05.16 双语|美国那些高中不务正业的cool kids,后来都怎么了?

How did the "cool kids" from your high school turn out?


My brother was a “cool kid” in high school.

我哥哥是个高中的cool kid

cool kid

A stylish, charismatic guy with many impressive skills; he was popular with the guys and girls alike.


He was a basketball player, he played the guitar and had a band for some of his time at school. He also liked to act in the annual school play. There wasn't a kid in my high school who didn't know his name.


He was a bit of a class clown, always with a joke ready. He dated the “hot” girls and hung out with the other jocks.


After school his life took some serious turns. He didn't put enough focus on his academic life and as a result didn't really prepare enough for college. He ended up going to community for a few semesters but ended up having some trouble keeping up.


Now, don't get me wrong. My brother is very smart and can learn or do anything he puts his mind to. He could easily have been a straight-A student. He just wasn't interested in it at all and as a result ended up dropping out within a few years.


cool kid

His goals shifted, he made the sort of mistakes many of us do when we’re young and he fell in and out of different crowds. He started working odd jobs in construction or painting. He still chased after the “popular” spoiled girls and only wanted to drive the coolest cars.


On paper, it really looked like my brother was screwing up his life. People made such nasty comments and almost took joy in watching the “cool kid” fail and fall on his face… but I've never thought as much.


To me, when I saw my big brother, I saw someone who was really living his life. He had the guts to walk an unknown road, to try stupid things, fit in with different crowds and make those youthful mistakes. By 20, he'd lived a more interesting life than anyone I’d known.


Sure, he was making mistakes but he was growing up. He was leaving behind bad habits and he was developing as a person.


Fast forward 12 years.



My brother is now a stable, secure man. Still has that great style, that charisma and wit. Only now, he manages a financial office and has just been offered a position that will put him on track to becoming the CFO of a well-respected company just after his 30th birthday.


He has a lovely home, a wife and a happy little dog. He is a philanthropist, volunteering his time every week without fail and he has grown into a remarkable musician.


He is now kind to the family, has tried to right every wrong he ever did to anybody and as of May of this year he has the degree he gave up on one decade ago.


So you see, it's not all black and white.


For me, my brother has never been more cool.
