
必修一 Unit1 Friendship


1. add up 合計

2. upset vt&vi 弄翻; 使不安,使心煩

adj. 心煩意亂的, 沮喪的

3. ignore不理睬、忽視

4. calm (使)平靜、(使)鎮定

calm down 平靜/鎮定下來

5. have got to 不得不、必須

6. concern (使)擔憂、涉及、關係到

be concerned about…關心,掛念

7. go through 經歷、經受

8. set down 記下、放下、登記

9. a series of 一系列

10. on purpose 故意

11. in order to do為了……

12. at dusk 在黃昏時刻

13. face to face 面對面地

14. no longer......不再.....

not…any longer 不再……

15. settle 安家、定居; 解決

16. suffer 遭受、忍受、經歷

17. suffer from 遭受、患病

18. recover 痊癒、恢復、重新獲得

19. get/be tired of 對……厭煩

20. pack 捆紮,包裝/包裹

21. pack (sth) up 將(東西)裝箱打包

22. get along/on with 與……相處

23. fall in love with 愛上......

24. disagree 不同意

25. join in 參加


1. It was the first time in a year and a half that I had seen the night face to face. 這是我一年半以來第一次目睹夜晚。

2. I wonder if it’s because I haven’t been able to be outdoors for so long that I’ve grown so crazy about everything to do with nature.(強調句)


3. I stayed awake on purpose until half past eleven one evening in order to have a good look at the moon for once by myself.


4.If you have some trouble (in) getting along with your friends, you can write to the editor and ask for advice.


5. His income adds up to $1000 a month.


6. It's no pleasure looking through these any longer because nature is one thing that really must be experienced.


7. The police asked him to set down what he had seen in a report.


8. As I was about to go out and search for him, he happened to come in.


9. We tried to calm him down, but he kept crying.


Unit2 English around the world


1. because of 因為、由於

2. come up 走近,上來; 提出(with)

3. actually 實際上,事實上

4. be based on 以…為基礎,根基

5. at present 目前

6. make use of 利用

7. such as 例如

8. command 命令、指令、掌握

9. request 請求、要求

10. play a part/role in 扮演一個...角色

11. recognize 辨認出,承認,公認

12. straight 直接,筆直的

13.frequently adv.常常地;頻繁地

14. at the end of 在....的末尾

15.fluently adv. 流利的


1. Which country do you think has the most English learners?


2. All languages change when cultures communicate with one another.


3. Native English speakers can understand each other even if they don’t speak the same kind of English.


4.Today the number of people learning English in China is larger than ever before.


5.Believe it or not, there is no such thing as standard English.



Unit3 Travel journal


1. transport 運輸,運送

2. prefer 更喜歡

3. ever since 從那以後

4. persuade 勸說

5. graduate 畢業,大學畢業生

6. similar adj. 相似的

7. schedule 時間表;V. 計劃,安排

8. be fond of 喜歡

9. organize 組織;成立

10. care about 關心;在乎

11. change one’s mind 改變主意

12. journey 旅行、旅程

13. make up one’s mind 下決心

14. give in 投降;屈服(to sb)

15. attitude 態度,看法

16. as usual 照常

17. reliable 可信賴的

18. at midnight 在午夜


1. My sister and I have dreamed about cycling along the Mekong River from where it begins to where it ends. 我姐姐和我一直夢想要沿湄公河從源頭到終點騎車旅行。

2. He is so stubborn that no one can persuade him to do anything.


3. She is a determined woman. Once she determines to do something, she will do it well.


4. I am not familiar with this city, because this is my first visit.


Unit4 Earthquakes


1. right away 立刻馬上

2. burst 爆裂,爆發,

3. as if 彷彿,好像

4. at an end 結束,

5. ruin 廢墟 ,使破產

in ruins 嚴重受損,破敗不堪

6. injure 損害,傷害

7. destroy 破壞,毀壞,消失

8. shock 使震驚;震動;n.震驚,休克

9. rescue 援救,營救

10. trap 使陷入困境,陷阱

11. dig out 掘出,發現

12. bury 埋葬,掩埋,隱藏

13. a (great) number of 大量的

14. extreme adj. 極度的,極端的


1. The number of people who were killed or injured in the earthquake reached more than 400,000.(定語從句)


2. They used candles all the time instead of electricity.


3. The one million people of the city, who thought little of these strange events, went to bed as usual that night.(非限制性定語從句)


4. The rubbish gave out a smelly gas.


5.It seemed as if the world was at an end!彷彿到了世界末日!

Unit5 Nelson Mandela---a modern hero


1. quality 質量;品質,品格

3. devote 獻身,專心於

4. out of work 失業

5. vote 投票,選舉

6. attack 進攻,攻擊

7. as a matter of fact 事實上

8. equal 平等的

9. in trouble 在困難的處境中

10. turn to 求助於

11. lose heart 灰心

12. escape 逃脫,逃走,洩漏

13. educate 教育,訓練

14. come to power 掌權,上臺

15. beg 請求,祈求

16. reward 報酬,獎金,獎賞

17. set up 設立,建立

18. be sentenced to 被判處(徒刑)

19. opinion 意見,看法


1. After getting up, he always drinks a glass of water, which he believes is good for his health. (非限制性定語從句)


2. In his life, he has always tried to help those who are less fortunate than himself. (定語從句)


3.He was generous with his time, for which I was grateful.他十分慷慨地給予我時間,我為此非常感激。

4.Only then did we decide to answer violence with violence.直到那時我們決定用暴力反抗暴力。

5.I was worried about whether I would become out of work.我擔心自己是否會失業。