英語每日背10句:He's a funny guy

1、I have to work overtime tomorrow.(明天我要加班。)

2、I received the gift you sent me today.(我今天收到你寄給我的禮物了。)

3、Grandmother is a very charitable old woman.(祖母是個慈善的老人。)

4、To help others is to help yourself.(幫助別人也是幫助自己。)

5、Do you have any good film recommendations?(你有什麼優秀的影片推薦嗎?)

6、Drinking warm water regularly is good for your health。(常喝溫水對身體好。)

7、I can leave work early today.(今天我可以早點下班。)

8、WeChat payment voucher.(微信支付憑證。)

9、I want to travel next month.(我想下個月去旅行。)

10、He's a funny guy.(他是一個很幽默的人。)