


Whether it’s to find their very own Hugh Grant or Prince Harry, or to keep themselves endlessly entertained with the accent, it is a fact that American women love British men.

The upcoming royal wedding between Meghan Markle and Prince Harry is the latest proof of how much. After May 19 2018, Ms Markle will officially make the transition to British citizenship, joining her British husband in his homeland and likely giving up her American citizenship.



Obviously, and most importantly, British accents are one of the most attractive qualities a potential suitor can have. According to a survey by YouGov, 35 per cent of American women think British accents are attractive while 39 per cent of American women went as far as to call a British accent alluring. The accent appeal has also seen a proven record of success on dating apps, meaning just the promise of an accent is enough to increase dates and matches.


Accent ['æksɛnt] n. vt. 口音、重音、强调、特点、重读、带…口音讲话。

Alluring [ə'l(j)ʊərɪŋ] adj. 诱惑的、诱人的、迷人的、吸引人的。



Dating someone from a different background can come with some hurdles such as language barriers and cultural variations - but with Brits, Americans don’t have to really worry about a language barrier as most of the language is the same. And for the phrases and spelling that do differ between the nations, deciphering the meaning isn’t too hard or it can be more fun than anything else.


Variations [,vɛrɪ'eʃən] n. 变奏曲、变更、变种。

Decipher [dɪ'saɪfə] n. vt. 密电译文、解释、译解。



With the popularity of shows like Downton Abbey and The Crown, it is no wonder Americans go crazy for real-life versions of their favourite TV shows. British men offer a taste of the refined English life, including afternoon tea and castles, that American women see and fawn over on television. And while we know that they are not all related to the royal family, with their accents and poshness it is easy to believe you’ve found your very own prince charming.


Posh [pɒʃ] adj. 时髦地、漂亮的、奢侈的。




