
Imagine driving to work along the same route you take each day.


Your mind wanders from one thing to the next: the staff meeting in the afternoon, plans for the weekend, a gift you need to buy for a friend.


Suddenly, a car cuts you off, and these thoughts immediately vanish—all of your attention focuses on maneuvering the steering wheel to avoid a collision.


Although momentarily flustered, you—and your thoughts—return to the same wandering pattern a minute or two later.


As we go about our waking lives, our stream of consciousness typically cycles through many such alternations between introspection and outward attention throughout the day.


It appears that the back-and-forth dance between these inward and outward mental states may be fundamental to brain function.


A new study, led by neuroscientist Zirui Huang of the Center for Consciousness Science at the University of Michigan, suggests that the shifting balance between a network responsible for awareness of the environment and another responsible for awareness of self may be a defining feature of consciousness.

密歇根大学(University Of Michigan)意识科学中心的神经学家黄子瑞(Zirui Huang)领导的一项新研究表明,负责环境意识的网络和另一个负责自我意识的网络之间的平衡转移,可能是意识的一个决定性特征。

The evidence comes from the absence of this pattern of brain activity in people rendered unresponsive, whether by anesthesia or a neuropathologic condition.


As well as advancing our understanding of consciousness, the work could lead to the development of techniques to monitor it, either prior to surgery or during the treatment of people with disorders of consciousness, such as vegetative or “locked-in” patients.


Over the past two decades, neuroscientists have identified a network of brain regions responsible for various kinds of introspection, from mind wandering to recollection and planning.


The concept of “background” brain activity began drawing attention when neurologist Marcus Raichle and his colleagues at Washington University in St.

“背景”脑活动的概念开始引起人们的注意,当时华盛顿大学的神经学家Marcus Raichle和他的同事在圣彼得堡。