
All customers travelling on TransLink services must be in possession of a valid ticket before boarding. For ticket information,please ask at your local station or call 13 12 30.

While Queensland Rail makes every effort to ensure trains run as scheduled,there can be no guarantee of connections between trains or between train services and bus services.

21. What would you do get ticker information?

A. Call 13 16 17. B. Visit translink .com.au.

C. Ask at the local station. D. Check the train schedule.





1. All customers [travelling on TransLink services] must be in possession of a valid ticket .

All customers must be in possession of a valid ticket是主謂結構。be in possession of 是系表結構語塊,表示持有、擁有的意思。a valid ticke是有效車票。

主語All customers用現在分詞短語[travelling on TransLink services] 做定語修飾,謂語部分must be in possession of a valid ticket帶有一個時間狀語 。

2. ,please ask at your local station | or call 13 12 30.

這個祈使句前面有個目的狀語:要獲得購票信息。祈使句本身是個並列謂語ask at your local station | or call 13 12 30以供選擇:詢問當地車站,或撥打13 12 30。

3. >>,there can be no guarantee of connections [between trains] | or [between train services and bus services].

>>是個時間狀語從句,主要內容是:Queensland Rail作出最大努力。


there can be no guarantee of connections是主句為there be句型的主謂結構,connections後面有兩個並列定語,意思是:不能確保[列車與列車、列車與巴士之間的]連接。



21. 題幹What would you do get ticker information?中,get ticker information是信息關鍵詞,與此對應的信息是For ticket information。由For ticket information就可以找到後文ask at your local station | or call 13 12 30.兩種選擇。

在選項中,A. Call 13 16 17.和B. Visit translink .com.au.是下文中出現的信息,屬於“張冠李戴”干擾手法。避免這種干擾的經驗是:通常設問信息和選項信息不會出現在不同段落。也會有粗心的考生混淆call 13 12 30和Call 13 16 17的區別而誤選A。

D. Check the train schedule.屬於“偷樑換柱”,把as scheduled換成Check the train schedule.讓粗心的考生上當。通過分析選C. Ask at the local station.為答案。


