

7 Signs That It's Time To Dump Him And Move On 7个迹象表明是时候甩掉他,继续生活了




Fairytale endings don't exist in relationships, Love in real life is much more complicated than that.

童话般的结局在感情中是不存在的, 现实生活中的爱情要复杂得多。

It is why when you are trying to figure out if you should stay or leave a relationship, it is a decision that can easily torment you.


Learn the signs now so you aren't blindsided.



Here are some clear signs you should break up with your significant other versus staying put.


How can you tell the difference between broken for good or repairable?


Instead of asking yourself, "should we break up?" here are 7 signs you should break up for real and give up on your relationship:



1. You keep having the same conversation over and over again without resolution. 你们之间一遍又一遍地重复着同样的对话,但问题一直没有解决。

If you've talked around the same issue for months without coming up with an answer, a compromise or the next steps to take and are not interested in outside help, it's time to move on.


2. You're looking for validation outside of your relationship. 你在寻求你们二人关系之外的认可。

A healthy relationship means that both people are secure enough in themselves and in their relationship, not have to seek outside attention or validation when things get tough.


3. You are compromising yourself. 你在向自己妥协。

Compromise is needed in a relationship, but not if it means compromising yourself and your values. If you are constantly compromising on issues that are important to you without receiving the same sacrifice from your partner, you will only grow to resent them.


Never compromise who you are for a relationship. It's not worth it.


4. You're sad more often than happy. 你的悲伤多于快乐。

We want to hold on to the good moments, they keep us going, but if that means going through pain on the backend, it's just not worth it.


Really start paying attention to how much of the time you spend happy vs. sad. Start keeping a daily journal of how you feel to help you sort through the reality of where you are emotionally in this relationship.


5. You argue incessantly. 你们不停地争吵。

Arguments are not used as a way to insult one another or as an excuse to be physically or emotionally abusive.


Having healthy arguments is ok and reasonable, but should not be done in a way which causes the other person to feel worse. And if this has become the texture of your relationship, it is probably time to take a break.


6. Your partner stops putting effort into the relationship 你的伴侣不再为这段关系付出努力

A relationship cannot sustain itself based on one person doing all of the work.


If your relationship has reached a point where you are the only one actively supporting and trying to save the relationship it might be time for a break.


Not only will you wear yourself out physically, mentally, and emotionally, but the other person knows they can put in very little work and you will still stick around.


7. He doesn't make future plans with you. 他不再和你规划未来。

If someone cares and loves you, he will make it clear.


This means he will prioritize you and your place in his life. He will let you know where he stand with you and this includes making it clear to you what his future plans are with you.


If you have been with someone a year or more and he does't has any certainty of where things are headed with you, he are not into you.


Love yourself enough to know you deserve better and will be better without him in your life.



Practical Word & Expression 实用词语表达

dump [dʌmp]

v. 倾倒;抛弃;(尤指在不合适的地方)丢弃,扔掉; 丢下; 推卸; (向国外)倾销,倾卸;抛售; (非正式)拉屎;(内存信息)转储, 转存; 与(某人)结束恋爱关系;(非正式)抛弃;

n.垃圾场;垃圾堆; 转储;转存;废物堆; 脏地方; 邋遢场所; 令人讨厌的地方

torment [tɔr'ment]

n. 痛苦;苦难之源;(尤指精神上的)折磨

v.使备受折磨;使痛苦;烦扰;戏弄;捉弄; 纠缠;折腾;苦痛

blindside ['blaɪn.saɪd]

v. 攻其不备;措手不及;出其不意地袭击;使遭受意外的打击;傻了眼;思想僵化的;盲障

钻进死胡同的; 思想僵化的

compromise ['kɑmprə.maɪz]

n. 妥协;和解;折中;互让; 折衷;折中办法;折衷案;达成妥协(或和解)

v. (为达成协议而)妥协,折中,让步;违背(原则);达不到(标准); (尤指因行为不很明智)使陷入危险,使受到怀疑

validation [ˌvælɪ'deɪʃ(ə)n]


constantly [ˈkɒnstəntli]


resent [rɪ'zent]


incessantly [ɪnˈsɛsəntli]

adv.不停地;不休;不间断地; 不断地;连续不断地;不止

abusive [ə'bjusɪv]

adj.辱骂的;恶语的;毁谤的;虐待的; 滥用的;骂人的;漫骂的

texture ['tekstʃər]

n.质地;口感;手感; 纹理;材质;质感(音乐或文学的)谐和统一感



甩了那个没良心的!Dump him!


Jo: You're listening to Real English from BBC Learning English. I'm Jo and with me today is Li.

Jo: 您正在收听的是BBC英语教学频道的地道英语。我是乔,今天和我一起主持节目的是李。

Li: Hello 大家好,欢迎收听 BBC 的地道英语节目,希望在接下来的2分钟里,你能学到英式英语中流行的表达方式。今天我们要学的新词儿是什么呢 Jo?

Jo: Well Li – I know you're married now – but have you ever been dumped?

Jo: 李,我知道你已经结婚了,但是你被人甩过吗?

Li: Dumped? 大家能猜到这是什么意思吗?

Jo: Well it's what we say in British English when you have a boyfriend or girlfriend and they tell you they don't want to be with you anymore. They dump you – or you say – I've been dumped!

Jo: 这是我们在英式英语中说的,当你有男朋友或女朋友,他们告诉你他们不想再和你在一起了。他们甩了你——或者你说——我被甩了!

Li: 这很容易理解,dump 书面的意思是扔掉,不过很多人都会用这个词来形容他们的一段恋情结束了 – 你可能会主动结束这段恋情,把对方甩了,或者反过来被对方抛弃了。

Jo: I've been dumped. Or he dumped me! So Li, you didn't answer my question…

Jo: 我被甩了。或者他甩了我!所以李,你还没有回答我的问题…

Li: OK Jo, yes I have been dumped! And it wasn't very nice – 我的前任男友就是那种没良心的人。

Jo: Aw Li I'm sorry – I didn't mean to upset you. It's an informal word and it's probably the most common way of saying someone didn't want to be with you anymore.

Jo: 噢,我很抱歉-我不是故意让你难过的。这是一个非正式的词,可能是最常见的表达某人不想再和你在一起的方式。

Li: Yes, 如果有人抛弃了你,那就是 they dump you 或者是你被抛弃了 you are dumped.

A: Have you spoken to Kate recently?


B: Yes I have and she's really upset. David dumped her last week.


A: Kate was dumped – no! I thought he really liked her.


A: How are things going with Jake?


B: I don't really like him that much – he's quite boring. I think I might have to dump him.


Li: 感情问题是很难避免的,希望大家不会对自己的恋人说这个词。不过我们在杂志,电视节目中会经常碰到。

Jo: To dump – to dump someone – or to be dumped.

Jo: 抛弃-就是甩了某人—或者被甩了。

Li: 好了,今天我们的地道英语节目就到这儿,我们下次节目再见。

Jo: You've been listening to BBC Learning English. Bye for now!

Jo: 您正在收听的是BBC英语教学。现在再见了!


