03.01 雅思口语Part3: 成功的小公司 (1-4月新题)


Describe a small and successful company you know(9小题)

1.Which do you prefer ,family firms or non- family one?

原创答案:Well, comparing with non family counterpart, I would choose family firms, Family businesses exhibit more social responsibility than their competitors. Such as making a donation to a school building or road construction for local people, This has been attributed to their concern about image and local reputation as well as their closeness to the community. Furthermore, Since the needs of the family are at stake, there is a greater sense of commitment and accountability. This level of commitment is almost impossible to generate in non-family firms. This long term commitment leads to additional benefits, such as a better understanding of the industry, organization and job, stronger customer relationships and more effective sales and marketing.(雅思口语P3情报站)

2.What qualities are required to become a company leader ?

原创答案:Well,firstly, having good communication skills is probably the most important skill of all for leaders to have. In numerous types of management tasks, the most common and first thing that needs to be done is to communicate your opinions, expectations and needs to others. Secondly, probably a more important skill that you can have as a leader is the ability to organise. You need to be able to come up with a plan and then schedule, organise and follow it. Thirdly. Team Building Good leader know how to keep their teams intact. The well being of team members does not benefit from having competition within the team. If a Manager is able to build trust systematically, the team members will feel much more committed and appreciated.(雅思口语P3情报站)

3.What are the important factors in making a company successful?

原创答案:It’s certainly important to have talented employees in your workforce. They are likely to be productive and creative, and they make your climb up the ladder of success both smoother and faster. For example Huawei which is the most successful company in china always try to attract scientists world wide with high salary to build its business empire. A key requirement of successful company is to add value: business must add value somehow. you cannot become successful without creating value to your customers. That is the root of your growth and your profitability, so you should always be looking for ways to add value to your product or service.(雅思口语P3情报站)

4.How could a company get ahead?

5.What emerging industries do you know?

6.How do you think of charitable organizations?

7.Do you think the ownership of the company should be private or state-owned? Why?

8.Which do you think is better, to start your own business or to work for others?

9.Dose high technology play an important role in a company’s development?
