【China Insight】他們如何解讀中國奇蹟,又對中國未來有何期許?


Forty years ago, China sounded the trumpet of reform and opening-up. Since then, there have been several earth-shaking changes in China's national image and its peoples' lives. Any Chinese citizen who has experienced the events over the past forty years is a witness to China's development.


China Focus採訪了十五位來自政界、商界、學界、新聞界的國際知名人士,瞭解他們眼中的中國發展。看完這個視頻你會發現,不止是中國老百姓感受到生活變遷,這些外國領導人、知名學者也見證了中國的鉅變,他們無一不歎服中國在這短短几十年光陰裡創造的一系列奇蹟,並對中國的未來發展抱有樂觀預期。

2019 marks the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China and is a year of crucial importance in building a moderately prosperous society. In this series of interviews, China Focus interviewed 15 world-renowned leaders from politics, academia, media and technology to celebrate this miraculous occasion. The series shows that not only ordinary Chinese civilians but many foreign leaders and well-known scholars have also felt China's transformation immensely. They too admit that in just 40 years, China has created several astonishing miracles, and are optimistic about China's future development.


China's Miracles

巴基斯坦前總理 肖卡特·阿齊茲

Shaukat Aziz, former Prime Minister of Pakistan


Former Pakistani Prime Minister Shaukat Aziz can still remember Beijing as it was in the 1970s and 1980s. "In those days, there were hardly any vehicles on the roads. There were a few buses and taxis, which were mostly used by foreigners. When foreigners came to China, they had to exchange U.S. dollars for foreign exchange vouchers, which they could use in China to buy things in the friendship stores. In the 1980s, friendship stores were not easily accessible to people. The only currency that was in circulation was foreign exchange vouchers", Aziz recalled.

蒙古國前總統 彭薩勒瑪 · 奧其爾巴特

Punsalmaagiin Ochirbat, former President of Mongolia


In the 1980s, Punsalmaagiin Ochirbat, who later became the first President of Mongolia in 1990, was in Beijing for a short trip on his way to Hong Kong and Thailand. He reminisced to China Focus, "(at) that time everything about Beijing, the life, the streets, the bicycles, the vehicles, etc. seemed very poor and underprivileged." When he returned in 2018, the former Mongolian President discovered that Beijing had changed completely. "I can only tell where the Mongolian Embassy is. Everything else is unrecognizable. That's how much China has reformed and developed."

哈佛大學肯尼迪政府學院前院長、教授 格雷厄姆 · 艾利森

Graham Allison, political scientist and professor at John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard

美國著名國際問題專家格雷厄姆・艾利森告訴China Focus:“任何關注(中國)過去40年變遷的人,都會感到震驚,這是一系列的奇蹟。”

Graham Allison, a well-known American expert on international issues, beamed to China Focus that "I think anybody who has been following what has happened over the last 40 years has to be astounded. It's been a whole series of miracles."

韓國總統外交統一安全特別助理 文正仁

Moon Chung-in, special adviser to the President of the Republic of Korea

“從1978年到2018年,中國的人均收入增長了155倍以上。1978年的中國幾乎沒有專利,而截止到2018年底,中國國內(不含港澳臺)的發明專利擁有量已經超過160萬件。我沒有見過其他任何一個國家能在這麼短的時間裡實現如此大的飛躍。” 韓國總統外交統一安全特別助理文正仁說:“1978年的中國一年僅僅生產了10萬輛汽車,而現在每年的汽車產量達到了2900萬輛。如今的中國是世界上最大的貿易國,並且是世界上外匯儲備最多的國家,所有這一切都表明中國的變化是驚人的。”

Moon Chung-in, special adviser to the President of the Republic of Korea, said, "From 1978, per capita income in Beijing has risen more than 155 times. No country has recorded that kind of change in such a short period of time. I also think about how China virtually had no patents in 1978, but by the end of 2018, the country has possessed more than 1.6 million patents. I also think back to 1978, when you (China) barely had 100,000 automobiles produced in China, and now China produces 29 million automobiles a year. In China, the changes have been tremendous. China is the No.1 trading country in the world and the country with the world’s largest foreign reserves. All those indicate that the transformation has been phenomenal."

貝格魯恩研究會高級顧問 內森 · 嘉德爾斯

Nathan Gardels, senior adviser to the Berggruen Institute


"According to the World Bank, less than one percent of China's population is in absolute poverty. In only forty years, that's an amazing accomplishment," exclaimed Nathan Gardels, a senior consultant at the Berggruen Institute in the United States.


Next Phase of China's Development


China's development has not only created changes in its appearance but also brought opportunities and impetus to global economic growth.

英國上院資深議員 戴維森勳爵

Lord Davidson, member of the UK House of Lords


Lord Davidson, a member of the UK House of Lords, said, "The global economy has changed everything, and the growth people see in the EU and the UK is partly a result from China's development. China has become an engine of global growth through this policy, and that will continue."


He believes that there is much room for future cooperation between China and the United Kingdom (UK), and that China and the UK can complement each other through cooperation in technical areas such as artificial intelligence and big data.

匈牙利前總理 鮑伊瑙伊 · 戈爾東

Gordon Bajnai, former Prime Minister of Hungary


Former Hungarian Prime Minister Gordon Bajnai argues that China has developed dramatically over the past 40 years to become the world's second largest economy, and that its progress has not stopped. "China is ready for the next round of reforms."

丹麥前首相 赫勒 · 託寧-施密特

Helle Thorning-Schmidt, former Danish Prime Minister


Former Danish Prime Minister Helle Thorning-Schmidt looks forward to further opening up of Chinese markets. "I hope China will fully open its market and accept further overseas investment," she said. "I hope that China will open up completely to foreign investment. I'm also hoping that China gets more involved in the global financial market, as all this is very important."

春華資本集團主席 胡祖六

Hu Zuliu, Chairman of Primavera Capital Group


Hu Zuliu, founder of Primavera Capital Group, stated that "we (China) are still just a middle-income country and our citizens have not reached the same living standards as that of North America, Japan and Western Europe. So, we need to work harder. But the Chinese people are very entrepreneurial and hardworking. We need reforms to get rid of the old central planning legacy, to unleash Chinese economic potential by embracing entrepreneurship and innovation."

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