
India-Pak tension: How the air power matches up

印巴緊張局勢: 空軍實力對比


NEW DELHI: India’s airstrike deep inside Pakistan and Pakistani jets’ foray into India has put the focus on the air prowess of the two neighbours following tensions over the Pulwama terror attack.


India has more jet squadrons than Pakistan. IAF’s sanctioned strength is 42 squadrons, but it was down to 33 in 2014. Pakistan Air Force, on the other hand, is tipped to have about 25-30 squadrons.



A military squadron usually comprises 12 to 24 aircraft. Some IAF fighter squadrons have 18 aircraft while others operate with fewer jets. Also, all aircraft are not available round the clock. Only about a third of the jets in a squadron stay under repair or maintenance at any given time with fewer jets.


Here's a map that shows bases of Indian Air Force close to the Pakistan border that house fighter jets and Pakistani air force bases and squadrons posted at each. It includes information only on squadrons and types of jets, and not on helicopters and other aircraft.




譯文來源:三泰虎 譯者:Jessica.Wu

Pallav Sinha - Gurgaon - 7 hours ago -Follow

The Nation is dependent on MIG''s from the ancient times. Proud moment for the dynasty who had ruled the nation for decades.


Ishita S - Pune - 6 hours ago -Follow

Revealing such information is wrong ..


Hindurastra - BHARAT - 6 hours ago -Follow

thnx to Congress for the downgrade of the squarderns.

will never vote for Congress, anti nationalist party



Mohankumar - 6 hours ago -Follow

are you giving information to Pakistan by revealing our strategic assest


Jitendra Arora - 6 hours ago -Follow

You may be one of the leading news network in the country

But who the hell authorized you to reveal such crucial details in public domain?


Kartik - 6 hours ago -Follow

Open a MIG museum in every state


Francis - Dubai - 6 hours ago -Follow

Why this foolish article in news at wartime situation?

現在在打仗呢,為什麼你們會報道這樣的內容? 愚蠢至極。

John Tulip - Pune - 6 hours ago -Follow

Porkisssss know that India will retaliate... Their air space is closed... India must retaliate... World is with us... WE must finish this terroristan


Sudeesh Patteri - 5 hours ago -Follow

We have old fighter jets which is of more than 30 to 40 yrs old.Who is responsible for this its only Con grass


Shashikant - 5 hours ago -Follow

Are you guys out of your head ???? Whoever thought of writing this article needs to be behind bars. You are putting our Air force details on public domain. what kind of journalism is this ? In your eagerness to "report" you are losing out on whatever little sense that was left in you guys.

你們瘋了嗎??寫這篇文章的人應該進監獄,居然把我們空軍的細節公佈於眾。這是什麼新聞? 這麼急著“報道”啊,你們喪失了身上僅存的一點點理智。

Saju Varghese - 6 hours ago -Follow

Mr papu rahul i hope u understand the impotance of air superiority rafaale aircraft is the in time for airforce to give an edge over the pakistani f16 u


Congress GADDARS Desh DALLE - 6 hours ago -Follow

Wish we had Rafale today. It is equivalent to 2 - 3 F-16s.

要是有“陣風”戰機就好了,一架頂2 - 3架F -16。

Sandeep - Pune - 5 hours ago -Follow

What these mothefukers are doing on the name of journalism. yesterday some batard posted the family details of the soldier in captivity and today they are trying to show our capability problems. The world rightly says that Indian media and journalism is nothing more than a bunch of incapable jokers. They always compare our defence, facilities and living standard with other world but never dare to compare the standard of media with nations. Time to introspect you shameless unethical journalists.


Amit Dixit - 5 hours ago -Follow

Leading news paper disclosing our weaknesses... why are you doing this


Mishra OM Prakash - Calcutta, India - 5 hours ago -Follow

Dynastic Rule of the Mixed #GANDI Dynasty has destroyed the strong base on which our country stands !


Gaana User - 5 hours ago -Follow

Today we lost six young IAF pilots in 27 to 31 age bracket... which crashed in kashmir while transporting them to IAF base...

Thanks to the khangress didn''t change or enhance any military equipments...

The curse will soon act...

And you people will be wiped out of the politics soon...

There will be a change ... With social media awareness people knows what and whom they want for India...

Jai Hind.

今天我們失去了6名年輕的印度空軍飛行員,年齡在27到31歲之間。戰機在 墜毀,墜毀時正飛往印度空軍基地。





Rambo - Global - 6 hours ago -Follow

# Divided by religion but united by WAR.

Thats the message we need to send to the world.

Jai Hind




Vishal - Pune - 5 hours ago -Follow

Pakistan doesn't need a spy...INDIAN MEDIA is enough to give them all information...shame on you...


Sanjay Sawant - Mumbai - 5 hours ago -Follow

If we had 36 Rafales operational by now, Pakis wouldn''t have dared to cross our skies at all. Thanks to CORRUPT selfish Gandhis, who always worked to strengthen family instead of nation.


Kero Mal - 5 hours ago -Follow

Government should open Rafale Funds, which will be used only to buy Rafales...


Ankit - 5 hours ago -Follow

What do you think all Pak Airforce planes are modern. They also have very old planes.

難道你以為巴基斯坦空軍開的都是現代化戰機嗎? 他們也有一些老掉牙的戰機。

Subhash - Dubai - 6 hours ago -Follow

why killing or Indian army when there are lots of kashmiris who want to be part of Pakistan... sent them to war instead


Rakesh - Raigarh - 5 hours ago -Follow

what is the need to post these details..is it necessary..pls think before writing...


Saurabh Tiwari - 5 hours ago -Follow

mig21 madein1960 thanks congress


Gireesh Thampy - 5 hours ago -Follow

Guys any country accounts for its strength on the brillinace of its pilots and planning. Its not on squadron strength.

I am sure India has a better track record than Pakistan and we are far superior in any strategic planning.

We have strength speed and power with strategic brilliance to out number any attacking forces


Sun Rise - 6 hours ago -Follow

Now that Pak is at War with India, War Strategy dictates that India should continue to pound weak Pak at the LOC until its begging bowl is empty. Then terrorism will automatically subside.


Abdur Rahman - 4 hours ago -Follow

The way bjp is politicizing, it seems that the crpf jawans killed was the handiwork of RSS and bajrang dal to win the elections

這是 的政治手段,看來被殺的中央後備警察部隊士兵是民族誌工組織和人民黨一手造成的,他們這是為了贏得選舉。

Shubam - Delhi - 4 hours ago

Modi insisted that IAF drop bombs in empty area. Now Pak has shot down one of our aircraft and captured our pilot. This has turned out to be an embarrassment for Modi since he doesn''t know what the end game is he is sitting on his thumbs. He was hoping this would help him for his election, now it is going to bite him in his brutt. I doubt whether Mig21s can hit an F-16. So the propaganda that F-16 was shot down is a false narrative being spread to appease Modi


Anthony Morais - 6 hours ago -Follow

Early indications are that India cannot depend on outdated technology for security. Our politicians should wake up to reality and stop skimping on defence, year after year so that they can win elections. Jet fighters cannot be ordered when war breaks out. Border roads cannot be suddenly built when war breaks out. We only consider these severe limitations after a war has broken out. China plans ahead 100 years.


Anil Menon - 5 hours ago -Follow

WHAT THE HELL ??? How can you put up a map showing our Air base on public platform??????? IRRESPONSIBLE JOURNALISM TO THE CORE

搞什麼鬼??怎麼能把我們空軍基地的部署信息貼在公共平臺上? 這報道太不負責任了

bholagiripara - 5 hours ago -Follow

Our media is the worst in the world.

They are simply idiots.

Who told them to report such things ?



Om Namah Shivayah - Location - 5 hours ago -Follow

It is just shameful that instead of being capable to surpass China, today we are even struggling to give tough time to Pakistan like lowly nation. Fact is that both India and Pak lost 1 fighter plane each, with one of our pilot now under Pakistani captivity.


