乾貨:同步輔導人教版九年級英語上冊Unit 1 (一)

Unit 1 How can we become good learners?


(v.) talk about … with sb 和某人商量/談論…

Everyone is talking about him.

He talked about the plan with his boss last week.

(v.) talk to sb 和某人說話/聊

He is talking to his English teacher in the classroom.

(n.) have a talk about sth 談論/聊…

We had a long talk about her father last night.

how to do 結構 在ask, remember, forget, tell, wonder, understand, decide, find out等後常常使用when to do, what to do, why to do, where to do的結構(疑問詞+to do)。這時,此結構相當於簡略的賓語從句,比如:

We don’t know what we should do next?

We don’t know what to do next?


How to finish the painting is the problem now.

When to start has not been decided.

The question was where to go.

The difficulty is how to cross the river.

練習:把下面句子改為疑問詞+to do結構

We haven’t decided when we will build the railway.

The problem is how we should go there.

We don’t know whom we should meet first.

I want to know where I may stop the car.

I don’t remember when I should start.

in this way, in that way, in the same way, in another way等常作方式狀語,介詞in可以省略。

I’ve learned a lot (in) that way. 通過這種方式,我學了很多。

Do it (in) this way. 照這樣做。

by the way 順便問一下

By the way, I'm your number-one fan. 順便說一句,我是你的頭號粉絲。

on the way 在路上

On the way to the office, I met an old friend of mine. 在去辦公室的路上,我碰到了一位老朋友。

in the way 擋路,妨礙

Can I go along with you? I won't get in the way. 我能和你一塊去嗎?我不會礙你事的。

improve v. 改進 提高

improve English 提高英語水平

improve health 增進健康

improve vocabulary 提高詞彙量

improve service 改善服務

improve quality 提高質量

help (sb) (to)do sth

This dictionary will help improve your English. 這詞典將幫助你提高英語水平。

We must help him to find his daughter. 我們必須幫他找到女兒。

help sb with sth 幫助某人某事

He often helps his mother with her housework. 他常幫他母親做家務。

can’t help doing… 忍不住做… 不得不做…

I cannot help thinking so. 我忍不住會這麼想。

Help yourself. 請自便。

Have a cigarette. Help yourself. 抽支菸吧,請拿一支。

help oneself to sth 自用,自取

Help yourselves to the food on the table. 自己夾菜吃。

with one’s help 在某人的幫助之下

With his help, l knew how to learn English. 在他的幫助下,我知道了怎樣去學英語。

with the help of… 藉助於,利用…

With the help of the money, he bought a birthday present for her. 他用這筆錢給她買了一件生日禮物。

sometimes 有時

some times 數次/倍

some time 一些/段時間

sometime 某時


1. I will stay here for ______.

2. He will meet her _______.

3. I have been to Paris ________.

4. He ______ writes to me.

5. ______I go by car.

6. I saw him______ last summer.

7. Can you give me ______?

8. Our school is ______larger than theirs.

1. some time 2. sometime 3. some times 4. sometimes

5. Sometimes 6. sometime 7. some time 8. some times

ask (sb) for 請求、向…要…

ask sb for help 請求某人幫助

ask (sb) to do sth 請某人做某事

Why don’t you ask him for his advice?

She has asked him to come to the party.

You can ask your father for help.

test 測試,測驗

take a test 參加測試

pass a test 通過測試

blood test 血檢

mid-term test 期中測試

aloud adv. 出聲地、大聲地 (後置)

loudly adv. 響亮地 (動詞前後均可)

loud adv. adj. 大聲(地)、高聲(地)

Please read the text aloud. 請朗讀一下課文。

Speak louder, please. 請大聲些。

Facts speak louder than words. 事實勝於雄辯。

She has a loud voice. 她嗓門大。

too…to… 太……而不能 (too後加形容詞或副詞,to後加動詞原形)

so… that.. 如此…以致於…(so後加形容詞或副詞,that後加句子)

…enough to 足夠…而能做…(enough前為形容詞或副詞,to後加動詞原形)


She is too young to go to school.

She is so young that she can’t go to school.

She is not old enough to go to school.

It’s so hot in summer that we can’t sleep well. (too…to)

He is too short to reach the kite. (…enough to)

諺語:One is never too old to learn. 事實勝於雄辯。

have conversation with sb. 同某人談話

discuss… with…和…討論/探討…

share… with… 與...分享...

finish doing sth 做完/完成…

I'm finished this time. 這次我完蛋了。

give/ make a report 做報告

weather report 天氣預報

newspaper report 新聞報道

sound 聽起來

表示感官的半系動詞有:sound聽起來, smell聞起來, taste嚐起來, look 看起來, feel感覺等,這些詞後跟形容詞作表語。否定是和實意動詞一樣,在前加doesn’t, don’t 等。

This doesn’t sound too bad. 聽起來並不是很糟糕。

That sounds difficult! 聽起來很難啊!

This kind of cloth feels very soft. 這種布手感很軟。

This flower smells very sweet. 這朵花聞起來很香。

This fish tastes good. 這魚味道不錯。

at first 起初,最初

first of all 首先

in the first place 第一,首先

序數詞:first second third (1st, 2nd, 3rd)fifth ninth twelfth fifteenth twentieth fortieth fiftieth thirty-first

have to 不得不(迫於無奈) 客觀需要

must 必須(有必要有義務做) 主觀看法

You must go now. 你現在必須走。

You mustn’t do it. 你不準做它。

I had to give up the plan. 我不得不放棄這個計劃。

You don’t have to do it. 你不必做它。

try to do … = try one’s best to do…盡力做某事

try doing… 試著做某事

have a try 試一試

I will try to find him. 我會努力找到他。

Let’s try making some dumplings. 我們試著做些餃子吧。

Let her have a try. 讓她試試吧。

patient adj. 耐心的 n. 病人

be patient with… 對…耐心 (adj.)

have patience with… 對…耐心 (n.)

It takes time. 這需要時間。

take your time 慢慢來,別急

enjoy oneself過得愉快

He enjoyed himself. 他過得愉快。

enjoy doing sth 喜歡做… 樂意做…

She enjoys playing football. 她喜歡踢足球。

the +比較級(常用一般式), the+比較級 (常用將來時):越…, 越…

The more you read, the faster you’ll be.

learn to do sth 學著做…

learn from…從…學習

find it difficult to do…

find out 查明,發現

He found it hard to finish the work in time. 他發現要及時完成這項工作很難。

I must find out what’s going to happen next. 我必須弄清楚接下來會發生什麼。

區別:find found found v. 發現,找到 found founded founded v. 創建,建立

The People’s Republic of China was founded in 1949. 中華人民共和國於1949年成立。

like prep. adj. v.

like to do / like doing 喜歡做…

be like 像…

She likes to work far into the night. 她喜歡工作到深夜。

We don't like discussing them behind their backs. 我們不願意背後議論他們。

I don't like people talking like that. 我討厭聽人這麼談話。

At a distance he looks a bit like James Bond. 從遠處看,他有點像詹姆斯·邦德。

Like father like son. 有其父必有其子。

most of the time 大部分時間

all the time 總是,一直

by the time 到…時候

be afraid to do sth 跟動詞原形

be afraid of sth 跟名詞、代詞和名詞性短語

be afraid that 跟從句

ask questions 問問題(疑問)

solve problems 解決問題

because of 跟名詞、代詞和名詞性短語

because 跟從句(直接跟主句,不用逗號,也不單獨成句)

pronunciation n. pronounce v. 記發音和拼寫

hide hid hidden

hide and seek捉迷藏

There was nowhere to hide. 沒有可躲藏之處。

She tried to hide her feeling from anyone. 她試圖掩飾自己的感情不讓別人發覺。

watch a movie see a film看電影

watch sports programs 觀看體育節目

fall in love with 愛上…

begin to do sth 開始做…

at the beginning 首先,一開始

Well begun, half done. 好的開端是成功的一半。

although 可置於句首

though 可將強調的詞前置

Although it was snowing, it was not very cold.雖然下著雪,但並不很冷。

Poor though he is, he is happy.雖然他窮,但過得很愉快。

Child though she was, the girl did the most housework at home. 儘管還是個孩子,這個小姑娘做了家裡的大部分家務。(注:child前無冠詞a)

character 性格、角色、特點

to have a strong/weak character 個性強 / 不強

a major/minor character in the book 書中的主要 / 次要人物

Chinese character 漢字

The twins look alike but have very different characters. 這對孿生兒長得很像,但性格很不同。

His characters are well drawn. 他作品中人物刻畫得很好。

he whole character of the city has changed since I was last here. 自從我上次到這裡以來,這個城市的特色完全變了。

expressions on their faces 臉上的表情 (expression n. 表情,表達形式,措辭/詞語)

an expression of
amazement/disbelief/horror 驚訝 / 不相信 / 恐怖的神色

facial expressions 面部表情

There was a worried expression on her face. 她臉上流露出擔心的神色。

Art has different forms of expression. 藝術有多種不同的表現形式。

“Shut up!” is not a polite expression. “住嘴!”不是一句禮貌用語。

as well 也(相當於too)

as well as 也 (後加sth, 相當於and)

might as well只好(做);(做…)也無妨;(幾乎)和…一樣

I'll come with you if you like. I might as well. 如果你想的話,我會和你在一起來。我無所謂。

They visited some factories, hospitals as well as the school. 他們參觀了這所學校,還參觀了工廠和醫院。

You might as well tell him right now. 你不妨現在就告訴他。

I realized/ discovered that從句 (表達觀點時,可替換think, believe, agree等)

something, anything, nothing等不定代詞的定語後置

We hope to prevent anything unpleasant from happening. 我們希望防止任何不愉快的事發生。

I have something important to tell you. 我有些重要的事要告訴你。

the secret to… ……的秘訣(引申理解to:成功之路)

所有格用to: the key to the door, the answer to the question, the solution to the problem, the way to the school, the entrance to the park

serve v. 服務,對待,擔任

Let's start the meal. Who is going to serve? 我們開飯吧。誰來上菜呢?

You should serve your country. 你應當為國效勞。

serve as…起…作用

The dictionary may serve as a pillow. 這本詞典可以當枕頭用。

serve for 代替 (相當於stand for, take the place of)

The box will serve for a seat. 這個箱子可以當作一個座位用。

service n. 服務

This computer supplier provides very good after-sales service. 這家電腦供應商提供很好的售後服務。

A man’s life is limited, but service to the people knows no bounds. 一個人的生命是有限的,但為人民服務是無限的。

look…up in a dictionary代詞賓格形式,置於中間

look up 查詢,看望,向上看

Do look me up next time you are in town. 下次進城請一定來看我。

She looked up some friends of bygone years. 她去看望了一些過去的老朋友

look up to尊重

Children should look up to their parents. 孩子應當尊敬父母。

Who would look up to us? 誰會瞧得起我們?

have a better understanding of 對...有更好的理解

We'll have a better understanding of life and have the greater courage to meet any difficulty or obstacle. 我們將更瞭解人生,並且有更大的勇氣來迎接任何困難或障礙。

Tourism provides people with a good opportunity to have a better understanding of the culture, history and customs in foreign countries. 旅遊業給人們提供了一個更好的瞭解國外文化、歷史以及習俗的機會。

practice doing sth

Practice makes perfect. 熟能生巧。

put…into practice

We must put our plans into practice. 我們必須將計劃付諸實行。

take notes 做筆記

keep a diary 寫日記

do exercises 做練習

乾貨:同步輔導人教版九年級英語上冊Unit 1 (一)


