045 E18意大利書迷如何應對冠狀病毒封鎖

ibabylips伴學者 青少年英語學習 + 小學詩詞知識儲備 + 簡單美膚領域知識,積累當下一點點,共同成長!

How Italian booklovers are coping in the coronavirus lockdown意大利書迷如何應對冠狀病毒封鎖

Thu 19 Mar 2020 05.58 EDT


1,其中EDT是美國東部時間的意思,這篇報道來自衛報。《衛報》(The Guardian)是英國的全國性綜合內容日報。與《泰晤士報》、《每日電訊報》被合稱為英國三大報。



Snow falls on the rooftops in eerie silence. Just days ago this mountainous countryside at the border with Austria was packed with tourists.



Now it is almost deserted, its ski resorts, hotels and restaurants closed. We usually cross the border to go shopping and to fill our tanks with petrol which costs less and is of better quality, but now the Austrian customs have been ordered to close. It's no longer possible to get through.


I don't usually live in this valley, but I have a house here too which I flee when I need peace to concentrate on writing - usually when I am late with a deadline for a novel and my editor is starting to fret.


But now I prefer to stay here. Not only because contact with other people is minimal but because I want to watch what is happening from the right distance.

