除了stubborn, 如何生動說「他很頑固」?

我們一起繼續《The Blacklist》學習之旅 ~

1. He's a stone.

他頑固得像塊石頭一樣,means he is stubborn. 再看一個例子,

You are such a stone and never tell anything of your family.

此外,關於stone還可以表達“鐵石心腸” heart of stone

2. disappear from the face of the earth

完全徹底地(消滅),人間蒸發 means disappear/vanish completely

from the face of the earth 字面譯作“從地球上,從大地上”,通常跟動詞disappear/vanish搭配,如

Isolation and hunger were driving the horses to disappear from the face of the earth.


3. build an enterprise

“開公司,辦企業” 又一表達,means open a company, start up a business.

company,firm和 enterprise 有什麼區別?

company 通常指“所有帶有商業性質,註冊了的公司”,也是法律條款裡所說的“公司”

registered companies 註冊公司

company director 公司董事

We set up a company to provide English training courses.


firm 所指的“公司”可以是小公司也可以是大公司,即“由兩個以上的合夥人組成的商業機構”,通常包含“事務所”的概念,是一個比較正式的詞語。

law firm 律師事務所

accountancy firm 會計師事務所

同時 firm 公司還有一個特點是以提供服務型業務為主,比如:“consultancy services 諮詢業務”,或者“legal services 法律業務”等。

enterprise 通常指“剛起步的中小型企業”, 和 company 相比的最大區別是,enterprise 不一定是一個正式註冊的公司,有時是為幫助社區發展而成立的小型企業,如

community enterprises 社區企業

We have been running a community enterprise to raise funds for the local library.


Many enterprises in the area are relying on support from local government.


enterprise 還特指 “一項艱鉅或有風險的項目”

China and the UK are investing in several joint energy enterprises.


4. our interests are aligned.

我們的利益是一致的,言下之意就是說“我們是同盟,聯盟”。反義詞 是“non-aligned” 不結盟

aligned動詞原形為align, 指“使結盟;使一致”

align (sb) wih sb 與...結盟,合作

Our company should align ourselves with theirs.


5.my pants are on backwards


pants在American English是男、女外褲。

pants在British English是男用內褲和女用外褲。


be on backwards (穿,戴) 反了

You've put your hat on backwards.


Your skirt is on backwards.
