
How does a Chinese person living in western countries cope with seeing media that is almost 100% negative to China?

Kien Choong, lives in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (2018-present)
Hi, I’m an overseas Chinese but not a Chinese national.
It strikes me that China is going through an experience that many overseas Chinese communities have long experienced - i.e., discrimination and prejudice. At first, overseas Chinese migrants are welcomed for the skills and energy they bring; then later when they are “too successful”, the host community tries to exclude the overseas Chinese, and find all kinds of justification for their discriminatory exclusionary policies. Similarly, the West welcomed China’s rise initially to counter the Soviet unx, then for the unprecedented access to consumer goods (which helped keep inflation low) produced by Chinese workers. Now Western countries are worried that China is too successful, and the Western media is complicit in finding all kinds of reasons to justify discriminatory (even hypocritical) practice against China.
For example, blaming China for the loss of Western jobs; ignoring the failure of Western governments to provide adequate support for Western workers to reskill.
The Western media ignores that China’s rise has been largely peaceful, compared to the West’s relatively more violent rise.
The Western media focuses on the rights of China’s minorities, but neglect the continued discrimination that minorities, migrants and indigenous peoples in the West face.
The West focus on disputes in the South China Sea, but neglect Israel’s expansionist settlement in the West Bank.
Western governments typically do not criticise each other for human right failures, especially in regard to the treatment of refugees.
Nor do Western governments hold each other to account for addressing climate change.
How does an overseas Chinese cope? By focussing on the long-term goal of improving our own lives and the lives of other people, not just in China but elsewhere. Having said that, it is right that China also pays attention to external criticism; whereas the West are so self-righteous that they think they have nothing to learn from non-Western peoples. I hope China and the Chinese people never think that they have achieved some kind of “advanced state” and think there is no room to improve. Let the West remain in their self-righteous state; but China must always be open to external criticism and look to a better future.
I feel sure when future historians will look back at how the West reacts to China’s rise in the 21st century, they will see similarities to how Western societies have treated Chinese migrants throughout the 19th and 20th centuries.

Tee Ong

I''m Chinese living in the UK. Simple I just don''t believe it! I tend to read widely and come to my own conclusion.
Eddy Lee International Referee
100% correct ! I''m a foreign living in China and this is what I see and hear in daily bases of how the western world treats Chinese people. Its disgusting and racist behavior.
And as for the Hongkong terrorist protesters that is a great example of the western world influences in young people minds. Chinese are Chinese by blood and to think that they are not Chinese, is totally stupid and brainwashed by western influences.
JC Tanner
I agree in general with your observation. I think China realised early on that you cannot please everyone and have largely ignored most of the criticism unless it concerns her sovereignty. Chinas has learn a lot from the last century which is why the country is working hard to improve its infrastructure and people. Having worked in China for 8 years, I find most Chinese to be hardworking and friendly. Yes there are some bad apples but these are very minimal and I have never had a single bad experience.
Kien Choong
Ha ha, it might be worth adding that China seems to be experiencing something that America long experienced at the height of her power. There were plenty of anti-American criticisms (not all justified). The criticisms that China now faces (e.g., in relation to the BRI) is a sign of China’s newly found status and power.
Like past US governments, China must take these criticisms gracefully, be open to them, but still retain self-confidence in the legitimacy of projects like the BRI, multilateralism, South-South cooperation, economic & social development, harmony, non-interference, etc.

Shawn Lin
I have the same issue with my son. Unfortunately I think this will be an issue with every Chinese living in western countries.