活動 | 不可錯過的“活性*”營養食譜,讓寶寶愛上吃飯

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·· 📚 愛他美帶你快速瞭解“活性*”營養 ··

“活性*”營養(bioactive compound)是一類有生物活性的稀有營養素,它們主要存在於水果,蔬菜,堅果和全穀物等食物中[1]。大量充分的科學研究發現,攝入富含“活性*”營養的食物可以帶來更多的健康益處,為生命代謝注入更多活力[2]。食物中豐富多樣的“活性*”營養,能為媽媽和寶寶提供除了基本營養之外更多的健康功效,預防疾病,促進健康,喚活生命自護力[2,3]。


[1] National Cancer Institute. NCI Dictionary of Cancer Terms. Bioactive Compound [EB/OL].

[2] Kris-Etherton PM1, Hecker KD, Bonanome A et al. Bioactive compounds in foods: their role in the prevention of cardiovascular disease and cancer. Am J Med. 2002 Dec 30;113 Suppl 9B:71S-88S.

[3] Liu, R. H. (2013). Health-Promoting Components of Fruits and Vegetables in the Diet. Advances in Nutrition, 4(3), 384S–392S.doi:10.3945/an.112.003517

[4] Synbiotics prevent asthma-like symptoms in infants with atopic dermatitis[J]. Pediatrics, 2011, 66(2):170-177.

[5] Chua M C , Ben-Amor K , Lay C , et al. Effect of Synbiotic on the Gut Microbiota of Caesarean Delivered Infants: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Multicenter Study[J]. Journal of pediatric gastroenterology and nutrition, 2017, 65(1):102.