






I have a pen and an apple.


Mr. Lee is an engineer.





The desk is new.



I have a book. The book is interesting.



the sun 太陽 the moon 月亮 the sky 天空


I can play the piano.



Zhang Peng is the tallest boy in our class.



The Whites are watching TV now.



in the morning 在早上

in the afternoon 在下午

in the evening 在晚上

on the left 在左邊




(2)季節、月份、星期等名詞前通常不加冠詞。如in winter(在冬天)、on Monday(在週一)、in May(在五月)。

(3)三餐、飯的名詞前通常不用冠詞。如for breakfast(早餐)、have lunch(午餐)、eat dinner(晚餐)。

(4)球類運動和棋類運動前不加冠詞。如play football(踢足球)、play chess(下棋)。

(5)節日、假日等名詞前通常不用冠詞。如Christmas Day(聖誕節)、Children s Day(兒童節)。

(6)名詞前已有this, that, my, his, some, every等詞修飾時不用冠詞。如that T-shirt(那件T恤)、my brother(我的弟弟)、her key(她的鑰匙)。



1. —Does Jim have _______ ruler?

—Yes,he has _______ .

A. an;some

B. a;one

C. a;/

D. any;one

2. _______ apple a day keeps the doctors away.

A. The

B. A

C. An

D. Two

3. —How many books do you have?

—I have _______ book. That’s _______ English book.

A. a;an

B. a;one

C. one;an

D. one;one

4. At that time Tom was _______one-year-old baby.

A. a

B. an

C. the


5. _______ tiger is _______China.

A. The;a

B. A;the

C. The;from

D. The;the

6. We can’t see _______ sun at _______ night.

A. the;the

B. the;/

C. a;/


7. One afternoon he found_______ handbag. There was _______ “s”on the corner of_______ handbag.

A. a;an;the

B. a;a;the

C. an;an;an

D. the;a;a

8. _______ old lady with white hair spoke_______ English well at _______meeting.

A. An;an;a

B. The;/;an

C. The;/;a

D. The;/;the

9. _______ Great Wall is _______ longest wall in the world.

A. A;a

B. The;the

C. A;the

D. The;a

10. _______ new bridge has been built over _______ Huangpu River.

A. The;a

B. A;/

C. A;the

D. An;the

11. _______ woman over there is _______ popular teacher in our school.

A. A;an

B. The;a

C. The;the

D. A;the

12. He used to be _______ teacher but later he turned _______ writer.

A. a;a

B. a;the


D. a;/

13. Does Tom often play _______football after _______ school?

A. /;/

B. /;the

C. the;/

D. a;/

14. They passed our school_______ day before yesterday.

A. an

B. one

C. a

D. the

15. She has _______ orange skirt. _______ skirt is nice.

A. a;The

B. an;The

C. an;A

D. the;The

16. This is _______ apple. It’s _______ big apple.

A. an;a

B. a;the

C. a;an

D. an;the

17. Shanghai is in _______ east of China.

A. /

B. an

C. a

D. the

18. I’ve been a student there for nearly two and _______ half years.

A. a

B. an

C. the

D. /

19. The museum is quite far. It will take you half _______ hour to get there by _______ bus.

A. an;/

B. an;a

C. a;/



1. B 第一空是泛指;第二空的one是不定代詞,用以替代前面的ruler。

2. C 這是一句諺語,意思是“一天吃一個蘋果,用不著看醫生”。

3. C one強調數量,用以回答“How many…?”問句;第二個空是泛指,故用an。

4. A one雖以元音字母開頭,但以輔音音素[w]開頭,故填a。

5. C 此句意為:這隻老虎來自中國。

6. B 在“太陽、月亮、地球”的前面一般都加定冠詞the;at night“在夜晚”,注意該短語中沒有冠詞。

7. A “s”雖為輔音字母,但卻以元音音素[e]開頭,故填an。

8. D 第一個空填the,是特指那個“白髮老太太”;第二個空不填冠詞,是因為在語言名稱前面一般不加冠詞。English後面如有language,就得說the English language。“在會議上”應為at the meeting。

9. B the Great Wall長城。

10. C 第一個空是泛指,用a;第二個空是河流名稱,故用the。

11. B 第一個空:“那邊的那個婦女”,是特指;第二個空是指那個婦女的身份、職業,是泛指。

12. D 第一個空是泛指;第二個空用“零冠詞”是因為turn後面的名詞前一般都不加冠詞。

13. A after school放學以後。

14. D the day before yesterday前天。

15. B 第一空泛指,第二空特指。

16. A 兩個空都是泛指。

17. D in the east of在某地區(內)的東部。

18. A two and a half years也可說成two years and a half,意思都是“兩年半”。

19. A half an hour半小時,by bus乘公共汽車。