














1. 普利類(如卡託普利、依那普利、貝那普利等);


2. 沙坦類(纈沙坦、厄貝沙坦、替米沙坦等);


3. 地平類(硝苯地平控釋片或緩釋片、氨氯地平、左旋氨氯地平等);


4. 利尿劑(氫氯噻嗪、吲達帕胺等);


5. β-受體阻滯劑(美託洛爾、比索洛爾、卡維地洛等)。


1. 合併左心室肥厚:首選地平類、普利類、沙坦類;

2. 合併冠心病:首選地平類、普利類、沙坦類和b-受體阻滯劑;

3. 曾有心肌梗死病史者:首選普利類、沙坦類和b-受體阻滯劑;

4. 合併心衰:首選普利類、沙坦類、利尿劑或b-受體阻滯劑;

5. 合併房顫:首先普利類或沙坦類;

6. 合併腦血管病:首選地平類、普利類、沙坦類或利尿劑;

7. 合併頸動脈內膜增厚或斑塊:首選地平類;

8. 合併蛋白尿或微量白蛋白尿:首選普利列或沙坦類;

9. 老年高血壓患者:首選地平類、普利類、沙坦類或利尿劑;

10. 合併糖尿病:首選普利類或沙坦類;

11. 合併高血脂:首選普利類或沙坦類。




How to choose hypertension drugs?

Dear friends, nice to meet you!Now it is time for “health talk for three minutes every day”,My name is Bai Chuanwei, a doctor of Anyang Daojian Hospital.Today, we’ll talk about how hypertension patients choose antihypertensive drugs.

There are many kinds of antihypertensive drugs,which also bring a lot of confusion to patients. Many people choose their own antihypertensive drugs by referring to the antihypertensive drugs taken by their friends, or follow the recommendation of non professionals. The correct way is to follow the doctor's guidance, rather than taking the medicine at will. So how to choose antihypertensive drugs? I'll talk with you today.

There are five commonly used antihypertensive drugs,they are pril (such as captopril, enalapril, benazepril, etc.),sartans (valsartan, irbesartan, telmisartan, etc.), dipine (nifedipine controlled-release tablets or sustained-release tablets, amlodipine, Levamlodipine), diuretics (hydrochlorothiazide, indapamide, etc.),β-blockers (metoprolol, bisoprolol, carvedilol, etc.).

Due to the different action characteristics of different drugs,it is necessary to consider many factors for which antihypertensive drugs should be used in patients with hypertension.Generally speaking, all kinds of drugs can be used if the patients only have hypertension and have no complications (such as heart, brain, kidney lesions) or other diseases (such as diabetes).If patients have other diseases at the same time, antihypertensive drugs can be selected according to the following principles.

1. With left ventricular hypertrophy, the first choice is dipyridamole, pril or sartan.

2. In patients with coronary heart disease, the first choice is dipyridamole, pril, Sartan or β-receptor blockers.

3. Pril, Sartan or β-blockers are the first choice for patients with a history of myocardial infarction.

4. In patients with heart failure, pril, sartan, diuretics or b-blockers are the first choice.

5. For patients with atrial fibrillation, pril or sartan should be the first choice.

6. For patients with cerebrovascular disease, the first choice is dipyridamole, pril, sartan or diuretics.

7. When there are carotid intimal thickening or plaques, the first choice is horizon.

8.If the patient is complicated with proteinuria or microalbuminuria, the first choice is puliler or sartanUrinary.

9. In elderly patients with hypertension, the first choice is dipine, pril, sartan or diuretics.

10. For patients with diabetes mellitus, pril or sartan is the first choice.

11. In patients with hyperlipidemia, pril or sartan is the first choice.

Most patients with hypertension need to use two or more antihypertensive drugs in combination to make blood pressure reach the standard, which combination mode should be determined according to the specific situation of patients.The best combination regimens are the combination of dipine and sartan, the combination of dipine and pril,the combination of sartans and diuretics, the combination of pril and diuretics, etc.If the blood pressure can not be controlled satisfactorily after the combination of the two drugs,the combination of dipyridamole, pril (or sartan) and diuretics should be considered first. In general, do not use the combination of pril and sartan.If there is no heart failure, do not use a combination of pril andβ-blockers,and do not combine sartans withβ-blockers.

That's all for today's sharing. To learn more about science knowledge, please pay attention to us. See you next time.

