







ERIC XU, ONE of Huawei’s three rotating chairmen, did not hold back. “Nonstoppressure from the US government, in a deliberate attempt to spread disinformation, has put our company under the spotlight,” he wrote in the firm’s annual report, released on March 31st. This was meant to explain why the telecoms-equipment giant missed its revenue target of $135bn by $12bn.


nonstop 不停的;不断的

put..under the spotlight 将..置于聚光灯下;让..备受关注


America has barred exports of some American technology to the Chinese champion. It is threatening to impose further sanctions soon and has tried, with mixed success, to strong-arm American allies to reject Huawei’s next-generation 5G-networking kit.


strong-arm 高压手段强迫;铁腕强迫

mixed success 成效有好有坏


For all Mr Xu’s outrage, the results were rather impressive. Revenues rose by 19% year on year. They have more than doubled in four years. Net profit rose by nearly 6% to 63bn yuan ($8.8bn). The firm’s cashflow from operations rose by 22% year on year, to 91bn yuan.


double 变成了两倍;增加了一倍


The firm responded to America’s assault by redoubling its efforts at “indigenousinnovation”, through which it sources and invents as much as it can in China. This will not be easy. Though its premium smartphones now have fewer American parts, its overall use of American inputs actually rose last year to nearly $19bn, from $11bn in 2018.


indigenous 本土的


On the bright side, its kit remains popular outside America. Although American measures limited its use of Google’s Android smartphone operating system, its consumer-business group increased sales by 34%, to 467bn yuan, owing to strength in China and emerging markets. Its 5G gear is more advanced and less costly than offerings from European rivals, Ericsson and Nokia. Huawei now boasts over 90 5G contracts worldwide, half of them in Europe.


On the bright side 往好的方面想


Duncan Clark of BDA China, a consultancy, likens Huawei to the villainous robots in “Terminator” films: not just indestructible but “able to rebuild itself after any attempt to take it down”. Even covid-19 may not slow it down. As more people Zoomto work, governments everywhere covet the sort of zippy mobile networks Huawei helps build.


villainous 邪恶的

Zoom 一个视频会议软件

zippy 迅捷的;速度快的