【龍騰網】電影中有哪些場景讓你覺得“事情不應該是這樣的” ?

原創翻譯:龍騰網 http://www.ltaaa.com 翻譯:ycb1990 轉載請註明出處

What are some moments in movies that made you go "uh, it doesn''t work like that"?
電影中有哪些場景讓你覺得“呃,事情不應該是這樣的” ?

原創翻譯:龍騰網 http://www.ltaaa.com 翻譯:ycb1990 轉載請註明出處
Pretty much any scene that involves biologists. “Look, the DNA is a perfect match!” as the computer superimposes two identical graphics that are basically just the symbol for DNA ??.
幾乎所有涉及生物學家的場景。當計算機疊加了兩個相同的圖形時,所謂的生物學家就說,“看,DNA 完全吻合! ”,其實這就是基本的符號而已。
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And the fact that it takes them a few seconds to get the results.
Our hero is beaten, stabbed and shot. Next scene he wakes up bandaged in the hospital. Within seconds, he yanks out all the tubes and wires, jumps out of bed, finds his - suddenly clean - clothes, and rushes out to continue his quest. In the next scene he''s full of energy as he pursues his foe, and while his face may have a single scratch or bandaged cut - usually above one eye - there''s no sign of what would ordinarily be a yellow-purple swollen pulpy mess with blood-red eyes.

On a related note: when people are blown back by an extremely close explosion and just walk away afterward. Yeah, no; the changes in pressure are going to cause organ hemorrhage and rupture - your lungs are going to pop and your bowels will spill open.
還有一個需要注意的是: 當人們被附近的炸彈炸飛後,最後看似無事的走開。其實不是這麼回事,身體內部壓力的變化會導致體內器官出血和破裂——你的肺會爆裂,你的腸子會裂開。
If there was ever a movie that needed a sequel, it’s The Other Guys.
There’s an episode of Royal Pains where a girl gives birth and this child they decided to be the newborn is, I swear, literally a toddler. It’s so bad I can’t even be angry it’s just hilarious.
I give this one a pass though. I mean, where you going to get someone to actually volunteer their newborn to be in a movie?
I recall reading that there''s a legal or industry limit on the age of babies in entertainment, that they can''t use actual babies that young.
Right? Or like how after you the baby is out, you still got the afterbirth to push out! The movies always skip that part.
對吧? 或者就像你把孩子生出來後,你還得把胎盤生出去,電影總是跳過這一部分。

Almost any scene involving someone being shot or stabbed.
A sling will fix anything!
And how they are always removing the bullet. If they don''t get that bullet out, you are in real trouble. Better to remove the bullet with a rusty garden tool than to leave it in. Infection, OTOH, not a priority.
As a cop, I''ve dealt with many stabbing victims. People don''t just drop like sacks of potatoes when they are stabbed or have their throat slit. I once had to respond to an incident where two guys got into a knife fight. Ended up having to help keep pressure on wounds as we waited for paramedics and he pulled through. His neck was wide open, and he had 23 punctures in his abdomen and arms, but he was still energetic and down to fight. When it comes to gunshots, you''re not going to instantly drop unless something vital is hit (heart, brain, ect.) Makes me laugh a little when watching movies and bad guys drop dead when they are shot or cut in any way by the good guys.
And their ribs don’t break!

I know it doesn’t always happen but it happens more often than people know
Similarly, someone is knocked out and stays knocked out while the bad guy escapes. Then they wake right up when somebody from their team shows up and SAYS THEIR NAME a couple times.
And they always bend their elbows doing chest compressions!
I watched a movie once where geologists ignored signs of a massive natural disaster, blaming it on sensors... tell me if I’m wrong but I feel like real scientists don’t hesitate to double check
我曾經看過一部電影,裡面地質學家無視大規模自然災害的跡象,把它歸咎於儀器的問題... ... 如果我錯了,告訴我,但我覺得真正的科學家會毫不猶豫地進行復查
If they don’t trust their sensors, why use them?
How dare you speak ill of 2012, its a masterpiece.
As a person who works with scientists/scientists in training, you''d be surprised how dumb they can be. Irrational equipment blaming totally happens too. But I''d hope that if the world''s safety was at stake they''d at least pay decent attention.

The protagonists and antagonists fighting on the streets and not giving a shit about thousands of people dying while the cars explodes and buildings falls.
"Prepare for your doom, Generic-man!"
“準備迎接你的末日吧,普通人! ”
"Wait! There are civilians here, let''s evacuate them first!"
“等等! 這裡有平民,我們先疏散他們吧! ”
"Shit, you''re right!"
“媽的,你說得對! ”

Ok bye
I''m pretty sure my toaster was hacked though. I think all the metal connected to the wifi. Before I knew it my breakfast was toast. :(
我很確定我的烤麵包機被黑了。我以為所有的金屬設備都連接到 wifi 上。在我意識不是這回事的時候,我的早餐已經烤焦了。 :(
Frantically shouting “TAXI!!!” while hailing a cab
一邊招呼出租車,一邊瘋狂地喊著“出租車! ! ”
I heard a woman do that the other day and it shocked me because no one ever actually says that out loud like that.
Actually that used to happen more like decades ago.
_c_2_w_ C2w
There was a scene in the GI Joe cobra movie where they torpedo ice bergs, and then they sank. Yeah, ice doesn''t change its density to be heavier than water just because EXPLOSIONS
I have the perfect scientific explanation for this:
That movie sucked.
GI Joe cobra movie where they torpedo ice bergs, and then they sank.

Wow this is really bad.
5 seconds of rapidly pressing random keys, typing something thats not even into any kind of input, popups appearing faster than the human eye can follow
"I''m in."
When they pull the fire alarm, and the sprinklers set off. When a lighter sets a sprinkler off (it will), and all the heads go off.
當他們拉響火警警報時,灑水裝置就開始啟動了。當用打火機來烤灑水裝置(它會啟動) ,所有的灑水頭會同時開啟。
Each head is independent of all others, and set off by heat.
Also, the water that does come out is disgusting. I got sprayed by one of these once when the chem lab in my high school had a Bunsen burner accident (everyone was fine). It smelled like old musty well water and took a few showers to get that stank out.
而且,噴出的水也很噁心。我高中的化學實驗室就發生過本生燈事故(大家都沒事) ,我就被灑水裝置噴過一次。噴的水聞起來像發黴的井水,事後洗了幾次澡才洗掉身上這股臭味。
The water for these systems sits stagnant for bloody ages. It isn''t nice clean water.
That''s almost entirely true. What they''re depicting on screen is a deluge-type sprinkler system. All heads go off at once. They aren''t used in most buildings, usually only warehouses or buildings with large, open spaces. You rarely see modern structures with them due to the cost.
這幾乎完全正確。 他們電影裡呈現的是一個洪水型灑水系統。 所有的灑水頭可以同時開啟。它們一般不用在大多數建築物中,通常只用於像倉庫或有大型開放空間的建築物。由於成本問題,你很少在現在建築物中看到這種裝置。

They''re also usually dry pipe systems, so most of the piping is full of air. If a head pops, the pressure drops and trips a dry-pipe valve in the riser, causing water to surge into the lines and cause water hammer, breaking the seals in the sprinkler heads, and the rest spray water as well.
平常灑水管道里面都是乾燥無水的,大部分管道都充滿了空氣。 如果一個灑水頭開啟後,管道壓力下降,觸發閥門工作,使水湧入管道,造成水錘作用,打開噴頭處的進行噴水,其餘的噴頭噴水也是同樣的道理。
Pumping the shotgun every time you mean business. You''re just ejecting fresh shells into the floor.
Especially when it''s a break action double barrel shotgun.
All the movies with science babble in them. Or tech babble. All of them.

My dad works in a lab and another thing I noticed is the lighting. In crime procedurals the lab has moody dark lighting, which is never the case. If anything it’s unflattering, bright fluorescent lighting
jemmo_ Jemmo
After I started working in a lab, this was all I could see in shows. I may have slightly ruined my bff''s appreciation of Stargate and Star Trek over this point. But seriously... Who performs invasive procedures without gloves on?!
在我開始到實驗室工作之後,這就是在觀看電影時我著重關注的點。在這一點上,我可能稍微diss一下我最好朋友喜歡的《星際之門》和《星際迷航》電影。但說真的... 誰會不戴手套就進行侵入性手術呢? !
90% of the depictions of women going into labor. It''s rarely ''Mom feels fine all day > suddenly has one sharp contraction > water immediately breaks and makes a puddle on the floor. Everyone I know who''s given birth has had at least a few hours contracting before the water breaking, if it breaks at all, and then it can be even longer before you''re in active labor.
90% 關於女性分娩描述的場景。現實中很少有這樣的情況: 媽媽一整天都感覺很好,突然出現一陣劇烈的收縮,羊水馬上破裂,在地板上留一灘羊水。我認識的每個生孩子的人在羊水破裂前都有幾個小時的宮縮,羊水如果真的破裂了,在你進入活躍分娩之前,宮縮持續的時間可能會更長。
Also the racking the pump action shotgun after pointing at your enemy and talking for a while - wait, it was t loaded the whole time?
The real scene should be "you''ll never believe the news" then everyone pulls out there own phone and searches social media and/or Google for whatever small grain of information the instigator can give them.

真實的場景應該是演“你永遠不要相信新聞”片段時 ,每個人都應拿出自己的手機,在社交媒體或谷歌上搜索煽動者能提供給他們的任何細微信息。
The extent that people can get punched in the face and just keep going. No one is having Jason Bourne style fights and able to keep going for as long as they all do.
Even if you''re blocking/dodging every hit, just throwing punches for more than 30 seconds in a row is exhausting without conditioning. Real fights wouldn''t end with a cocky one-liner, the winner is going to be gasping for breath and probably only slightly less hurt than the loser.
I loved the fight scenes in Atomic Blonde. Towards the end of one fight they were both struggling to stand up, but knew the other person would kill them if they didn''t.
我喜歡《極寒之城》裡的打鬥場面。 在一場戰鬥的最後,他們都掙扎著站起來,因為她們知道如果不站起來,就會被另一個人殺掉。
Pretty much any scene where there''s some magic computer program that turns blurry, heavily-pixellated images into razor sharp photos?
Yeah. That doesn''t exist.
Not a movie but in the show "You" when he gives that guy the latte with nuts in it and he drops dead less than a minute later...nah. It takes a bit longer than that. It would be a much longer, painful demise.
講的不是一部電影,而是在《你》的節目中,他給了那個傢伙一杯加了堅果的拿鐵,不到一分鐘那傢伙就死了... 。不,這其實需要更長的時間。這將是一個更漫長、更痛苦的死亡過程。

This is the same with people being shot in the abdomen. A bullet to the abdomen is usually the slowest way to die. It can kill you, but not in 2 minutes while you say goodbye to a loved one or finally give up that crucial bit of info you''ve been hiding all along.
I''m a person with a peanut allergy. I saw that and was like "yeah, no" when that happened ??
People in movies being "scientists", meaning they are good at all forms of science - biology, electrical engineering, physics, programming, communication protocols, advanced mathematics, hacking, robotics...
電影中的“科學家”人物 ,這意味著他們掌握各種領域的知識——生物學、電子工程、物理學、編程、通信協議、高等數學、黑客、機器人... ..。
Sure, you could have some knowledge in all of those fields - but specialising in just one of them takes decades... These characters are usually wizards in all fields.
當然,你可以掌握多種領域的知識——但是專攻其中一項都需要花費幾十年的時間... ... 這些角色通常都是領域中的怪胎。
When someone shoots 10000000000000000 bullets with a single magazine in a pistol but then it runs out when they have an actual shot at someone
"I count 6 shots!"
“我數了一下,有六發子彈! ”
"I count two guns."

The problem with the 10% myth, and the reason people believe it is because there is some truth to it. Most of the time you are only using 10-15% of your brain, because it is impossible to dedicate all the different parts of the human brain to one single task. Using all of your brain at once would be like driving a car by pressing the gas and brake and parking brake while steering back and forth as quick as you can and turning on the headlights, wipers, defroster, adjusting the radio, seat position and air conditioning/heat etc. all at the same time. All the parts of a normal brain are used sometimes just like all the controls of your car are used sometimes, but
never all at once. All at once would just be a mess that results in nothing.
只開發10%大腦的理論,以及人們相信它的原因是因為它有一些真實性。 大多數時候你只用到你大腦的10-15% ,因為不可能調動大腦所有部分同時來處理一件事。要使你大腦所有部分一起運作就好像開車一樣,踩油門、剎車、停車剎車,前後轉向,打開車頭燈、雨刷、除霜器、調整收音機、座椅位置、空調 / 座椅加熱等等動作要同時運行。正常大腦的運行方式同汽車內所有控制器的運行方式,從來不會同時被運行。同時運行只會讓事情變得一團糟,從而一無所獲。

Characters making perfect sentences without stuttering or making pauses
That’s one cool quality of Rick & Morty. I’m only a casual fan, but one thing I always found neat was how the characters would stumble and have trouble speaking regularly.
這就是 Rick & Morty 電影可的貴之處。我只是一個普通的粉絲,但是有一件事我覺得很有趣,那就是角色們經常說話結結巴巴,很難正常說話。
Grey’s Anatomy is the WORST for this. Watched an episode the other day where the ENTIRE dialogue was just monologues. They’re always the same too, they always circle around to their original statement and say “and so, no! Etc etc”.
《實習醫生格蕾》在這一點上是最差的。前幾天看了一集,整個對話都是獨白。他們一直重複同樣的話,總是繞著原來的陳述說“所以...,不....., 等等 ”。
Everytime someone brings the gun up to eye level and you hear the rack slide.
Example a bunch of police cars roll up on a scene and everyone gets out using the car door as a cover.
Yes, lots of clicking noises from simply moving a gun.
As though the gun was falling apart or something.
Telling co-workers to cover your shift on the fly like okay like I dont have to run it by the manager and the manager doesn''t have to do a whole bunch of computer shit beforehand to fix the hours up.

That thing were a tech/lab procedure suddenly takes half the time because someone offers to pay more. Uh no, if it needs to be centrifuged for 24 hours it''s still going to take 24 hours even with 100k on the table.
證據的處理流程在實驗室裡都有標準的,突然之間可以少花一半的時間就能分析完,因為有人願意付更多的錢。 不,如果真的需要離心24小時,即使放在桌上10萬也要24小時。
Also not as jarring, but everyone always wakes up with perfect makeup and no one ever seems to clean their face
Even better than that, someone goes through an incredibly strenuous and lengthy ordeal and still has perfect makeup. Watched something recently where a woman came back from being held captive in the Middle East as a prisoner of war for 10 YEARS and as she was carried, on a stretcher, off the military plane she looked like she was about to go to the Oscars. Full contouring.
更有意思的是,有些人在經歷了難以置信的艱苦和漫長的折磨後,仍然擁有完美的妝容。 最近看了一部電影,講述了一個女人因戰爭問題在中東被囚禁了10年,最後被釋放回來,當她被擔架抬下軍用飛機時,她看起來就像是要去參加奧斯卡頒獎典禮一樣,擁有完整的面容。
I always found the perfectly shaved arms and legs of the Walking Dead ladies to be jarring.
Hitting animals with tranquillizer darts and they collapse immediately.
The reality is that it can take 30-45 minutes for an animal to go down completely, longer if the animal is agitated.

I can forgive almost every eye roll in that movie because I love it so much.
But the speed John Cusacks ex wife moves on from HER CURRENT HUSBANDS (boyfriend?) death and gets back with him at the end of the movie is both astounding and infuriating.
但是約翰·庫薩克前妻在她現任丈夫(男朋友?) 去世後,在電影的結尾和他複合,這件事既令人震驚又令人憤怒。
Like, not even a “We have a lot to talk about and work out and maybe some time to grieve”.

Just “Ya we’re together again.”
I get that its the end of the world, but still, fuck her. Ya know?
Scenes that involve swimming. I try to hold my breath whenever a movie character (non super hero / fantasy) dives underwater and try to hold it as long as he/she is swimming or submerged. I end up dying 9/10 times. I mean there’s probably a lot of things to consider but the amount of time some characters can hold their breaths is super human.
凡是涉及游泳的場景。每當一個電影角色(非超級英雄 / 幻想)潛入水中,只要他/她還在水中游泳或者浮出水面之前,我都會屏住呼吸。發現屏氣10次,其中9次都會憋死。我知道拍電影需要考慮很多事情,但是這些角色在電影中能夠憋氣的時間只有超人能做到。