





Bottlenose dolphins simplify and raise the pitch of their whistles to be heard above underwater shipping noise. Christopher Intagliata reports.

The oceans are getting louder. And coastal areas are some of the noisiest, as in this underwater recording, captured 17 miles off the coast of Ocean City, Maryland.

The noise could be a problem for marine mammals, which, like us, use sound to communicate.“Just like if we’re in a noisy bar, we have to shout to each other, they might have to do that too.”Helen Bailey is a marine biologist at the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science.

She and her colleagues recorded two months of underwater sounds, in that same area off the coast of Maryland. They used automated software to fish out 200 bottlenose dolphin whistles from the noise, and visually compared the spectrograms. Here’s a normal whistle.

But what they found was that dolphins dumbed down the complexity of their whistles and raised their pitch, when they were competing with shipping noise. Which apparently helps, but could also hurt, their ability to communicate.

“By using simpler calls, yes, there is a risk they’re not communicating as much information as they would if it was quieter. Also for younger dolphins they actually learn these sounds from hearing other dolphins. So they’re hearing this much simpler language.”

The results—and a few of those spectrograms—are in the journal Biology Letters. [Leila Fouda et al., Dolphins simplify their vocal calls in response to increased ambient noise]

The survey site is the proposed future home of a wind farm—which could mean lots of noise as the huge towers are installed. Until then, it’s the chronic roar of ships and boats that Bailey wants people to ponder.“I think people think about boats in terms of the emissions, just like with cars. And I think what we need to think about is sound is also an emission.”


Bottlenose dolphins(寬吻海豚)can raise their sounds to be above underwater shipping noise. Christopher Intagliata reports.

The oceans are getting louder. Because there is more noise. The noise could be a problem for sea animals, which use sound to communicate.“Just like if we’re in a noisy bar, we have to shout to each other, and they might have to do that too.” Helen Bailey is a scientist at the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science.

She and her team recorded two months of underwater sounds. They used a software to record 200 bottlenose dolphin whistles from the noise, and did some research.

But what they found was that dolphins made their whistles simple and raised their sounds, when they were competing with shipping noise. It helps, but could also hurt their ability to communicate.

“By using simpler calls, there is a risk that they’re not communicating as much information as they would do in the quiet place. Also for younger dolphins they learn these sounds from hearing other dolphins. So they’re hearing this much simpler language.”

What’s worse, there will be a wind farm near the coast, which could mean lots of noise. Until then, the sound of ships will go on damaging the dolphins. “I think people think about boats in terms of the emissions, just like with cars. And I think what we need to think about is sound is also an emission.” Helen Bailey said.(245字)


Bottlenose dolphins(寬吻海豚)simplify and raise the tune of their whistles to be heard above underwater shipping noise. Christopher Intagliata reports.

The oceans are getting louder. And coastal areas are some of the noisiest, as in this underwater recording, captured 17 miles off the coast of Ocean City, Maryland.

The noise could be a problem for marine mammals, which, like us, use sound to communicate.“Just like if we’re in a noisy bar, we have to shout to each other, and they might have to do that too.” Helen Bailey is a marine biologist at the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science.

She and her colleagues recorded two months of underwater sounds, in that same area off the coast of Maryland. They used automated software to fish out 200 bottlenose dolphin whistles from the noise, and visually compared the spectrograms(圖譜).

But what they found was that dolphins cut down the complexity of their whistles and raised their tune, when they were competing with shipping noise. It apparently helps, but could also hurt their ability to communicate.

“By using simpler calls, yes, there is a risk they’re not communicating as much information as they would if it was quieter. Also for younger dolphins they actually learn these sounds from hearing other dolphins. So they’re hearing this much simpler language.”

The results—and a few of those spectrograms—are in the journal Biology Letters.

The survey site is the proposed future home of a wind farm—which could mean lots of noise as the huge towers are installed. Until then, it’s the chronic roar of ships and boats that Bailey wants people to ponder.“I think people think about boats in terms of the emissions, just like with cars. And I think what we need to think about is sound is also an emission.”(314字)




1. 理解主旨要義;








細節理解題考查的是考生對於文本中細節內容的掌握。通常以when, where, what, which, who, how much/many等疑問詞開頭引出問題。正確選項的設置通常是直接使用原文詞句或者使用原文詞句的同義詞句。而干擾項的設置則包括以下幾點:





文章第五段第一句為“But what they found was that dolphins cut down the complexity of their whistles and raised their tune, when they were competing with shipping noise.”,其句意為“但他們發現,當海豚在與航運噪音進行對抗時,會降低哨聲的複雜性,並提高音調。”筆者在此處設置了一道細節理解題:

When will the bottlenose dolphins raise their tune according to the text?

A. When they want to catch more fish in the sea.(無中生有)

B. When they want to compete with ship noise.(原句)

C. When they want to record their sound.(張冠李戴)

D. When they want to teach the young dolphins.(偷樑換柱)


When will the bottlenose dolphins raise their tune according to the text?

A. When they want to catch more fish in the sea.(無中生有)

B. When they want to compete with ship noise.(原句)

C. When they want to sing loud songs with others.(無中生有)

D. When they feel angry with the ships.(無中生有)


推理判斷題主要考查考生的批判性思維能力以及較深刻的理解能力,考生不僅僅要讀懂文章的字面意思,還要體會作者在文章中所隱含的真實意圖。這樣的試題通常其題幹中會出現infer, imply, indicate, suggest, show等詞彙,考查內容有推斷寫作目的和意圖、作者的觀點和態度、文章的深層含義;判斷文章的出處。而干擾項的設置包括以下幾點:





根據文章第六段內容“By using simpler calls, yes, there is a risk they’re not communicating as much information as they would if it was quieter. Also for younger dolphins they actually learn these sounds from hearing other dolphins. So they’re hearing this much simpler language.”可知,如果一直使用簡單高亢的聲音,那麼寬吻海豚就會面臨危機,不會像安靜的時候那樣交流更多的信息,而年幼的海豚是通過傾聽來學習的,即如果這種情況一直持續下去,寬吻海豚的能力就會退化。筆者設置的推理判斷題如下:

What will happen to the bottlenose dolphins if the situation continues?

A. More and more bottlenose dolphins will love to make loud noise.(自以為是)

B. People will lose the bottlenose dolphins forever.(過猶不及)

C. They will have to make long journeys in the ocean.(過猶不及)

D. They will lose the ability to convey complicated information.(深層閱讀,合理推斷)


What is the author’s attitude towards the wind farm?

A. Negative.

B. Positive.

C. Ambiguous.

D. Supportive.



根據文章第三段第二句“Just like if we’re in a noisy bar, we have to shout to each other, and they might have to do that too.”可知,Helen Bailey以人們在嘈雜的酒吧裡通過提高音量來進行交流為例,說明在噪音大的環境中,寬吻海豚也會像人類一樣無法輕聲細語地進行交流。試題可以設為:

What can we infer from Helen Bailey’s remarks in the third paragraph?

A. Loud noise may damage the hearing of Bottlenose dolphins.(自以為是)

B. Noise may make the bottlenose dolphins have trouble listening to each other.(合理推理)

C. Bottlenose dolphins may move away from the noisy coastal areas.(自以為是)

D. Bottlenose dolphins may only communicate with each other by sound.(自以為是)



She and her colleagues recorded two months of underwater

sounds, in that same area off the coast of Maryland. They used automated software to fish out 200 bottlenose dolphin whistles from the noise, and visually compared the spectrograms (圖譜).

What does the underlined phrase“fish out”mean in the fourth paragraph?

A. To separate.

B. To record the sound.

C. To catch.

D. To swim like a fish.


而考查指示代詞的詞義猜測題就比較簡單了,干擾項可以是範圍過大、過小或錯誤等,如文章的第三段內容:The noise could be a problem for marine mammals, which, like us, use sound to communicate.“Just like if we’re in a noisy bar, we have to shout to each other, and they might have to do that too.” 可以設題如下:

What does the underlined word“they”refer to?

A. Marine mammals.(指代上文)

B. The dolphins.(範圍過小)

C. Human beings.(範圍錯誤)

D. Sea animals. (範圍過大)




(1)以偏概全:用某一自然段的大意來概括整篇文章的中心思想 ;





What is the best title for the text?

A. Sound Is Also an Emission

B. Bottlenose Dolphins Raise the Tune

C. Bottlenose Dolphins Raise the Tune to Teach the Young

D. Bottlenose Dolphins Make Easy Calls to Compete with Ship Noise



What is the best title for the text?

A. How to Protect the Marine Mammals—Bottlenose Dolphins?

B. Bottlenose Dolphins Raise the Tune to Help the Wind Farm

C. Bottlenose Dolphins Raise the Tune to Communicate with Ships

D. Bottlenose Dolphins Make Easy Calls to Compete with Ship Noise

