
(11)have 短語:

have a break 休息一下

have a bright future 有一個燦爛的未來

have (got) a cold / cough / headache / fever 感冒/咳嗽/頭疼/發燒

have a conversation with sb 與某人交談

[比較:have a dialogue with sb 與某人對話

have a talk with sb (about sth) (就某事)與某人進行交流

have a word with sb = would like a word with sb 和某人談幾句,跟某人說句話]

have a gift for… 對……有天賦(比較:have a reputation for… 有……名譽/名聲)

have a good flight (坐飛機)旅途愉快

have a good knowledge of … 對……很熟悉,通曉……

have a good laugh over… 對……笑了個夠

have a good / great / wonderful time = have (great) fun 玩得(非常)高興,過得愉快

have a / the habit of …= be in a / the habit of… 有……的習慣

(比較:get into / form the habit of… 養成……的習慣

get sb into the habit of… 使某人養成……的習慣)

have a hit 風靡一時

have a large population 人口眾多

have / take a look 看一看

have a meeting / party 開會/舉行晚會

have a nice / pleasant trip / journey 祝旅途愉快

have (got ) a pain (in the…) (身體某部位)痛

have a part-time job 做兼職工作

have a (good) rest 休息

have / take a seat 坐下(比較:have / take one’s seat 坐某人的座位)

have a stomachache 胃疼,肚子疼

have a sweet tooth 喜歡吃甜食

have a swim 游泳

have a table tennis match 舉行一場乒乓球比賽

have a test 進行測驗

have a try 試一試

have / show an appetite for… 有……的慾望或愛好

have / make an appointment with sb 和某人有預約, 和某人有約定

have an effect on / upon… 對……有影響,對……產生作用

(比較:influence… = affect … 對……有影響

have no effect / influence on … 對……沒有影響

have a good / bad effect on … 對……有好/壞影響

have a great / little effect on … 對……有很大的影響/影響不大

have a strong influence on… 對……有很大影響)

have / take an exam 參加考試

have an eye for 有眼力,有眼光

have an income of … 有……的收入

have access to … 使用(接近……的)權利或機會

have breakfast / lunch / supper 吃早飯/午飯/晚飯

have lessons / classes 上課

have mercy on… 寬恕……,對……仁慈,對……表示憐憫

have no chance of surviving 沒有生存的可能性

have no choice but to do sth 別無選擇,只好做某事

have none of … 根本不理睬……

have on 穿著

have sth on sb 某人身上帶著某物

have / take one’s medicine 服藥,吃藥

have some difficulty / trouble / problems with … 在……有困難/麻煩事

[比較:have some difficulty / trouble / problems (in ) doing sth 做某事有困難/麻煩]

have something / nothing in common (with…) (與……)有共同點/沒有共同之處

(比較:have much / a lot in common with… 與……有許多相同之處

have little in common with… 與……幾乎沒有相同之處)

have something / nothing to do with … 與……有關/無關

have to = have got to 不得不,必須


Class is over. Let’s have a break.

I’ve got a cough.

Dad and I had a good laugh over that.

They are having a good time.

He stopped to have a look.

We are going to have a table tennis match tomorrow afternoon.

Are we going to have a meeting this week?

Here is a tree. Let me have a rest.

Are you going to have a swim?

We’ll have a test tomorrow.

Where is Peter? I want to have a word with him.

Does she have lunch at home?

Then it has no choice but to lie down and sleep.

He knew about the order, he knew why the soldiers were there, but he would have none of it.

We have four lessons in the morning and two in the afternoon.

Most of his questions have nothing to do with his lessons.

I noticed that he had on bedroom slippers.

Please come here and have my seat, Granny.

He hasn’t had any medicine.

At three fifty in the afternoon we have sports.

(12)hold 短語:

hold a meeting / party 開會/舉行晚會

hold back 退縮,躊躇,阻擋,控制住

hold one’s breath 屏息,不出氣

hold on 等一等,不要掛電話

hold on to 抓住,保住

hold out 伸出,堅持下去,維持

hold up 阻擋,使停頓,舉起,拿起,阻滯

hold together 連在一起,團結一致


Anger flooded through her. She couldn’t hold it back.

—Could I speak to Mr Smith? —Hold on, please.

The little boy held out his hands.

I think water supplies won’t hold out much longer.

Sorry, I’m late. I was held up at work.

(13)keep 短語:

keep away from 避開,別靠近

keep back 隱瞞,忍住,阻止……向前,留下

keep down 控制

keep off 勿踏,勿踩

keep off sb / sth 不接觸或不接近某人/某事物

keep on 繼續進行

keep out 不得入內

keep…out 把……擋住,把……留在外面keep out of … 不進入……

keep up 繼續,保持,堅持,使(情緒等)不低落

keep up with… = catch up with… 跟上,趕上

keep a date 赴約

keep a healthy diet 保持健康的飲食

keep a record / records 保持記錄

keep an eye on 注視,留心,注意,照顧

(比較:keep an eye out for 注視,留心,注意)

keep busy doing 忙著做某事

keep fit 保持健康

keep…in mind = learn…by heart = remember… 把……記住

keep (on) doing sth 繼續不停地做某事

[比較:keep sb doing sth 使某人一直/繼續做某事

keep … from doing 阻止……做,不讓……做

stop / prevent… (from) doing 妨礙/預防/阻止……做,不讓……做]

keep one’s appointment 守約(比較:break one’s appointment 違約)

keep one’s balance 保持平衡

keep one’s word(s) 遵守諾言

keep safe 保持安全

keep silent over … 對……保持沉默

keep the same look 保持原貌

keep watch 保持警戒,站崗


I would have been here sooner, but the rainstorm kept me back.

Every week there was a rebellion(造反)somewhere, and the Austrian soldiers were kept busy hurrying from one town to another in order to put down the rebellions.

While Leonov was outside the ship, he kept in touch by telephone with his companion and with the earth.

He kept on telling us the same story over and over.

You may depend on his doing what he says, for he is a person who always keeps his words.

Danger! Keep out!

Will this overcoat keep the rain out?

It is also bad manners to keep silent when the teacher asks you a question.

The rain kept up all night.

I see you are getting along well with your English studies. Keep up the good work.

The good news keeps our spirits up.

He walked so fast that I could hardly keep up with him.

Every few hundred meters along the wall there are watch-towers, where soldiers used to keep watch.

There is a sign there saying, “Keep off the grass.”

(14)knock 短語:

knock at /on 敲打(門、窗等)

knock down 把……撞倒,擊倒

knock into 撞到,撞上某人,偶然碰見

knock sb out (of sth) 淘汰某人

knock over 撞翻,撞倒


We knocked at / on the door but there was no one there.

He was in hospital last night after being knocked down by a car.

Tom entered the classroom hurriedly and knocked into Mr. White.

He almost knocked into me before he realized it.

If no one answers the front door, try knocking at the back door.

(16)make 短語:

make into 製成,作成(後面跟產品,製成品)

[比較:be made in 在……生產/製造

be made of 由……組成/構成,用某種原材料製成(物理變化)

be made from 由……組成/構成,用某種原材料製成(化學變化)

be made up of = consist of 由……組成,由……構成]

make out 理解,看清楚

make up 化妝,打扮,和解,配製,編造,虛構,構成,組成

make up for 彌補,補充,補償

made up one’s mind 下決心

make a choice 做出選擇

make a commitment 承諾,保證

make a comment / comments (on / upon…) (對……)發表評論

make a (great) contribution to… 為……做出(巨大)貢獻,為……捐款

make a decision 做出決定    

make a (no) difference (沒)有關係/影響

make a face / faces 扮鬼臉

make a fire 生火

make a film / blockbuster/follow-ups 拍電影/巨片/續集

make a fool of sb = fool sb 愚弄某人(比較:make fool of … 愚弄)

make / leave / create a good impression (on sb) (給某人)留下好印象

make a mistake / mistakes 犯錯誤

make (a) noise 製造噪音,發出令人不愉快的聲音

make a note / notes of… 記錄,做筆記 ,記下來

make a plan (for… ) (為……)制訂計劃,制訂一個(……的)計劃

make a point of doing sth 認為做某事重要或有必要

make a promise 承諾

make a record 錄製唱片,做記錄

(比較:record a song 錄一首歌

set a world record 創造世界記錄)

make (a) suggestion (on …) 提出(關於……)的建議

make a telephone call 打電話

make / take a trip / journey to … 去某地旅行

make conversation 交談

make (both) ends meet 使收支相抵

make friends with sb 與某人交朋友

make fun of… 取笑,嘲笑,和……開玩笑

make it(事業上)獲得成功

make jokes about sb 拿某人開玩笑,以某人為笑柄

make mistake about… 犯了……錯誤

make / earn money 掙錢

make oneself at home 不拘束,別客氣

make oneself known 使/讓自己出名

make one’s way to… 往……走去

make progress (in …) (在……方面)取得進步

make sense 有意義,有道理,講得通

make sense of… 弄懂……的意思

make sth to (one’s own) measure (按自己的尺寸)定做

make sure 確保,確認,查明

make the adjustment to… 適應……

make the / one’s bed 整理床鋪

make (full) use of …= make the most / best of … (充分)利用


Bamboo is also made into paper.

Our desks and chairs are made of wood.

The paper for books and newspapers also is made from wood.

This engine is made up of 490 parts.

The actor made himself up for the part of an old man.

These days many girls make up when they are still quite young.

She made up a good lunch from bits and pieces.

There isn’t any little girl called Kitty here. He has just made her up.

Hard work can often make up for lack of intelligence.

Everyone should make full use of time.

But wait till you see what we’ll make for you to your own measure.

I have made up my mind, and nothing you say will change it.

They made fun of my mistakes when I tried to speak English.

(17)pass 短語:

pass away 去世,死(委婉說法)

pass by 通過,從旁邊經過

pass down 傳下來,流傳,使世代相傳 ,一代一代傳下去

pass on (to sb) 轉交給(某人),傳給(某人)

pass on from one generation to the next 一代代流傳下來

pass out 失去知覺,昏厥

pass through 穿過,越過

pass sth from one to another 把某事物從一人傳到另一人手上

pass the examination 通過考試


Dr Johnson passed away last night.

They all waved to us as they passed by.

The tradition has been passed down from father to son for generations.

She said she’d pass the message on to the other students.

I nearly passed out when I saw the blood.

(18)pay 短語:

pay attention to … 對……注意,留心……

pay a visit to sb / a place 訪問,拜訪(某人),參觀(某地)

pay back 償還(借款),報答,報復

pay for 付款,付費,付代價 (比較:pay a high price for … 付高價)

pay off 還清(欠款)

pay sb a visit 拜訪某人

pay the bill 買單,付帳單


He promised to pay the money back by Friday.

The old in our city don’t need to pay for transport.

After ten years of hard work he paid off all his debts at last.

(19)pick 短語:

pick out 挑選,認出

pick up 拾起,接收,學會(語言),開車去接,康復,購買(便宜商品)


His story was picked out as the best by the judges.

The phone rang and I picked it up.

I’ll pick you up at the station.

I managed to pick up an American news broadcast.

After a short break they picked up the topic they talked about earlier.

I picked up the unusual stamp by accident.

I picked up a few words of Greek when I was there last year.

(20)put 短語:

put away 將某物收拾起來,存錢,儲存,存起來

put down 撲滅,平息,鎮壓,記下

put forward 提出,建議,推薦

put off 延期,拖延

put on (戲)上演,放(唱片),穿戴

put on a performance 演出

put out 撲滅,熄滅,使……停止燃燒,伸出,出版,生產

put up 掛起,張貼,舉起,抬起,搭起,建立

put up with 忍受,容忍

put into 使進入,輸入,投入

put/translate…into 把……譯成

put one’s heart into… 全神貫注於……

put sb in / into prison 把某人關進監獄

put …to use 使用……,運用……

put a date to sth 註明日期

(比較:set / fix the date 確定日期

to date 到目前為止)

put an end to … 結束……

put …together 把……放在一起


We put away the tools before we leave the workshop.

All the medical workers in the region helped to put down the influenza epidemic(流感).

Never put off until tomorrow what you can do today.

We are putting the play on again next week owing to its success.

The firemen soon put the fire out.

The doctor told me to put out my tongue.

It’s time that we put up the Christmas decorations(裝飾物)in the living room.

Drop your weapons and put your hands up.

Another supermarket has been put up near our house.

I can’t put up with a lot of noisy people when I am working.

The government is putting more money into education this year.

As students, we should put our heart into studies.