
Lebron James was so hated back in 2012 that even a captured Al-Qaeda member wrote letters expressing his disgust at his decision to go to Miami



Muhammad Rahim who was Bin Laden translator and captured at Guantanamo said to his Akron-born lawyer that "LeBron James is a very bad man and should apologize to the city of Cleveland".

Muhammad Rahim曾是本-拉登的翻譯,後被關押在關塔那摩監獄。而他曾對自己出生在阿克倫的律師說:“詹姆斯這人太壞了,他該向克利夫蘭這座城市道歉。”

文章鏈接: https://www.cbssports.com/nba/news/osama-bin-ladens-translator-wanted-lebron-james-to-apologize-to-cleveland/

[–]WizardsJesusWasABoneThug 1534 指標 14小時前

This is honestly a 10/10 post


[–]Sunsximca 1500 指標 13小時前

Nah it's a 9/11 post


[–]WizardsJesusWasABoneThug 643 指標 12小時前

The lob



[–]KingsYSLug 1389 指標 15小時前

am I on The Onion??


[–]Celticsjaeraket 325 指標 13小時前



[–]Agent641 114 指標 9小時前

One day The Onion is going to stop writing satire and instead write real news and nobodys going to notice the difference.


[–][TOR] Jonas ValanciunasDragonsandman 80 指標 9小時前

I thought we reached that point about two years ago.


[–]Calvin--Hobbes 99 指標 8小時前

"President Donald Trump defends Supreme Court nominee against multiple sexual assault allegations; while Bill Cosby gets hot dog bun thrown at him in prison"



[–]Hornetsmajavic 3384 指標 13小時前

Rahim was quoted as saying, "Sure we flew some planes into buildings, but what LeBron did was unforgivable. Even Bin Laden wouldn't have done that to the city of Cleveland."


[–]radioraheem8 1081 指標 12小時前

Bin Laden would have chosen to live out the remainder of his life in a cave rather than spend a day in the city of Cleveland.


[–]Cavaliersim_spezcial 360 指標 12小時前

He was just jealous of our fire river



[–]Pacersnormcore_ 216 指標 12小時前

If they’d crashed two jets into Cleveland it would have taken the government weeks to even find the wreckage.

“We’ve got it narrowed down to a 4 block radius”



[–]-Valar-Morghulis- 171 指標 11小時前*

Overheard in Iraq after 9/11: “He got me,” Hussein said of Osama's terrorist act. "That f***ing bin Laden boomed America." Saddam added, “He’s so bad,” repeating it four times. Saddam then said he wanted to add bin laden to the list of terrorists he has sex


[–]DonsAVeryBrightMan 562 指標 16小時前

Boomed his ass


[–]klawhileonard 288 指標 15小時前

He’s so terrorizing


[–]Spurscamfa 142 指標 15小時前



[–]BullsTundraaa 163 指標 13小時前



[–]jaredpls 93 指標 14小時前

He then said he wanted to add Rahim to the list of terrorists he blocks from flying this summer.


[–]PelicansChrisTheMiss 985 指標 15小時前

this is the funniest fucking thing i’ve read all month. wonder if ISIS ever sent KD letters


[–]CelticsMaxidaz 419 指標 14小時前

“We will behead a Canadian Journalist if you resign with the Warriors this offseason”


[–]PelicansGot_Twist 44 指標 13小時前

you know. what would happen if that actually became a real life scenario?


[–][LAC] Austin Riversazharsafa123 1944 指標 16小時前

wow... TIL


[–]CelticsBrassTaxWax 1529 指標 13小時前

Now I’m imagining Al-Qaeda having in-depth basketball discussions with advanced stats and game tape.


[–]SpursSmokeyBare 433 指標 13小時前

With the Globetrotters theme song playing in the background


[–]PistonsSheedWallace 250 指標 11小時前

Haha people think these dudes just sat in caves and beat off to murder porn, but there are some books that go into depth about what they were up to day to day and they were a bunch of nerds basically. Al Qaeda had assigned volleyball teams because Usama and one of his deputies were both so tall the other dudes thought it was unfair so they could never play on the same side. And they played playstation and watched Friends and shit haha.


Basically I could totally see a couple of them getting into heated talks about whether or not Carmelo is overrated and if KD is a traitor for dippin' on OKC for the Warriors.


[–]l33tb3rt 151 指標 11小時前

Oh totally. We tell these stories because we don't want to humanize them, and we also want to pretend like planning a terrorist attack takes a long time. They are people too, who also have 24 hours in a day to fill, and planning a terrorist attack doesn't consume all that much time. But they are people too. I mean, heck, in WWI both sides stopped mustard gassing themselves long enough to play soccer on xmas.


But thinking about them watching Friends makes me chuckle. Now I wish UBL would have put out a video issuing a fatwah against Ross for his indecision, and ultimately manipulating, Rachel.


[–]Heatyurtyybomb 115 指標 11小時前

planning a terrorist attack doesn't consume all that much time

FBI, u seein this?



[–][OKC] Steven AdamsFeskir 91 指標 12小時前

giving a whole new meaning to "Player X explodes for 26 points!!"


[–]Spurs4675029 69 指標 11小時前

Osama would have been a beast on the bball court. Dude was like 6'6.


[–]Grizzliesthelasthendrix 231 指標 11小時前

Especially effective against the '86 Rockets and the '99 Spurs.


[–][SAS] Tim Duncanyoure_being_creepy 39 指標 11小時前

I don't get it?


[–]76ersNoellesGirl 166 指標 11小時前

Twin towers


[–]Clippersduplicatesnowflake 180 指標 16小時前

Guy is plotting his way out as we speak to get at KD.


[–]Knickshwarang_ 80 指標 15小時前

كتابي القادم الفصل

[–]Rocketsaboooz 34 指標 10小時前

Lool I get what you are trying to say (I'm Arab). But it's a bit off. What you said is "my next book the chapter". The fully correct translation is فصلي القادم.

哈哈哈哈哈我知道你想說啥(我是阿拉伯人)。但有一點差錯。你說的是“我下一本書一章”(杜蘭特加盟勇士the next chapter的梗,樓上的網友應當是谷歌翻譯)。完全正確的翻譯版本應該是:فصلي القادم(我的下一章).

[–]WarriorsTheDiddleMan 150 指標 14小時前

American news conditioned me to get scared everytime I see this written language.


[–]samuraipolice 198 指標 14小時前

I think of insta thots comments whenever I see it


[–]RaptorsFudgicles1 116 指標 14小時前

A man of culture I see.


[–]Raptorspleasefeedthedino 545 指標 15小時前

Makes sense, terrorists are always thinking about goats


[譯註2]美國一直有笑話說中東人(尤其是阿拉伯地區)會幹羊(就是那個【幹】羊,沒錯),而同時,goat也是greatest of all time的縮寫,即歷史最佳。這裡的網友玩了雙關。

[–]klawhileonard 337 指標 15小時前

Lebron James is beside himself. Driving thru downtown Pakistan desert begging (thru invasions) Al Qaeda for address to translators apology



[–][BOS] Luigi Datometonyhawk8 223 指標 14小時前

LeBron to Al Qaeda would have been a riskier move


[–][MIA] Goran DragicJimboJoJo 126 指標 13小時前

IDK I would bet with Al Qaeda's help he would become even more explosive.


[–]LakersTuneHD 66 指標 12小時前

I mean if you really think about it, it makes sense. You have to have an insane amount of loyalty to be a terrorist usually, so it makes sense they'd view people who break that loyalty as awful.
