




It’s fun exercise to stretch your mind by looking at things from different points of view-and not just other human points of view.



We share the physical world with our animal friends, but each species perceives only certain aspects of it. We are left to inhabit, in effect, different worlds, or parallel universes. A dog's universe is full of exquisitely diverse, tempting smells; a bat's universe encodes space in patterns of echoing ultrasound; and a spider's web is a gigantic sense organ, much larger than the spider-engineer that made it, whose vibration patterns disclose the positions of trapped prey.


Humans see many things that those creatures don't, but they can sense aspects of reality to which we are numb. We can, however, explore those experiences scientifically and recreate them imaginatively. The mind is the ultimate sense organ, letting us sample reality in every way thinkable.


That means exploring, with special interest, the "uncanny zone" of sensory experiences close enough to our own that we feel we might be able to embrace them intuitively, but different enough to inspire wonder. Consider, for example, the visual world of a mantis shrimp.


Mantis shrimp are very successful crustaceans, widely dispersed in waters around the world. Around 400 species are known, ranging in length from a few inches to a foot or more.


Mantis shrimp are also ferocious little creatures. They make their living spearing, clubbing and eating prey that are often bigger than they are. Although mantis shrimp are common, they are reclusive and feisty, making them difficult to study. Even a small mantis shrimp can and will club its way through the glass walls of a normal aquarium— bad for a scientist's budget and worse for the shrimp.


While much about the mantis shrimp remains mysterious, we do know that they have amazing visual systems.


Human vision is normally trichromatic—which is to say that we have three different kinds of color receptors, each of which samples different parts of the visible spectrum. They are often called the red, green and blue receptors, but their sensitivity is actually spread out and overlapping. As a result, we can match any perceived color by taking appropriate mixtures of just those three. This is the basis of color printing, which usually uses three colored inks (plus black), and of computer displays, which use just three kinds of lighting elements. When your computer offers you "millions of colors," it means that it can provide many alternative mixtures of three intensities, and you can discriminate among millions of distinct regions (i.e., perceived colors) within that three-dimensional space.


Reptiles and insects have four different kinds of color receptors. Several, including pigeons, seem to have five. But mantis shrimp put us all to shame: They have up to 16 color receptors. Their vision's sensitivity also extends into the ultraviolet spectrum and picks up on light's polarization.


So what is it like to be a mantis shrimp? Does the world seem ripe for conquest, full of sparkles and rainbows?


I imagine there's a bit of that. The extravagant color sense of mantis , like the extravagant tails of male peacocks or the extravagant antlers of Irish elk, could well be tied up with sexual display. Many varieties of mantis shrimp look spectacularly colorful even to us humans. It's mind-boggling to imagine what they see in each other.

另外一方面,螳螂蝦的腦實在很小。知覺並不只是獲取信息,更重要的是如何處理信息。人類綜合三個顏色通道傳來的信號,可以清楚地分辨三維顏色空間裡的各種顏色。螳螂蝦能夠感知一個16維的顏色空間,但它們可能不怎麼“綜合”信息。所以,它們的視功能儘管異 於人類、陣容豪華,卻不見得比我們的視覺更豐富。

On the other hand, the mantis shrimp has a very small brain indeed. Perception is a matter of processing information, not just of acquiring it. Humans, by combining messages from their three color channels, home in on points in a three-dimensional color space. Mantis shrimp can sample color space in 16 dimensions, but they probably don't do much combining. So their perception, while spectacular and different, isn't simply richer than ours.


Modern technologies can open up new, device-aided ways of seeing for humans or helper robots. Imaginative mind-stretching prepares us for practical mind-expansion.



