take off 不止表达“脱衣服”,还可以这样用

说到take off,我们首先想到的是 “脱衣服”或者“起飞”这两层意思

e.g.When will the plane take off? 飞机何时起飞

e.g. Put on your clothes.Don't take them off。把衣服穿上,别把衣服脱掉。

除了这两层意思外,take off 还可以表达以下的意思

1.【通常用被动】to stop a public service,television or programme,performances of a show,etc.公共服务被中断,电视节目,或者表演被取消

e.g.The show was taken off because of poor audience figures.票卖的不好,表演被取消了。

2.take sth. off sth.: 等同于 remove sth. from sth. 去除

e.g. The manager took 10 dollars off the bill.经理从账单中减去10美金

e.g. The slimming pills were taken off the market. 减肥药从市场上去除了。

take off 不止表达“脱衣服”,还可以这样用

