


1 I did enjoy the training on a very small island, for it __ me plenty of time for reflection.

A. accelerated B. afforded C. affected D. allocated

2. The plan was so shallow and impractical that no serious _____ was ever made to realize it.

A. recognition B. comment C. attempt D. credit

3. Nowadays, basic health care services are ____ to almost all the Chinese people. This accounts for the fact that the average life expectancy of the Chinese has already risen to 75.

A. alternative B. abundant C. accessible D. creative

4. I always ____ the smell of those flowers with my childhood, which I treasure most.

A. associate B. equip C. mix D. charge

5. In all regions, women live longer than men. However, social, cultural and economic factors can ____the natural advantage of women compared to men.

A. challenge B. guarantee C. confirm D. affect

6. You'd better buy the tickets ____ in case no tickets are available when you arrive.

A. at ease B. in detail C. at length D. in advance

7. The article discusses the ____ of this theory to actual economic practice.

A. application B. attraction C. association D. assumption

8. It took him a long time to ____ skills he needed to become a professional artist.

A. acquire B. inquire C. require D. request

9. ___ the cold, thin air and low oxygen levels also can cause mountain sickness.

A. On behalf of B. Apart from C. In terms of D. Except for

10. The system can actually warn us ____ when our behavior might lead to a negative outcome, so that we can avoid making a mistake.

A. in advance B. in brief C. in charge D. in vain

11. The engine of the ship was out of order and the coming typhoon _____ the helplessness of the crew at sea.

A. added to B. resulted from C. turned out D. made up

12. The boy promised to his teacher, "As to the lessons to be missed during my ____, I'll try to make them up as soon as I get back from leave."

A. study B. absence C. attendance D. appearance

13. Don't be afraid of difficulties. They can help you ____ experience, and experience can, in return, broaden your horizons.

A. accompany B. accumulate C. abandon D. acknowledge

14. Much to our surprise, the witness's ___ of the traffic accident differed from the official version in several aspects.

A. account B. opinion C. instruction D. explanation

15. ---Look at the skydivers! How wonderful! ---Yes, ____ they were flying in the sky.

A. as if B. even if C. what if D. only if

1-5 BCCAD 6-10 DAABA 11-15 ABBAA

16. Ever since their quarrel, there has been an unpleasant ________ in the office.

A. circumstance B. surroundingsC. condition D. atmosphere

17. He doesn't seem to be aware of the coldness of their ______ towards his suggestion.

A. altitude B. identityC. attitude D. expression

18. To our _____, people in Town Lu found it entertaining to hear Sister Xianglin's heart-broken story of the death of Amao.

A. attraction B. impression C. astonishment D. interest

19. At the school opening ceremony, our headmaster required us students to raise our competitive _______ in modern society.

A. spirit B. intention C. awareness D. ambition

20. --What did he do in return for free ____ and food offered by the kind couple?

--He helped their son with his lessons.

A. conservation B. admission C. accommodation D. immigration

21. It is ____ his tremendous enthusiasm and devotion that the old teacher is respected by all his students.

A. on account of B. with regard to C. in terms of D. in reference to

22. --What are these housewives talking about?

--They are discussing whether men are actually _____ to housework or just too lazy.

A. relevant B. allergic C. native D. accessible

23【2013安徽】30. David is animal fur, so he won't visit anyone who has cats or dogs in the house.

A. curious about B. allergic to C. satisfied with D. fond of

24【2013北京】 I have an appointment Dr. Smith, but I need to change it.

A. to B. offC. withD. from

25【2013新课标I卷】34.It was a real race time to get the project done. Luckily, we made it.

A. overB. byC. for D. against

26【2013福建】Those poor and needy teenagers were excited to find a shop at the corner where they could buy _______ priced bike.

A. competitively B. recently C. reasonably D. affordably

27.Once we lose the farm, the _________ of poverty will be sure.

A. statement B. admission C. approach D. occupation

28【2013江西】What a terrible experience ! ________, you're safe now ------ that's the main thing.

A. AnywayB. BesidesC. OtherwiseD. Therefore

29 【2013湖北】 People complain that decisions to approve or deny a permit are often ______ rather than based on fixed criteria.

A. appropriate B. conscious C. arbitrary D. controversial

30【2012辽宁卷】Rod loves clocks. However, he never manages to put them together again.

A. taking apart B. giving away C. making up D. turning off

16-20 DCCCC 21-25 ABBCD 26-30 DCACA

31 【2011天津卷】I a bank account after I made﹩1,000 by doing a part-time job during the summer vacation.

A. borrowed B. opened C. entered D. ordered

32 【2011湖北卷,28】Clinical evidence began to__________, suggesting that the new drugs had a wider range of useful activities than had been predicted from experiments in animals.A. operate B. strengthen C. approve D. accumulate

33 〖10安徽〗----How did you like Nick's performance last night?

----To be honest, his singing didn't _______to me much

A. appeal B . belong C refer D. occur

34 〖10江西〗Parents _____ much importance to education. They will do their best to give their children that priceless gift.

A attach B pay C link D apply

35 〖10江苏〗Thousands of foreigners were______ to the Shanghai World Expo the day it opened.

A. attended B. attained C. attracted D. attached

36 〖10陕西〗You look well. The air and the sea foods in Sanya must _____ you, I suppose.

A. agree with B. agree to C. agree on D. agree about

37 〖09浙江〗The good thing about children is that they _______ very easily to new environments.

A. adapt B. appealC. attachD. apply

38 〖09全国2〗If you leave the club, you will not be back in .

A. received B. admitted C. turned D. moved

39 〖10江西〗Last year the number of students who graduated with a driving license reached 200,000, a (n) ______ of 40,000 per year.

A average B number C amount D quantity

40 〖〗After the earthquake, the first thing the local government did was to provide for the homeless families.

A. accommodation B. occupation C. equipment D. furniture.

41 〖09浙江〗The system has been designed to give students quick and easy ______ to the digital resources of the library.

A. accessB. passageC. wayD. approach

42 〖08湖北〗The top leaders of the two countries are holding talks in a friendly______

A. atmosphere B. state C. situation D. phenomenon

43 [2012福建] –Can you lend me the book Gone with the wind?

--Sorry. I returned it to the library just now. Maybe it is still ____.

A. available B. affordable C. acceptable D. valuable

44 〖10浙江〗I have been convinced that the print media are usually more and more reliable than television.

A. accurate B. ridiculous C. urgentD. shallow

45 〖09安徽〗Do you think it's a good idea to make friends with your students?

-- , I do. I think it's a great idea.

A. Really B. Obviously C. Actually D. Generally

31-35 BDAAC 36-40 AABAA 41-45 AAAAC

46 〖09湖北〗As there is less and less coal and oil, scientists are exploring new ways of making use of ______ energy, such as sunlight, wind and water for power and fuel.

A. primary B. alternative C. instant D. unique

47 〖09湖北〗The questionnaire takes ______ ten to fifteen minutes to complete and can be used along with the assessment interview.

A. mainly B. punctually C. approximately D. precisely

48 〖09江西〗Frank put the medicine in the top drawer to make sure it would not be_______ to the kids.

A. accessible B. relative C. acceptable D. sensitive

49 〖08浙江〗There are plenty of jobs ______ in the western part of the country.

A. present B. available C. precious D. convenient

50 〖07上海〗Since Tom ______ downloaded a virus into his computer, he cannot open the file now.

A. readily B. horribly C. accidentally D. irregularly

51 〖07山东〗It is not socially ____________ for parents to leave children unattended at that age.

A. accessible B. adorable C. adaptable D. acceptable

52 〖06上海〗I hope I will not be called on in class as I'm not yet ________prepared.

A. attentively B. readily C. actively D. adequately

53 〖06湖北〗I'm certain David's told you his business troubles. _____, it's no secret that he owes a lot of money to the bank.

A. However B. Anyway C. Therefore D. Though

54 〖05浙江〗My mother always gets a bit _________ if we don't arrive when we say we will. A. anxious B. ashamed C. weak D. patient

55 〖07湖北〗Despite such a big difference in ______ towards what one eats, there is no doubt that people in the west regard the Chinese food as something special.

A. point B. idea C. attitude D. sight

56 〖06湖北〗At the meeting they discussed three different ______to the study of mathematics.

A. approaches B. means C. methods D. ways

57 〖04上海〗The environmentalists said wild goats'______ on the vast grasslands was a good indication of the better environment.

A. escape B. absence C.attendance D.appearance

58 〖07天津〗Lucy has all of the goals she set for herself in high school and is ready for new challenges at university.

A. acquired B. finished C.concluded D.achieved

59 〖06全国Ⅱ〗Mary wanted to travel around the world all by herself, but her parents did not her to do so.

A.forbid B.allow C.followD.ask

60 〖05全国Ⅲ〗Before building a house, you will have tothe government's permission.

A.get fromB.followC.receiveD.ask for

46-50 BCABC 51-55 DDBAC 56-60 ADDBD

61 〖05上海〗The company is starting a new advertising campaign to new customers to its stores.

A. joinB. attractC. stickD. transfer

62 〖04江苏〗A man is being questioned in relation to themurder last night.

A. advisedB. attendedC. attemptedD. admitted

63 〖04全国〗People may have different opinions about Karen, but I admire her. _______she is a great musician.

A. After all B.As a result C. In other words D.As usual

64 〖04福建〗I'd like to buy a house modern, comfortable, and __________in a quiet neighborhood.

A. in all B. above all C. after all D. at all

65 It's reported that many wars broke out in the Middle East. What's your ___ of the situation there?

A. assessmentB. adjustment C. appointment D. assistance

66 Most parks in our city are free. They don't charge money for ________.

A. agreement B. admission C. allowance D. permission

67 He was a much older tennis player, but he had a(n) ________ over other players in experience.

A. profitB. power C. advantage D. benefit

68 His _____ to become a pilot was held back by his poor eyesight.

A. destinationB. inspiration C. ambition D. promotion

69 Study shows that scary movies, easy ______ to weapons and improper Internet games, greatly contribute to campus violence.

A. gain B. possession C. accessD. chance

70 Despite such a big difference in ________ towards what one eats, there is no doubt that the west regard the Chinese food as something special.

A. pointB. ideas C. attitudeD. sight

71 I never blame failures — there are too many complicated situations in life, but I am _______ merciless toward lack of effort.

A. approximatelyB. absolutelyC. hardlyD. desperately

72 — Do you spend much money on clothes every year, Susan? —Well, yes. Quite a lot, ______.

A. gradually B. entirelyC. frequently D. actually

73.The possible benefits of cloning are numerous, for ______ producing human tissues and organs for transplant, and for preserving endangered animal species to name but two.

A. artificially B. materially C. scientifically D. medically

74.If we humans beings continue to waste and destroy natural resources without using _____ energy, such as the energy from the sun, wind and water, our earth will be done for.

A. alternative B. solar C. conventional D. recycled

75.Upon reaching an ____ age, more often than not, children are encouraged, but not forced "to leave the nest".

A. appropriate B. adequate C. automatic D. accurate

61-65 BCABA 66-70 BCCCC 71-75 BDAAA

76.All of the ski resorts are ________ from the hotel via free public transportation.

A. accessible B. available C. present D. probable

77.You may as well go outing all by yourself; ________ I may keep you company.

A. differently B. alternatively C. accordingly D. automatically

78.I only intended to be there for a few days, but I ________ ended up staying for a whole month.

A. fortunatelyB. actuallyC. naturallyD. obviously

79.Peng's company makes ______700,000 yuan for each partnership it sets up and more importantly, benefits both local people and foreign countries.

A. extremely B. approximately C. absolutely D. desperately

80 She felt ______ of having asked such a silly question when the audience couldn't help laughing.

A. guilty B. crazy C. tired D. ashamed

81.Everybody is ______ at the news that there might be another earthquake,and nobody dares to sleep inside of a building.

A. alarmed    B. annoyedC. astonished   D. embarrassed

82.As a soldier, you must ________ obey orders of your superior.

A. absolutely B. completely C. totally D. purely

83.Liu Xiang, I have to say, is highly occupied. He is not_____ for any interview at the moment.

A. convenient B. responsible C. reasonable D. available

84 These articles ______ the problems of the modern world, including race relations and community development.

A. address B. avoid C. create D. correct

85 Faced with a problem, you have to ______ it first, and then try to find a solution.

A. resemble B. substitute C. concentrate D. analyze

86 According to experts, China needs to ______ its one child family planning policy to fight against a worsening gender(性别)imbalance and an aging population.

A. arrangeB. applyC. adjustD. adapt

87 The best method to _________ the goal of helping the patients with AIDS is to unite as many sympathetic people as possible.

A. complete B. commandC. accomplishD. accompany

88 I admit I made a lot of mistakes in the work, and I will ________ responsibility for them.

A. assumeB. declineC. acceptD. secure

89 What you need most is to _______ what you have learned to your work.

A. adjust B. adapt C. apply D. attach

90 It was the news that two lions had run away from the zoo that ______ the local people.

A. delighted   B. alarmedC. satisfied    D. inspired

76-80 ABBBD 81-85 AADAD 86-90 CCACB

91 — Can you understand the foreign speaker? — Almost. He _____ his speech with a lot of gestures.

A. followed   B. createdC. accompanied D. prepared

92 His sacrifices for the country were never officially _____, which made all of us feel discouraged.

A. acknowledgedB. appealedC. recommendedD. evaluated

93 — I'd like to go to see the film with you, Dad.

— Sorry, my son, but only the grow-ups are into the cinema.

A. required B. intended C. admittedD. supposed

94 Having worked as a doctor for so many years, Mr. White has ________ rich experience in battling with various diseases.

A. accumulatedB. reservedC. increasedD. developed

95 If Jim had been more independent, his parents' divorce would not have ______ him as deeply.

A. affected B. impressed C. overcome D. inspired

96 Danny Way's jumping over the Great Wall and ______ his own dream should be an inspiration to the youth in China.

A. undertaking B. conducting C. performing D. accomplishing

97 Pets need a lot of care and __________; you cannot leave them alone for a long time.

A.patience B.attention C.courage D.responsibility

98 Over two thirds of the population were believed to have no ______ to the health care in the west rural area in China.

A. aidB. basisC. beliefD. access

99 In our school, every student had freeto the library.

A. accessB. chanceC. rightD. use

100 The popular cartoon Mulan is a (an) _____ of a Chinese poem for children.

A.imagination B.plot C.story D.adaptation

101 The ____ to the environment has helped many animals to escape from their enemies and fit in with the surroundings.

A. adaptation B. adoption C. recreation D. foundation

102 Due to the widespread _____ of this medical technology, more diseases can be discovered and treated at an early stage.

A. approval B. application C. approach D. appreciation

103 Lots of campaigns have occurred in China to defend the Diaoyu Islands recently. What is your ____ of the situation?

A. intention B. assessment C. attitude D. answer

104 Mr. Obama, who appeared to take the lead in the race in most battleground states, seemed to adopt an ____ of caution throughout the first Presidential debate.

A. accent B. ability C. atmosphere D. air

105 As a popular program, The Voice of China succeeded in developing people's ____ of the different music styles rather than the singers' appearance.

A. commitment B. appreciation C. criticism D. cooperation

91-95 CACAA 96-100 DBDAD 101-105 ABBDB

106 During major holidays, all the highways around the country, including the airport expressways, will give free ______ to small passenger cars.

A. admission B. access C. passage D. privilege

107 According to the new government plans, peasants' children have equal ____ to public schools in the city at present.

A. access B. approach C. method D. entrance

108 Due to the widespread ________ of this medical technology,more diseases can be discovered and treated at an early stage.

A.presentation B. application C. qualification D. appreciation

106-110 BAB
