

1. Let's get into it. / Let's start. / let's get started. 让我们开始吧

2. A bunch of questions 一些问题。 Many = a bunch of

3. has a fetish for … 对……迷恋,喜欢

4. That being said, … 话虽这么说,但……

5. That's fucking hilarious. 这真(他妈的)搞笑

6. Would you date someone who is … 你愿意和……的人约会吗?

7. What bothers me is that … 令我苦恼的是……

8. It's 90(可替换)percent of time … 绝大多数时候……

9. I am so tone-deaf. It's not even funny. My voice cracks sometimes.


I get embarrassed for a second and I'm like, I wonder if someone has been sitting in my car and …

10. Don't ask me any perverse questions. 别问我故意刁难的问题。

11. Sugarcoat v.把……说得很好。 例:Don't sugarcoat the bad news.

12. Happy Wednesday, guys! 大家周三快乐

13. …… scared the living shit out of me. ……刚刚把我吓到了。

14. It is …… that I love with. 我爱上了某物/人。、

15. Anyway, that's it. 不论如何就这样吧。

16. Roughly in an hour. 大概1小时左右。

17. Hopefully, I can pass all the exams. 希望我通过所以考试。

18. School stuff学校事务 stuff= matter=thing … And stuff like that. 等等

19. Oh, look at that! (引起注意) Look at this monstrosity. 看那个庞然大物。

20. It's just not my thing. 这不是我的菜。

21. Can you curl your tongue? 你能卷舌吗? Curl 卷曲

22. We are talking musicwise. 我们从音乐的角度谈论。 -wise以……方式,顺……方向

23. That's shaky. 那靠不住。

24. Who was your high school crush? 谁是你高中迷恋的对象

25. Check me out on … 关注/了解……

26. Thumbs up for this video. 请为这个视频点赞。

Bring down the house. 喝彩。为……鼓掌。

27. At the top of the hour. 整点的时候。

28. At the bottom of the hour. 30分钟的时候。

…,but at the end of the day, …

29. It lights everything up. 这个让所有东西变得更好。

30. Sugar-free 无糖的 Water-proof防水的

以上就是今天的干货了,小伙伴们抓紧收藏呀,记住要多记忆才能脱口而出,流畅自如呀。基础打捞后后面的路就顺畅多了,希望大家持之以恒,小编也好抓紧时间更新呀,尽量不影响大家的学习。和小编一起跟哑巴英语Say goodbye。