pull yourself together “把你自己推到一起”到底在表達什麼?

pull yourself together:

vi. 振奮起來,恢復鎮定;控制自己;打起精神來

"Well, I'm sure you'll pull yourself together like I did." (我相信你一定會像我一樣很快振作起來)----美劇《破產姐妹》

"So you better pull yourself together and get in there." (你最好振作些,趕緊過去)----美劇《美國恐怖故事》

"I need you to calm down and pull yourself together." (你要冷靜下來,振作精神)----《颶風營救》

in ...... condition: adv. 健康狀況好(或不好),身體條件適合(或不適合)

debut: The debut of a performer or sports player is their first public performance, appearance, or recording. 首次登臺;debut a song 就是首次登臺唱歌

"We have our debut battle with Titan tomorrow morning." (明天是咱們和泰坦的首次大戰)----《超級大壞蛋》

hold on to: to keep something rather than losing it, selling it, or giving it to someone else 守住,保住

"You hold on to that foolishly hopeful smile." (請留住你臉上那充滿希望的傻笑)----美劇《破產姐妹》

"My love, please hold on to hope, to our future. We will make it." (親愛的,堅持住

堅持我們的未來,我們一定能成功活下去)----TED 演講

That's all for today

May 9, 2018. XOXO