
介詞表達的是其後所接的人、物、事與其他的人、物、事等之間的關係,介詞始終(必須)帶有賓語,當然介詞可以與其賓語分隔開來(如What are you doing that for?)。








我們知道主語、賓語的表現形式可以是:名詞(或名詞詞組)、代詞、the +形容詞/分詞、不定式、動名詞、名詞性從句、疑問詞+不定式,介詞短語也是可以充當主語與賓語的。


1. +名詞,名詞短語,如:

She bought a present for Tom.

I often feel nervous when I’m among strangers.

Among his baggage was a medicine chest.

Red is for danger. 紅色表示危險

2. +數詞,如:

I set my alarm clock for 6.30. 我把鬧鐘撥到6點半響。

in 2004在2004年

Shaw first visited Russia in 1927. 蕭與1927年第一次訪問蘇俄。

3. +代詞(賓格、反身代詞、名詞性所有格等),如:

between you and me, between us

The accident was the death of him.

You must learn to look after yourself.

They enjoyed themselves.

Is Maria a friend of yours?

I’ve read that book of yours.

4. +連詞,如:

The log cabin stayed empty; except when we came.


Don’t leave until after I’ve spoken to you.

I didn’t reach the station until after the train had left.

My dear mom and dad never told me that I couldn’t be a doctor, not until after I graduated from medical school!

5. +副詞(大都是表時間或地點的副詞),如:

from then on, until recently,from here, in here等

The conditions in there are awful, you know.


6. +形容詞——很多是被看作是固定搭配/結構了,如:

We don’t consider a child as important。

常見的幾個搭配:at large, in brief, next to impossible, go from bad to worse等。


該詞條large詞性的標註只是出現了adj., verb形容詞、動詞的標記,並沒有名詞、副詞等的說法,但我們看到at large的含義:

at large 1整個;全部;總地;一般地

at large 2(危險的人或動物)未被捕獲的;自由的(相當於free, at liberty)


在詞條brief adj.出現的條目下給出了in brief的搭配:

in brief: in a few words, without details簡言之;一言以蔽之

《朗文當代高級英語辭典》第四版第1538頁next to詞條

該詞條下面的next to算是個搭配,下面有

next to impossible/useless etc幾乎不可能/幾乎沒有用等


在worse adj.形容詞詞性的條目下出現了from bad to worse這個搭配:

go from bad to worse(不好的情況、局勢等)每況愈下;越來越糟

7. +動詞原形(也可以認為是省略了to的動詞不定式結構),如:

That child does nothing but watch TV. (does…watch)





They did nothing except work.

There’s no choice but to wait.

8. + 非謂語動詞中的動詞不定式to do(包括疑問詞+不定式結構)

也有認為but/except+to do動詞不定式結構時,詞性是連詞。

《牛津英語用法指南》(第三版)第149頁3 but後面的動詞

帶to的動詞不定式用作no alternative/choice/option but的後面

The train was cancelled, so I had no alternative but to take a taxi.


9. +非謂語動詞中的-ing,如動名詞等,如:

I’m looking forward to seeing you soon.


He’s afraid of being hit by a car. 他害怕被汽車撞。


I object to being kept waiting. 我對要我等待感到反感。

10. +介詞(短語)——所謂的介詞連用,如:

except in the summer

from behind the desk

from among/above

I cannot sell them for under ten dollars.



That’s the boy from over the road. 那就是住在對過的男孩。

Come out from under there, will you? 你從那兒底下出來還是不出來?

11. 名詞性從句

He told me (of) what he had seen and heard.

Your success will largely depend on/upon what you do and how you do it.
