

What are you looking for?

I'm looking for a book of mine.

Why are you looking for it?

I have lost it.

When did you lose it?

I lost it in the morning.

When did you first come to London?

I first came to London seven years ago.

So you have lived in London for seven years, haven't you?

Yes, I have.

First I lived in Chelsea for three years and since 1958 I've occupied a flat in Notting Hill.

Have you been to the cinema lately?

Yes, I have.

How many times have you been?

I've been three times.

What films have you seen?

On Tuesday I saw an American film, on Friday a French one and on Saturday an Italian one.

Has she ever been to England?

Yes, she has.

When was she in England?

She went there in 1939.

But she hasn't been in the United States, has she?

No, she hasn't.

It has always been her desire to visit that country.

But she has never had the chance.

That's too bad.

Where are the letters?

They've been sent off.

Who has sent them?

The secretary has.

They've been sent by air, haven't they?

No, they haven't been sent by air.

That's no good.

They may be late.

Can we go for a walk?

No, I cannot.

I must stay at home.

I've sent for the doctor.


What's the matter?

My daughter's ill.

How long has she been ill?

She's been ill for two days.

Has she had a temperature?

Yes, she has.

Have you given her any medicine yourself?

No, I haven't yet.

At last you have come.

I've waited for you twenty minutes.

I'm so sorry.

Where's Sheila?

She's gone to a concert.

Who has she gone with?

She's gone with Robert.

When did they leave?

They left an hour ago.

What's the time?

It's just struck five.

Shall we have tea now?

Well, I've already had some.

But I've bought some cakes and we may have them with tea.

That's fine.

Let's have tea then.

Have you finished the book?

No, I haven't.

How long have you kept this book?

I've kept it for two weeks.

Would you like to have it for another week?

Yes, I would.

Do you promise to return it in time?

Yes, I do.

And I'll keep my promise.

Have you told her to come?


I've told her to come at once.

When did you tell her?

I told her half an hour ago.

So I think we've waited too long.

Perhaps, but shouldn't we wait till eight?

We may.

But I've waited for her so many times and she's never come.


