02.29 雅思口语Part3: 帮助他人(1-4月新题)


Describe a time when you helped some one (8小题)

1.Should parents help their kids with their homework?

原创答案:Most educators can agree that parents should help with homework to some degree. They are helpful to reinforce the learning process when children does his or her homework. which means keeping children on task as well as providing motivation and guidance. Where parents often go wrong is they can become too involved, helping more than needed. Providing answers or completing projects for your child may end up hurting in the long run because it can prevent the child from developing an understanding of the subject. Students who get this type of help from their parents often end up getting lower grades because they don’t get the opportunity to learn the material. This causes them to perform poorly in the actual classroom. It can also set a poor precedent for success later in life. It is reasonable to guide your children toward answers when he or she has questions, parents should encourage autonomy and help their children learn to help themselves. The goal should always be to motivate children to want to find the answers him or herself. This will help your child build the skills needed for success in the classroom and beyond .Parents who play an active role in homework are putting their kids in the best position to succeed.(雅思口语P3情报站)

2.What kind of advice should parents give to their children?

原创答案:Firstly parents should encourage their children to move their asses to outdoor activities , Numerous studies show kids who play outside are smarter, happier, and more attentive. Outdoor activities reduces stress, promotes creativity, enhances social skills, and improves gross motor development. Spending time in nature is especially valuable today as more teenagers and even young children are struggling with depression and anxiety brought on by too much screen time, and a lack of fresh air, sunshine, and physical activity. Secondly I guess the advice parents should give is about the choices their children make. Choices have consequences and are life altering. Tell children never be rushed into decisions without giving much thought and getting sound advice from persons you can trust and who care about your welfare. This is important in decisions relating to their future career, partner etc.(雅思口语P3情报站)

3. Can kid provide any help to parents?

原创答案:Yes definitely , they can help by doing chores or tasks which get them involved in caring for the family as a whole. Just make sure that suit your children’s ages and abilities A simple one is getting your child to help with setting or clearing the table. Jobs like these are likely to give your child a sense of responsibility and participation. Doing chores helps children learn about what they need to do to care for themselves, a home and a family. They learn skills they can use in their adult lives, like preparing meals, cleaning, organizing and keeping a garden. Children themselves are kind of help for parents , when parents exhausted coming back from work , seeing the lovely smiles welcoming them home and playing with their kids for a while can always help parents feel relaxed, which is good for their mental health ,kids are parents beloved and cherished ones any way.(雅思口语P3情报站)

4.Should parents give children advice ?why

5.In general, why do people help others?

6.Is it important to help people who need help? Why?

7.Should parents make decisions for their children?

8.How important is it for doing as a team work?
