學英語最常犯的高頻錯詞! 幾乎所有人對它都有誤解,你踩雷了嗎?









So number one, a word that learners of English commonly misuse is career. We use the word career to talk about an occupation, undertaken for a significant period of someone's life with opportunities for progress.

第一個,英語學習者常犯的高頻錯詞是career "職業"。這個詞常用於描述職業,作為一個人生命的重要階段,充滿晉升的機遇。

However, many students make mistakes with this word and they use it, they incorrectly use it to talk about a university student's main area of study.


For this definition, we would say degree in the UK or major in American English. We do not use career for this definition. So a correct sentence with career is, "I started my career making teas and coffees""and now I'm the head of operations." That's correct.


An incorrect example would be, "My career was very challenging and I was relieved to graduate". We should say "my degree or my major was very challenging""and I was relieved to graduate".


Number two. The second word that students tend to get wrong is salary. We use the word salary to talk about a regular fixed payment, which is usually expressed as an annual amount.


Many students get confused with the word salary and use it to talk about what someone earns per hour or per day. Obviously this is incorrect. Instead, we could say "wage or rate".


Your daily rate, your daily wage or your hourly rate or your hourly wage. An example of salary used correctly, "I was given a promotion""which increased my salary to 40,000 pounds per year".


Number three, the third word that students misuse is custom. We used the word custom to talk about behaviours that are specific to a particular place, culture or society.


However, many students incorrectly use the word custom to talk about personal habits or actions. Instead, we could use "habit" or we might just use the present simple.


For example, "I do this". I'm talking about something that I do on a regular basis. "I find it fascinating to learn about""the customs and traditions of ancient cultures"

例如"I do this"就是表達,我常常這麼幹。正確例句“我發現研究古代文化的傳統習俗特別有趣”。

An incorrect example. "Some people like to eat breakfast every day, but I don't have that custom". Instead, we could say, "I don't do that or I don't have that habit""But I don't do that", the present simple sounds a lot more natural.


Number four is "nanny". We use the word nanny to talk about someone, who is employed to regularly look after children in a household. They usually have special training and qualifications.


Now, many students will make the mistake of using the word nanny to talk about somebody who watches over children in exchange for money. They're not necessarily officially employed.


For this case, we would use the word babysitter. "I worked as a babysitter from the age of 14""It wasn't official employment, I had no qualifications, no work contract", when I was little, "we had a nanny who would pick me up from school every afternoon".


Number five. The fifth word that students use incorrectly is client. And actually a lot of native speakers misuse this word as well. We use the word client to talk about someone who is provided a professional service.


For example, lawyers have clients. The lawyers provide a professional service to the clients. Many students say the word client when actually they mean customer.


A customer is someone who is provided goods or a service in exchange for money. So with a service it's less professional and goods, well you're not generally providing goods to a client, you're normally providing a professional service, customer.


An example, many of our marketing agency's clients are small, independent businesses. Right. That's it for today's lesson. I hope you enjoyed it. I hope you learned something.



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