

2. home 旁有 author 版面,点击 Begin Submission,可以需填写的必要信息 ;

3. 必要信息填写的具体步骤:

step1:选择手稿类型(Paper),填写Title题目、Abstract摘要、及Section分类(例如:我的是Sensors and Sensors System);

step2:上传文件(PDF)【注意】该阶段(即New Submission 阶段)只要求上传一个完整的PDF文件;Complete Document for Review (PDF Only)-->Upload Selected Files-->View PDF Proof-->Save and Continue


step4:作者信息(co-authors' information)邮箱、学校、学院、且需要投稿人的OPCID账号


step6:Policies & Informationcover letterFundingNovelty & Significance



1)Manuscript Received 或 Submitted to Journal:上传之后自动生成的状态,表示投稿成功。

2)With editor:(投稿时,没有指定编辑,稿件先到主编那里,再到某个编辑)2-1)Editor assigned:主编将稿件分派给某个编辑;2-2)Editor declined invitation:该编辑拒绝了稿件,稿件回到主编手中;

3)Reviewers invited:编辑接受稿件,考虑邀请审稿人;3-1)Decision letter being prepared:编辑拒稿(可能性较小,除非英文表达太差);

4)Under review:审稿人接受审稿;(1.21-1.25)

5)required review completed:审稿结束,等编辑处理;5-1)Evaluating recommendation:编辑评估审稿人意见;

6)Decision in procession:编辑做决定:接收、小修、大修、拒绝 rejected

7)Minor revision/Major revision:

8)Revision submitted to jounal:

9)10)Rejected 或者 Accepted:

依次收到了provisionally accepted、formal accept、DOI号 的邮件通知。看到接收的邮件时特别地开心^_^


也特别感谢努力准备的自己!Begin again,再接再厉:)





(选择 I am reporting a missing article/issue)提供反馈的内容就是,告诉WOS,自己的文章已经看出了,理论上应该可以被检索到了,但是还没有,希望你们能够尽快增加一条记录。然后,提供自己文章的一些必要的信息,比如DOI,文章名,期刊名,卷数,页码等等,并留下自己的联系邮箱。(2019-12-02)

Our article was published on XXX Journal on September 30, 2019. The DOI for this article is XXX. However, Web of Science does not include a record of the article. We would appreciate it if we could add a new record on this record as soon as possible. If you have any information you need to know, please don't hesitate to contact me.(供参考)



图、表、公式Figure 1. 引用 figure 1;Table 1. 引用 table 1;(1) 引用 equation (1);额外信息期刊对于提交的手稿的要求:

在 author guidelines 的链接里,可以看到期刊对于提交的手稿的要求。

分为以下几方面的内容,Article structure; Article format; Article length; Figure for the journal articles,逐一简单介绍:

Article structure包括,Title, Authors, Abstract, Keywords, ... (如果使用模板,这里不需要太关心)Article format提供了 LaTeX 和 Word (.docx .doc) 两种模板。且最终提交的最终版是 PDF 形式:

When submitting a new article, we only require you to upload a single PDF file (and any relevant supplementary data). The PDF should contain your complete manuscript, including any embedded figures and tables.

Article length告诉我们不要写太长。。

Papers.Reports of original research work; not normally more than 8500 words (10 journal pages). Papers on new instruments should include some representative results.Claims for originality of instrument design or novelty of measurement technique should be clearly stated in the abstract.


Figure(关于图片,期刊给的要求)You are encouraged to prepare figures that are clear, easy to read and of the best possible quality and resolution. (尽可能清晰易懂)Figures are converted and sized to the journal template as part of the production process for accepted articles, but they are not normally edited further. It is your responsibility to ensure that the figures you supply are legible and technically correct. (一般主编不会再对图片进行编辑?)Characters should appear as they would be set in the main body of the article.Figures should be numbered in the order in which they are referred to in the text.If there is more than one part to a figure (e.g. figure 1(a), figure 1(b) etc.)(对于Word用户)For articles prepared using Word, where possible please also supply all figures as separate graphics files (in addition to being embedded in the text). Our preferred graphics format is EPS. These files can be used directly to give high-quality results, and file sizes are small in comparison with most bitmap forms.(除了在文中嵌入,还需提供单独的图片文件;格式倾向于 EPS)Fonts used should be restricted to the standard font families (Times, Helvetica, Courier or Symbol) 字体要求Captions should be included in the text and not in the graphics files. Figure captions should contain relevant key terms and be self-contained (avoiding acronyms) so that a reader can understand the figure without having to refer to the text. (标题保持独立,避免使用缩写)






方法总结 丨学术八卦丨 经验感悟

观点评述 丨科研生活丨 任何体裁

