06.07 美國弗利爾美術館藏 齊白石 人物山水畫

美國弗利爾美術館藏 齊白石國畫選

偷酒圖Stealing an Urn of Wine

不倒翁Budao Weng (The Tumbler)

送子上學圖Taking the Son to School

人罵我我也罵人(自題)I Too, Let Them Have a Piece of My Mind

晚自習Studying at Night


神仙洞The Cave of Immortals

柳樹屋和家禽Willow House and Water Fowl

齊白石 印章書法Calligraphy in Seal Script

為山水畫題詩Landscape and poem in running>

為楊璞山水畫題詩Poem for Yang Pu's Album of Landscapes in running>
