
Fun Facts About Hummingbirds





1)There are more than 325 unique hummingbird species in the world. Only eight species regularly breed in the United States, though up to two dozen species may visit the country or be reported as regular vagrants. The rest of the hummingbirds are primarily tropical species and do not regularly migrate. They are found in Central and South America as well as throughout the Caribbean.


vagrant:英 [ˈveɪɡrənt] 美 [ˈveɪɡrənt] (formal or law 律) a person who has no home or job, especially one who begs (= asks for money) from people无业游民;流浪者;(尤指)乞丐

the Caribbean:the region consisting of the Caribbean Sea and its islands, including the West Indies, and the coasts which surround it 加勒比海地区(指加勒比海及其岛屿,包括西印度群岛及其周围海岸)

2)A hummingbird’s brilliant throat color is not caused by feather pigmentation, but rather by iridescence in the arrangement of the feathers. Light level, moisture, angle of viewing, wear and tear and other factors all influence just how bright and colorful the throat may appear.

蜂鸟明艳的喉部颜色不是羽毛天然颜色引起的,而是羽毛排列的虹彩效果。 光线、湿度、看的角度、磨损和其他因素