【每天學英文】Day33 看[絕望主婦]學英文S01E15

絕望主婦 第一集第15集


※ do sb. a favor 幫某人一個忙

※ definitely adv. 清楚地,當然;明確地,肯定地

※ arrest v. 逮捕;(司法機關)扣留(船隻);阻止;吸引;心跳停止,心臟病發作; n. 逮捕,監禁; 停止,中止

Policemen have authority to arrest lawbreakers. 警察有權逮捕犯法者。

※ promotion n. 提升,晉升;推銷,促銷;促進;發揚,振興

sales promotion 促銷

Finally he got the promotion because of his hard working.由於他的努力工作,最終他獲得了晉升。

※ blackmail

n. 勒索,敲詐;勒索所得之款;脅迫

v. 勒索,敲詐;脅迫;利用他人感情哄騙

This is emotional blackmail.這是情感敲詐。

He didn't trust anyone, he fear someone could blackmail him or betray him. 他不相信任何人。他害怕有人會敲詐他或背叛他。

※ determined

adj. 決定了的;堅決的 v. determine的過去分詞

She was determined to learn English well. 她下決心學好英語。

The exact quantity can't be determined at present. 目前確切的數量還不確定。

■ Do you have a moment?你有時間麼?

■Tom is such a workhorse.湯姆是個工作狂。

workhorse n. 做重活的人;馱馬;重負荷機器 adj. 工作重的;吃苦耐勞的

■ I wasn't that into her.我不是那麼喜歡她。

be into 喜歡;對…有興趣;被迷住,被…深深吸引

■ Don't get me wrong. 不要誤解我。

get sb. wrong 誤會某人

■ Is she covering for her guy ? 她在包庇那個傢伙麼?

cover for 代替,掩護

■ take sb. home 送某人回家

■–How did it go? –It went just peachy.


peachy adj. 愉快的;極好的;桃色的;桃子似的;出色的

You are a good peach. 你人太好啦!


n. 桃子;桃樹;桃紅色;受人喜歡的人(或物)

adj. 桃色的;用桃子製成的

vi. 告密 vt. 告發

■It's time for us to face the music. 聽音樂時間?×,正確意思是:面對現實!

face the truth/ reality

■ Start over 重新開始,重新來過。


♬ You just have to step up from time to time. You have to see your opportunity and take it. Nobody respects a shrinking violet.


♬ You have the right to remain silent. Anything you do say can be used against you in a court of law.


♬ I'm rich. One of the best things about being rich is the security of knowing you can be your way out of any problems.


♬ I've been broke a lot of times in my life. But I've never been poor. Because poor is just a state of mind.


♬ Yes, each new day in suburbia brings with a new set of lies. The worst are the ones we tell ourselves before we fall asleep.

We whisper them in the dark, telling ourselves we're happy, or, that he is happy, that we can change, or that he will change his mind.

We persuade ourselves we can live with our sins, or that we can live without him.

Yes, each night before we fall asleep, we lie to ourselves, in the desperate, desperate hope, that come morning, it will all be true.



