



第一部分 什麼叫非謂語動詞?



有情態動詞或助動詞+動詞構成叫複合謂語。另外,系動詞+表語的結構歸納為複合謂語,因為表語的作用就是表面和描述主語的性質特徵的成分,系動詞起到聯繫主語和表語紐帶。比如:他是個教師。主語是he ,a teacher 就是表語,但這樣不是句子啊,只好用is這個系動詞來把他們兩個系在一起。況且,系動詞也不能單獨作謂語。比如:he is ,you are ,I am 就不是句子。


必須舉例說明了:I like English.簡單動詞

He is looking for his watch.動詞短語

He can swim. (情態動詞+動詞)

He must finish his homework before 6 o’clock. (情態動詞+動詞)

He is a teacher.(系動詞+表語)

You look fine. (系動詞+表語)





1.I have just finished doing my home work.

2.People found the thief escaped.

3.I saw the horse tied to a tree.

4.To see is to believe.

5.I've never heard the song sung in English.

6.I mean to go there at once.

7.We must learn to tell friends from enemies.

8.He asked us to sing an English song.

9.It's a waste of time arguing with him.

10.It's no use taking this kind of medicine.


1.I have just finished doing my home work.

2.People found the thief escaped.

3.I saw the horse tied to a tree.

4.To see is to believe.

5.I've never heard the song sung in English.

6.I mean to go there at once.

7.We must learn to tell friends from enemies.

8.He asked us to sing an English song.

9.It's a waste of time arguing with him.

10.It's no use taking this kind of medicine.



很多學英語的學生都會困惑,英語就是麻煩,搞這麼多名堂出來,讓學習者混淆,其實不然,這正說明英語的機械,直接,我經常對我的學生說,英國人死腦經。因為我們中國人腦袋靈活,造成我們的語言也很靈活,靈活的無拘無束。英語就不行了,他必須按照一定樣式來,不然就不能表現英國人的死腦經。舉例說明:他要求我唱一首英語歌曲。這樣的句子裡面有兩個動詞,要求(ask)和唱(sing),要在英語裡面就必須分清哪個謂語,剩下的就是非謂語動詞了,否則就是錯句子。He asked me.他要求我。這樣這句話就沒有說完,表達不清楚了。Sing an English song.同樣也不是句子,誰唱呢?不清楚。怎麼辦?只有把他們連起來。He asked me to sing an English song.這裡asked 就是謂語動詞,to sing 是非謂語動詞。這樣表達就更完整了。

這裡的sing 前面加to 或者怎麼變化是前面的ask 來決定的,不是隨便加的。但這裡面也是有規律可循的。這是以後的話題了。

第三部分 非謂語動詞有哪些形式?

非謂語動詞有不定式,分詞 和動名詞三種形式。(一招分清——表面是動詞,但不能作謂語,謂語一般受到主語的限制,有人稱和數的變化)







①To see is to believe.

②To master English is of great importance.

(2)不定式或不定式短語作主語時,常用it作形式主語,構成"It is + adj+for sb.+to do"結構,或It is +adj+for sth +to be done。為什麼要這樣變化呢?原因就是死腦經惹的禍。因為漢語完全可以這樣說:

to give up smoking is impossible for him.

但英語就不行了,這樣的句子外表上看著頭重腳輕,不符合歪果仁的思維習慣,只好藉助於一個it 作為代替。放在句首,這樣就前面短後面長了。


例下面的句子都是這樣,it代替後面的to do 成分,而且重要最先講。他們是It is impossible…,It is not easy…,It is difficult…和It is impossible…。

①It is impossible for him to give up smoking.

②It is not easy to find your way in the mountain.

③It is difficult for the problem to be solved.

④It is impossible for my question to be answered in his absence.


(1)動詞不定式作賓語時,常跟在某些及物動詞後面,常見的有:agree,dare,decide,expect,help,hope,learn,manage,offer,pretend,promise,refuse,want, intend, fail, wish, choose等。例如:

①I mean to go there at once.

②We must learn to tell friends from enemies.

(2)不定式短語作賓語時,如果還帶有賓語補足語,往往把不定式短語放在賓補之後,而用it作形式賓語。句型為"主語+find (feel, think, believe, consider,etc) +it+形容詞/名詞+to do sth"。這裡的it又出現了吧!就是剛才說過的原因。為了句子好看(it 代替後面的to do 短語),重要東西先講(劃線部分)。例如:

①I think it necessary to report the thing to the teacher.

②I find it interesting to work with him.

(3)動詞不定式還可以用作介詞except、but和besides的賓語,如果介詞前為動詞do的某種形式,則後面接不帶to的不定式,否則帶to。cannot choose but、cannot help but和cannot but後的不定式也省略to。


There is nothing to do but+do 例如:There is nothing to do but wait.

do nothing but/except+do 例如:We can do nothing but wait.

cannot help/choose but+do 例如:We cannot choose but wait.

have no choice but to do 例如:We have no choice but to wait.



①To teach is to learn.

②My job is to help the patient.


All I want to do now (What I want to do now) is fill my stomach.


不定式可以放在名詞、代詞、序數詞、the only和形容詞最高級等後面作定語。常被不定式修飾的名詞有:chance,need,promise,time,opportunity,way等。不定式常表示將來的動作,計劃的動作,偶爾的一次性的動作。這裡也反映了英語的典型特徵,重要東西先說,補充的,修飾的,限制的統統放後面。


①He is not a man to tell lies.

②There will not be enough space to stand in on the earth.

③--- I will go home tomorrow,do you have anything to be taken to your parents?


(2)作定語的不定式與所修飾的名詞之間是動賓關係, 而且不定式動詞又是不及物動詞時,應在該動詞上加上一個介詞。例如

①He has a nice pen to write with.

②He is looking for a room to live in.

③It is said that the best way to travel by is on foot.



I'm very glad to hear the news. (原因)

不定式作目的狀語時,常可構成in order to, so as to 例如:

He got up early so as not to be late.


The question is difficult to answer.

有些不定式短語可以做獨立成份,通常放在句首,有時置於句中或句未,須用逗號的開,如:to begin with,to be honest,to tell you the truth等。例如:

To be honest,my English is poor.


Too + 形容詞/副詞 + to do sth 例如:

He is too young to go to school.

形容詞/副詞 + enough + to do sth 例如:

He is old enough to dress himself.

enough+名詞 +to do sth 例如:

I have enough money to buy a car.

such +(形容詞)名詞 +as to do sth 例如:

He is such a clever boy as to work out the question quickly.

so + 形容詞/副詞 + as to do sth 例如:

He is so clever a boy as to work out the question quickly.



①He hurried to the railway station,only to find that the train had left.

②I got to his house ,only to be told that he wasn't in.


(1)接帶to的不定式作賓語補足語,這類動詞或動詞短語有:ask, tell, invite, force, get, beg, allow, help, wish, want, like, hate, prefer, expect, encourage, advise, persuade, instruct, permit, request, order, warn, cause, urge, call on, depend on, long for, wait for等,構成V+sb.+to do結構。這裡的 to do 就是非謂語動詞了,之所以加 to 就是受到謂語動詞的影響。例如:

①We are longing for / wating for the new term to begin.

(2)在感官動詞(see, hear, feel, listen to , notice, watch, observe等)和使役動詞(let, have,make )後的補足語中,不定式不帶to。但這類句子變成被動語態時,必須帶to。(注意:let, have不用於被動語態)例如:

①I saw him play in the park.

→He was seen to play in the park.

②The boss made those men work day and night.

→Those men were made to work day and night.

注意:tell、advise等動詞後面可以接"連接代詞或連接副詞+to do"作賓語補足語。例如:

You did not tell me how to pronounce the word.

二 動名詞的形式





1、 動名詞的時態。動名詞的一般式表示的動作通常是一般性的動作,即不是明確地發生在過去、現在或將來的動作,或者是與謂語動詞所表示的動作同時發生的動作;完成式所表示的動作發生在謂語動詞所表示的動作之前。例如:

①I am interested in playing basketball.

②He didn't mention having met you at the meeting.

2、 動名詞的語態。如果句子的主語是該動名詞動作的承受者,即句子的主語與動名詞構成邏輯上的動賓關係,則動名詞要用被動形式。例如:

①She didn't mind being left at home.(句子的主語she與動詞leave構成動賓關係,且動作基本同時發生。)

②I forgot having been told about it. (句子的主語I與動詞tell構成動賓關係,且動作已經完成。)


1.作主語:動名詞做主語可以放在句首,有時候也可以用it做形式主語,常常構成一些固定句型,如:It's a waste of time doing...;It's no use/good doing...例如:

①Teaching is my full-time job.

②Writing an English composition is not easy.

③It's a waste of time arguing with him.

④It's no use taking this kind of medicine.


(1)作動詞的賓語。只接動名詞作賓語的常見動詞有:resist、mind、suggest、delay、keep、look forward to、enjoy、include、appreciate、imagine、practice、finish、succeed in、consider、can't help、miss等。例如:

①I have just finished doing my home work.

②I suggested asking his brother for some money.

③He keeps buying expensive maps.

【注意】以下幾個動詞或短語後面跟動名詞作賓語和跟動詞不定式作賓語意義不同:mean,remember,stop,forget,regret,try,go on。

(1) remember(記得),forget(忘記),regret(後悔)後接不定式指該不定式所表示的動作還未發生,後接動名詞(有時可用完成式),則指該動名詞所表示的動作已經發生。比較:Remember to post the letter. 記住把這封信寄了。(“寄信”未發生)I remember posting the letter. 我記得寄了那封信。(“寄信”已發生)He forgot to pay me the money. 他忘記要給我付錢了。(“付錢”未發生)He forgot paying me the money. 他忘記曾給我付過錢。(“付錢”發生了)

(2) try 後接不定式表示設法做某事,接動名詞表示做某事試試(看有什麼效果)。如:I’ll try to come tomorrow. 我明天設法來。Let’s try knocking at the back door. 咱們敲敲後門試試。

(3) mean 後接不定式表示打算(想要)做某事,接動名詞表示意味著(做某事,接動名詞表示意味著要)做某事。如:He did not mean to hurt you. 他不是有意要傷害你。This illness will mean going to hospital. 得了這種病就意味著要住院。

(4) stop 後接動名詞表示停止做某事,接不定式表示停下正在做的事去做另一事。如:He stopped speaking, and there was not a sound in the room. 他停止講話,房裡一點聲音也沒有了。He stopped to listen, but there was no more sound. 他停下來聽,但再也沒有聽到什麼聲音。(stop後接的不定式不是賓語,而是目的狀語)

(5) can’t help後接動名詞表示禁不住做某事,接不定式表示不能幫助做某事。如:mes New Roman'">後接動名詞表示禁不住做某事,接不定式表示不能幫助做某事。如:He couldn’t help crying when he heard the news. 他聽到這個消息時禁不住哭了。The medicine can’t help to get rid of your cold. 這藥不能幫你治好感冒。注e69da5e6ba90e799bee5baa6e79fa5e9819331333236396531:go on to do sth 和go on doing sth 也有類似差別:前者表示做完某事後接著做另一事,後者表示繼續做正在做的事。如:You oughtn’t to go on living this way. 你不應該再這樣生活下去了。(go on 後接doing通常被認為是現在分詞而不是動名詞)

Go on to do the other exercises after you have finished this one. 做完這個練習後, 請接著做其他的練習

【注意】既可接動名詞也可接不定式作賓語但語態不同的動詞在 need, want, require等表示“需要”的動詞後,接不定式和動名詞均可,且含義也相同,但是語態不同:接動名詞時用主動式表示被動含義,接不定式時則要用被動式表示”My coat needs mending [to be mended]. 我的外套需要縫補一下。Your coat wants brushing [to be brushed]. 你的大衣需要刷一刷。

(2)作介詞的賓語,常用於固定短語和句型中。如:be/get used to,devote...to...,look forward to,pay attention to,get down to,think of,be proud of,prevent...from...,keep...from....,be engaged in,feel like以及have some/no/any difficulty(trouble) in, have fun(pleasure) in, have a good(hard) time,there is no need/use/good/harm/hurry(in)等。例如:

①We are thinking of making a new plan for the next term.

②There is no need arguing with him.


①My job is teaching. = Teaching is my job.

②Her full-time job is laying eggs.

=Laying eggs is her full-time job.

③What I hate most is being laughed at.


a washing machine = a machine for washing

a swimming pool = a pool for swimming

三 分詞的形式 (現在分詞和過去分詞)




1. 作定語:現在分詞作定語,可以表示名詞的用途,也可以表示主動意義或正在進行的動作或當時的狀態,此時現在分詞在意義上相當於一個定語從句。過去分詞作定語表示被動或完成。一般而言,單個的分詞作定語要放在被修飾詞之前,分詞短語作定語放在被修飾詞之後。例如:

a developing country = a country which is developing

a sleeping boy= a boy who is sleeping

①The man standing at the window is our teacher.

② Polluted air and water are harmful to people's health.

③The building built last year was a hospital.

④The meeting being held now is very important.

【注意】如果兩個動詞有先後,一般不能用現在分詞作定語,而用定語從句,即現在分詞的完成主動式having done以及完成被動式having been done不能作定語。如,我們不能說:

I have heard of the accident having happened yesterday.而是用定語從句代替:I have heard of the accident that happened yesterday.


I didn't find my wallet having been stolen.而用定語從句:

I didn't find my wallet which had been stolen.

2. 作狀語:現在分詞作狀語。表時間、原因、條件、結果、伴隨(方式)等。


2. 表示時間關係的分詞短語有時可由連詞while 或when 引導。


現在分詞的一般式doing和完成主動式having done作狀語時,與句子的主語構成邏輯上的主謂關係。doing表示的動作和句子的謂語動詞所表示的動作基本同時發生或現在分詞的動作正在發生;having done則表示其動作先於句子的謂語動詞的動作發生。例如:

①Hearing the bell,the students entered the classroom.(時間)

②Hearing the cry for help, he rushed out.(時間)

③While reading the book, he nodded from time to time.(時間)

④Having finished his work,he went home.(時間)

⑤Seeing from the hill, you can get the whole town.(條件)

⑥Not having received an answer,he decided to write another letter.(原因)

⑦The students ran out of the classroom, talking and laughing .(伴隨)

⑧Football is played all around the world, making it the most popular sport.(結果)

過去分詞done和現在分詞的完成被動式having been done作狀語時,與句子的主語構成邏輯上的動賓關係。而且表示的動作在句子的謂語動詞之前就已經發生。例如:

①Given(=Having been given)a wrong number,I couldn't contact him over the phone.(原因)

②Having been warned many times,they became more and more careful in doing the job.(時間)

③Seen from the hill, the whole town is beautiful.(條件)④Not satisfied with the result, we decided to do the experiment again.(原因)⑤He entered the room,followed by his girlfriend .(伴隨)

⑥If allowed, he would eat all the food in the house.(條件)

【注意】分詞作狀語時,如果分詞的邏輯主語與句子的主語不一致,則通常在它前面加上它的主語構成獨立主格結構,即"n. + -ed/-ing"。(非謂語動詞及其短語前面帶有邏輯主語,邏輯主語的代詞又是主格,故常稱為"獨立主格"。)例如:

①Her work finished(=After her work had been finished), she sat down for a cup of tea.②There being no taxis(=Because there was no taxis), we had to walk.

③Weather permitting (=If weather permits), they will go on an outing tomorrow.

④An important lecture to be given tomorrow (=Because an important lecture will be given tomorrow), the professor has to stay up late into the night.

⑤He was lying on the grass,his hands crossed under his head(=and his hands were crossed under his head)

有時也用"with(without)+名詞(或代詞賓格)+分詞"的結構表示伴隨狀況的獨立主格結構。例如:He fell asleep with the lamp burning.

補充:其他形式的獨立主格結構(n. +不定式; n. +介詞短語; n. +形容詞; n. +副詞)例如:

①He is going to make a model plane, some old parts to help.

②The boy goes to the classroom,book in hand.

③So many people absent, the meeting had to be called off.

④The meeting over, they all went home.

3. 作賓補:

現在分詞做賓補的兩大特徵:一是賓語與現在分詞之間與主語之間有主謂關係;二是現在分詞所表示的動作正在進行。能跟現在分詞作賓語補足語的常見動詞有:make、let、have、look at、see、watch、hear、listen to、notice、feel。(三讓、三看、兩聽、注意感覺)。例如:

①I heard the girl singing in the classroom.

②I saw a long queue outside the bank waiting for it to open.

③The baby watched his dad shaving his face with interest.

④We saw the teacher making the experiment .


①I've never heard the song sung in English.

②I saw the horse tied to a tree.

③People found the thief escaped.


①The movie is inspiring.

②He is inspired by the movie.

③The story he told us was very interesting.

④He is interested in English.




1. David and I wanted go off to find help but Bill insisted on staying near the car.

2. …rather than go into the forest and getting lost.

3.David pointed to a path which he thought would probably leading to a village.

4. I went back to get David and helped him to stood up.

5.Charles and Linda Mason do all of these things as well as climbed building.

6.Modern people know more about health, have better food, and to live in clearer surroundings.

7.The World Health Organization and other organizations are working improve health all over the world.

8.…you pay the cost of send a postcard, the librarian will write to you.

9....and let you to know when the book you want has returned.

10. I want to thank you again for have me in your home for the summer holidays.

11. I had always wanted return to the village after moving away.

12.It was very kind of them to meet me at the railway station and drove me to their home.

13.I look forward to hear from you soon.

14. Play football not only makes us grow up tall and strong but also gives us a sense of fair play and team spirit.

15. I was often a little tired after a day's work and watch TV demands very little effort.

16.I'd like very much come but I have an examination on Monday morning.

17. I'll spend the whole weekend reading and prepare for it.

18. But then there is always more mysteries look into.

19.After learn the basics of the subject, nothing else seemed very practical to me.

20. My parents love me dearly of course and will do all they can make sure that I get a good education.

21.He did not want share things with other people.

22.That is, a game of tennis making him very busy.

23. As we climbed the mountain, we fed monkeys, visiting temples and told stories.

24. But his parents think go to college is more important than playing sports.

25. …children may not develop the habit of read and the ability to enjoy themselves.

26.…to make children to want things that they don't really need.

27. Soon I began to enjoy talk to myself on paper as I was learning to express myself in simple English.

28. Shake her head, she said, “It isn't a good time to do that, dear."

29.It's like going to a huge library without have to walk around to find your books.

30. I am thinking of making a trip to London, and visit the British Museum and some parks.

31. I have some records giving to me as birthday gifts.

32. I dream of standing on the platform in the classroom and give lessons to lovely boys and girls.


1. In those days we were forced work twelve hours a day.

2. It's very difficult for a foreigner learn Chinese.

3. It was silly of you believe what he said.

4. He was made wash the boss's car once a day.

5. I'll let you to know as soon as I hear from her.

6. I waved to her but failed attract her attention.

7. I have already seen the film twice. I don't want see it any more.

8. What I want know is when all this happened.

9. It was clear that he wanted be alone.

10.Most children are interested in listen to stories.

11.Walk quickly is difficult for an old man.

12. Be careful in cross the street.

13. The film is very interesting. It is worth see twice.

14.Find work is very difficult these days.

15. Most of us students enjoy ask questions in English.

16. Look, some of my classmates are practising speak English.

17. Teach a child to sing and dance is very interesting.

18. Learn to speak English is more difficult than to write it.

19. My friend Jim is very good at making things and repair things.

20. He decided to go to the south, find a good job and living there.

21. It was very kind of you to buy us so much fruit and seeing us at the station.

22. Excuse me, would you to tell me the way to the zoo?


1. A lot of money has been spent to buy the book.

2. You will have to pay the cost of send a postcard.

3. What he did was puzzled.

4. I will spend a week reading and prepare for the examination.

5. Charles and Linda do all of these things as well as climbed buildings.

6. Yesterday I had my bad tooth pulling out.

7. I heard her singing a song which moved me to tears.

8. I made a terrible mistake. I regretted not to taking your advice.

9. When we reached the top of the mountain, we stopped to having a rest before we went down the mountain.

10. There'll be a good film tonight, remember to seeing it on time!

11. The game was over, she went home.

12. When speaking, you must make yourself hear.

13. She pretended not to seeing me when I came in.

14. Abraham Lincoln was considered to being one of the greatest of all American presidents.

15. Following by the officers, the general inspected the army.

16. There's something wrong with my car, and it needs repaired.

17. Don't burn the falling leaves on the ground.

18. Losing in thought, he almost ran into a car in front of him.

19. I enjoy listen to the classic music.

20. Judge by what he wears, he is a farmer.


1.wanted 後加 to,因為want 後要接不定式

2. getting 改 get,因為 get 與其前的go 並列

3. leading 改為 lead,因為其前有助動詞 would

4.stood 改為 stand,因為 to stand up 在此為不定式結構

5.climbed 改為 climb / climbing,若將 as well as 視為連詞,則將 climbed 改為 climb,因為它與其前的 do 並列;若將 as well as 視為介詞,則 climbing,因為介詞後動詞用動名詞

6.去掉live 前的 to,因為 live 與其前的 know, have 並列

7. improve前加to,to improve…為表目的的不定式短語


9.去掉 know 前的 to,因為其前有動詞 let


11.return前加 to,因為 want 後要接不定式

12. drove改為 drive,因為 drive 與其前的 to meet 並列,此處的 drive 為省略 to 的不定式

13. hear改為 hearing,因為其前的 to 是介詞

14. 第一個play改為 playing,因為動詞原形不能用作主語

15. watch改為 watching,因為動詞原形不能用作主語

16. come 前加 to,因為 would like 後接不定式

17.prepare 改為 preparing,因為它與其前的 reading 並列,與其前所用的動詞 spend 有關

18.look 前加 to,此處為不定式作後置定語

19.learn 改為learning,因為介詞後接動名詞作賓語

20.make 前加 to,因為 to make… 在此用作目的狀語,注意句型 do all one can to do sth

21.want 後加 to,因為want 後要接不定式

22. making 改為made,因為缺謂語,不能用非謂語形式,根據上下文用一般過去時

23.visiting 改為 visited,因為它與其前的 fed 和其後的 told 並列

24.go 改為 going,因為動詞原形不能用作主語

25.read 改為 reading,因為介詞後要接動名詞

26.去掉 want 前的 to,因為 want…在此用作使役動詞 make 的賓語補足語

27.talk 改為 talking,因為動詞 enjoy 後要接動名詞作賓語

28.Shake 改為 Shaking,現在分詞表伴隨

29.have 改為 having,介詞後用動名詞作賓語

30.visit 改為 visiting,因visit與making並列,作介詞of的賓語

31.giving 改為 given,"把某物給某人"是give sth to sb;句中records與give是被動關係,故用過去分詞

32. give改為giving,因它與standing並列,作dream of的賓語


1. work 前加 to,此句為 force sb to do sth 的被動形式。

2. learn 前加 to,此句用的是 it's difficult for sb to do sth 句型。

3. believe 前加 to,此句用的是 it's silly of sb to do sth 句型。

4.wash 前加 to,make sb do sth 中的 do 不能帶to,但若 make 用於被動語態,則其後的 do 要帶 to。

5. 去掉 to,因為 let 後用作賓語補足語的不定式不能帶 to。

6. attract 前加 to,fail to do sth 意為"未能做某事"。

7.see 前加 to,want(想要)後接動詞要用不定式。

8. know 前加 to,want(想要)後接動詞要用不定式。

9.be 前加 to,want(想要)後接動詞要用不定式。

10. listen 改為 listening,介詞後接動名詞作賓語。

11. Walk 改為 Walking,用作主語要用動名詞,不用動詞原形。注意不能將 walk 視為名詞,因為其後有副詞修飾語 quickly。

12. cross 改為 crossing,介詞後接動名詞作賓語。

13. see 改為 seeing,worth 後接動詞要用動名詞形式。

14. Find 改為 Finding,用作主語要用動名詞,不用動詞原形。

15. ask 改為 asking,enjoy 後接動詞作賓語要用動名詞形式。

16. speak 改為 speaking,practise 後接動詞作賓語要用動名詞形式。

17. Teach 改為 Teaching,用作主語要用動名詞,不用動詞原形。

18. Learn 改為 Learning,用作主語要用動名詞,不用動詞原形。

19. repair 改為 repairing,因它與 making 並列,一起用作介詞 at 的賓語。

20. living 改為 live,因它與其前的 go to…, find… 並列。

21. seeing 改為 see,因它與 to buy 並列,see 為省略 to 的不定式。

22. 去掉 tell 前的 to,因 would you… 後應接動詞原形,不接不定式。


1. to buy改為buying。

2. send改為sending。介詞of後要求用動名詞作賓語。

3. puzzled改為puzzling。puzzling表示"令人疑惑不解的"意思。

4. prepare改為preparing。preparing和前面的 reading是並列結構。

5. climbed改為climbing。as well as是介詞短語,後面接動名詞或名詞。

6. pulling改為pulled。have the tooth pulled out表示"請人拔牙"的意思。

7. singing改為sing。從後面可以看出來,"我"聽完了整首歌曲,強調動作的全過程,用不定式作賓補。

8. 去掉to,用動名詞表示對已發生過的事情的後悔。

9. having改為have。stop的目的是have a rest。

10. seeing改為 see。還未看電影。

11. was改為being。獨立主格結構。

12. hear改為heard。make oneself heard意為"使別人聽到自己的話"。

13. seeing改為 see。pretend後面要求接不定式作賓語。

14. being改為be。consider後用不定式作賓補。

15. following改為followed。過去分詞表被動。

16. repaired 改為repairing。動名詞主動形式,表被動意義。

17. falling改為fallen。過去分詞作定語,強調動作的完成。

18. losing改為lost。be lost in thought 表示"陷入深思"。

19. listen改為listening。enjoy後面用動名詞作賓語。

20. Judge改為Judging。Judging by…為一固定說法。


