【English book


坦率的人,an open book.

不了解一无所知的事物,a closed book

做假账,cook the books and mislead欺骗 the staff.

埋头苦读,have nose in a book

In my book=I think / In my opinion


换床单被罩.,change the beds at least once a fortnight每2周

整理床铺,make the bed

在睡觉,in bed

在特定的床上睡觉,in the bed

不起床睡懒觉,stay in bed

在床上,on the bed

好朋友睡一张床,share the bed with her/him


全权授命/负责,The boss gave the new CEO a blank check to reorganize the marketing division部门.因先前错误,现在开始吃苦头,I didn't read the contract fully通读 before I signed it, I'm counting the cost now.

不负众望达到要求,deliver the goods for this ad campaign.广告宣传

联系,make contact with / be in (direct) contact with /contact sb


double time,快速行军

on the double,加快步伐别拖沓

Step on it,踩油门/加快速度

sign again / renew. 再签文件

resign, 放弃/辞职

what's the beef 抱怨什么

have beef with sb. 抱怨/控诉

be out to lunch 心不在焉/走神


你会后悔的,You'll be sorry.

客气点,Watch your mouth.

收回那句话,You'd better take that back.

找打架,If you're looking for a fight, you don't have to look far.

走着瞧,Just wait and see.


没法决定,I'm feeling really indecisive.

再想想,I'm having second thoughts.

别犹豫,Don't hesitate too much.

听从内心,you should listen to your heart.

该和他们说说,I should have spoken to them.


没听到,I missed that. 没听到。

没听懂, I didn't catch you

不理解,Could you be more specific?

没跟上,Could you please speak more slowly?

通用,I beg your pardon.


无关紧要,That's okay

别在意/没关系,Never mind

常有的啦,It happens

Life isn't always a bed of roses一帆风顺.It happens.

不是你的错,It's not your fault.


Every dog has his day.人人 皆有得意时。

Let sleeping dogs lie. 无惹事 生非。

A cat has nine lives. 吉人自有天相。

Cats hide their claws. 知人知面不知心。

A gloved cat catches no mice. 不吃苦不成大事

Never teach fish to swim. 不要班门弄斧。

Go to the sea, if you want the fish well.不入虎穴焉得虎子。

White elephant 无价值的东西

An elephant in the room. 不愿提及/被忽视的棘手问题


the Big Apple,纽约城

the apple of sb's eye,心肝宝贝

a lemon,不值钱

a bowl of cherries,乐事,美事

work overtime, 加班

喝粥,eat congee


浓汤,thick soup 粘稠

口味浓,strong flavour 口感强