



華威WMG更新換Uncon流程 ,把郵寄紙質材料改成在Portal上傳電子版。應該是整個華威大學都一致的,可以查閱下華威大學公眾號,具體如下:

PG offer holder可以在Portal中上傳學術材料的掃描件,無需將紙質材料郵寄至華威大學北京代表處進行驗證。

① 要求為彩色掃描件,內容清晰可辨。

Document scans should be in colour, clear and easy to read.

② 所有掃描件合併為一個文件,以方便上傳。

Collate all of your scans into 1 document to allow easy upload.

③ 請確保您的學位證、畢業證、最終成績單等學術材料確認您的學位、最終成績和學位授予時間。我們建議同時上傳學位證書、畢業證書和成績單的掃描件。

Ensure your degree documents confirm the title of your degree, final mark and the award date. We recommend that you send both your degree certificate and transcript.

④ 對於非英文的文件需額外提供正式翻譯件。

If your documents have been issued in a language other than English please also provide an official translation.

⑤ 開學時請攜帶您的學位證書、畢業證書以及最終成績單原件(+翻譯件),學校會對此進行檢查。

Bring your original degree certificate and final transcripts with you to Warwick to be checked during your studies.
