把 go to the wall 理解成“撞墙”,美国女孩感觉很奇怪,真尴尬

朋友Alice在美国读书,有一天她的美国好友Kitty向她倾诉,说她爸爸做事情不顺利,他要go to the wall。Alice一听,想着是不是在说他爸爸要撞墙?于是她对Kitty说,你应该阻止他,最好可以report the police,不能让他做傻事。Kitty满脸疑惑地望着Alice说,what do you mean ? He will try his best to overtime these difficulties。意思是,他会努力克服困难,不用担心。后来Alice说,你不是说你爸爸要hit the wall 吗?Kitty笑了起来,说 hit the wall 和go to the wall的意思完全不一样。

原来go to the wall是一个英语习惯用语,意思是“生意失败,走投无路,陷于绝境”。并不是说要“走到墙上”,或者“撞墙”。Alice因为没有理解英语习惯用语造成了尴尬,让她满脸通红。我们通过例句来学习go to the wall的用法:

Unquestionably, we're going to see more airlines go to the wall.


He has run out of all the money,he is going to the wall.


英语含有wall 的习惯表达还是很多的,我们学几个:

Wall has ears 隔墙有耳

We shall keep it as a secret,because wall has ears.


Off the wall 奇妙的,有点出格的

Some of his ideas are really off the wall.


A fly on the wall 不为人察觉的观察者

I wish I could be a fly on the wall when they discuss my future.


The writing on the wall 不祥之兆

It is amazing that no one of them saw the writing on the wall.

