftsmen often do not decorate carving to fully show the delicacy of wood texture of Huanghua pear, so they have more light. In order to highlight the natural beauty of wood texture and scholarly atmosphere, it shows elegance in simple elegance. The chair surface is pure and has no grain. The material is huanghuali, which is large in size, highlighting the natural beauty of the material, elegant and generous. The whole body has the unique natural texture of Huanghua pear. The surface texture is like landscape painting, simple and elegant. The chair back board, armrest and chair surface are formed into a pocket, the angle is round and round, and the construction method is relatively neat. Exquisite technology, simple modeling, solemn and rigorous appearance. Unique system, appropriate to set the hall, elegant style! Exquisite workmanship, exquisite carving, very valuable collection!

