「有聲繪本」雪花膏的冒險之旅Vanishing Cream

1. The children were at school. They made a little theatre. They made it out of a box.


2. The children put on a play. The play was about a wizard.


3. He was called Wizard Blot. Wizard Blot made mistakes.


4.Wizard Blot made a spell. The spell went wrong.

"Oh dear! Oh dear!" said Wizard Blot.

巫師布羅特施了一個咒語。但咒語出錯了。“哦,親愛的,哦,親愛的!” 巫師布羅特說。

5.Everyone laughed. Everyone liked the play. Mrs May liked Wizard Blot.


6.Biff was in her room. The key began to glow.

"Chip! Chip!" called Biff.


“奇普!奇普!” 比夫喊道。

7.Chip ran into Biff's bedroom. The magic took them inside the little house.


8.The magic took them to Wizard Blot's house. The Wizard wanted some help.


9."Come in!" said the Wizard. “I wanted one helper, but two will do.”

“進來!” 巫師說。“我想要一個幫手,但你們兩個都會幫我的忙。”

10."Come in!" said the Wizard. "You can wash up, then you can tidy up."

“進來!” 巫師說。“你們先清洗乾淨,然後再收拾起來。”

11.Biff and Chip looked at the mess. “Don’t be lazy,” said the Wizard, “or I’ll turn you into frogs.”


12.Biff and Chip did the washing up. "I don't like this," said Chip, "but I don't want to be a frog."


13."I don't like ironing," said Biff, 'but we don't want to be frogs."


14.Oh no! Biff dropped a bottle. It was vanishing cream.

哦不好了! 比夫弄掉了一個瓶子。裡面是速解面霜。

15."Help!" said Biff. “This is vanishing cream."

“幫幫我!” 比夫說。 “這是速解面霜。”

16.Chip looked at his hands. "Oh no," he said. "Bits of us are vanishing.”

奇普看著他的手。 “哦,不,”他說。“我們部分身體正在消失。”

17.He rubbed his face.

"Oh no!" said Biff. "Your face is vanishing.

他擦了擦臉。“哦,不好了!” 比夫說。“你的臉正在消失。”

18.A man came to the house. He climbed through the window.


19.The man didn't see Biff and Chip. He took all the Wizard's computer disks.


20."Help! Help!" said the man. "I'm being attacked by the washing.

“救命啊!救命啊!” 男人說。“我遭到了洗滌劑的攻擊。”

21.Wizard Blot came back. Biff told him about the vanishing cream.


22.Chip gave Wizard Blot the computer disks. The Wizard was pleased.


23.It was time to go home.

"Thank you," said Wizard Blot. "Do come again."


24.Biff had a little bottle. "Don't drop it," said Chip. "It's vanishing cream."
