
​一句話瑜伽,第341期Vanessa:我喜歡嘗試新的瑜伽變式,即使它們不是“傳統”瑜伽練習的一部分。I love experimenting with new variations,even if they aren't part of the "traditional" yoga practice.

世界上以及網絡上有很多人,對”創造出你自己的特色”這句話很有偏見。There are a lot of people on the internet and in the world who will have negative things to say about creating your own shapes.

她們的偏見,欣許是因為缺乏想象力在找存在感。But maybe those people are lacking a little imagination.

我有個自作聰明的朋友,他認為我的觀點是“語出驚人”的。My friend who was one of those smarty pants, know it all geniuses once got upset at this discussion we were having.

我解釋說,小小地打破常規以及創造力,是無傷大雅的。我還告訴他:“想象力比學識來得更加重要。”I was explaining that a little creativity and breaking out of the mold never hurt anyone.and I told him this:"lmagination is more important than knowledge."

他生氣了地說,只有愚蠢的人才會這麼說。顯然他並不知道這是一句名言,這是來自愛因斯坦說過的一句話,他一點也不蠢。He flipped out, saying only an idiot would say something like that. Little did he know it's a famous quote, and one of my faves by Albert Einstein. Who surely is not an idiot.

你需要了解好你的瑜伽基礎,練習好那些傳統的瑜伽姿勢。Know your yoga foundations, practice the good'ol classic postures.

​但同時,不要抗拒去體驗以及變化出只屬於你的瑜伽姿勢。But also, don't be afraid to experiment and get creative with poses that feel awesome for you.

BY 福安市遠航教育、小魚兒