
Finding the time and the willpower to get your daily dose of exercise can be overwhelming and maybe even feel impossible. Even if you have all the time in the world, you might not have access to a gym to get a whole workout in, so you have to get a bit creative at home. And that's where the food you eat comes into play as you can lose weight with no exerciseas long as you're eating the right foods.


Whether you're looking for a healthier swap to your sweet tooth or a lower calorie meal to start your day, these foods will fill in all of your nutrition needs. Here's a breakdown of the best foods to add to your diet that will help you lose weight, with no exercise needed!





No matter their shape or form, eggs have a naturally great source of a fat-burning nutrient called choline. They are also a heavy source of lean protein, so when you eat eggs for breakfast, your body will be at a steady fat-burning pace for the rest of the day. Whether you love them classically scrambled or on the sunny side, you don't want to forget the nutritious value that these bad boys can bring.



Tomatoes/Sun-Dried Tomatoes


Chop them up for a snack, toss them in your salad or even saute them with your chosen protein for dinnertomatoes have a variety of uses. Naturally, tomatoes produce a rich amount of lycopene and beta-carotene, antioxidants that only increase after cooking and processing, and help minimize fat-storage. So, if you're looking to slim your waist but can't exercise, tomatoes are a great non-starchy vegetable to get you on your way.





Quinoa is the perfect grain to keep you on your weight loss journey and help you maintain a healthy lifestyle. It's a complete, plant-based protein that has tons of fiber and comes in at about 220 calories per cup. And if you're looking for the best ways to cook some up, here are the best quinoa recipes for weight loss.



Sweet Potato


Sweet potatoes are the most superior potatoes when it comes to nutritional value. They are known for being a "slow carb," or in other words, they're carbs that take longer to be digested. This means that they'll keep you feeling full and energized for longer, so you won't find yourself looking around for snacks. Sweet potatoes are also known to have a high vitamin countincluding A, C, and B6and the antioxidant carotenoid, which helps stimulate energy production and counters excessive fat-storage.



Peanut Butter


Go ahead and grab a spoonful! Just like quinoa, peanut butter is a strong source of plant-based protein that helps boost your metabolism, slims your tummy with monounsaturated fats and has appetite filling fibers. Quick tip! Your peanut butter only needs two main ingredients: nuts and a smidge of salt! So be sure to avoid any brands that add any unwanted ingredients.





Beans are all you could ask for from a starch. They're slow-digesting, protein-rich, and are filled with soluble fibers, which help reduce belly fat and burn fat as fuel. In just one cup of black beans, there are an impressive 4.8 grams of soluble fiber.



Dark Chocolate


Yes, you can still live a healthy lifestyle and enjoy dark chocolate. Dark chocolate has both heart-healthy and gut-healthy compounds, which reduce the risk of heart disease and diabetes as well as burn lower belly inflammation. As long as you choose a bar with a minimum of 70 percent cacao, you will avoid any excess belly-bloating sugars.





There's nothing better than a bowl of oatmeal (or overnight oats) in the morning, right? Well, oats are actually whole-grain carbs that not only have a high protein content, but also have a high amount of soluble fiber. Oats are recommended most for breakfast because of their slow-burning effects to lower hunger and help reduce belly fat for the remainder of the day.



Leafy Greens


Kale and spinach are both leafy greens that are charged with nutrients and are perfect for weight loss. Kale is filled with healthy fibers and antioxidants that promote a full feeling longer. Spinach has nutrients, vitamin A, iron, and folate, that help boost energy and facilitate your body to burn fat. When you're not exercising, kale and spinach are great green options to help aid in your weight loss goals.



Light Tuna


It's affordable and an underrated, but tasty proteinyes, we're talking canned light tuna. The biggest attribute of light tuna is its docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), making the lean protein an exceptional resource for weight loss.





Broccoli is forever an excellent and easy veggie to whip up for any meal. It's a metabolism-boosting food, with tons of calcium and vitamin C. And hey, it makes for a hearty side dish to your dinner!
