
  陳炳章,字文圃,1935 年出生於浙江瑞安,曾任職於上海市外事辦公室,上海中醫藥大學,副教授。中國國家書畫院名譽院長,2019年3月全國兩會重點推薦為“人民藝術家”稱號;中國文聯授予“德藝雙馨藝術家”榮譽稱號;6月中書協授予“中國書法藝術楷模”榮譽稱號。2006年獲”世界傑出華人”稱號,2007年9月在全國政協禮堂頒發(2007中國藝術年度人物,(共和國傑出藝術家)獎牌,並與全國人大付委員長布赫,全國政協付主席孫孚凌合影。2014年,2016年參加慶祝中美建交35週年,37週年中美書畫收藏精品洛杉磯展,2016年為新長城題詞“東騰東方”加上作品“雲天攜手共興邦”鐫刻在八達嶺的大理石板上永久展示,永載史冊,並頒發了“中國長城文化獎”,“中國新長城傑出藝術家”獎牌。2009 年 10 月,國家文化部藝術人才中心編輯的“中國書法十大名家”中名列歐陽中石、李鐸、沈鵬之後位居第四 ; 並獲評“2005 中國書畫年度人物”、“人民藝術家”、“國學功勳藝術家”、以及上海市收藏協會授予“2007 上海極具收藏潛力當代書畫家”的榮譽稱號。曾參加中國作家世紀論壇,獲“優秀作家”稱號。09 年 12 月書法作品入編“新中國國禮藝術大師”( 沈國放主編),世界知識出版社出版,作品將被推薦為國禮使用。2007 年 9 月 18 日在全國政協禮堂頒發了(2007 中國藝術年度人物),(共和國傑出藝術家)獎牌,現為:中國書畫研究院研究員 ; 中國國學研究會研究員 ; 北京中國書畫研究院名譽院長高級研究員 ; 中國詩詞學會會員 ; 世界華人藝術家協會理事 ; 中國收藏研究院高級書畫師、理事 ; 中國書畫名家名作編輯委員會副主任委員 ; 曾參加“中華書畫名家作品全國城市巡迴展”、“中國國際藝術博覽會”、“第 28 屆世界遺產大會國際書畫大賽展”( 獲金獎 )、“世界華人藝術精品大展”( 北京、香港、首爾,獲國際銀獎 )、“中國實力派書畫藝術名家赴韓國書畫展”。

Chen Bingzhang, ziwenpu, born in Ruian, Zhejiang Province in 1935, was an associate professor at Shanghai Foreign Affairs Office and Shanghai University of traditional Chinese medicine. Honorary president of China National Academy of calligraphy and painting, recommended as "people's artist" by the national two sessions in March 2019; honorary title of "virtuous and artistic artists" by China Federation of literary and art circles; honorary title of "model of Chinese calligraphy art" by the Calligraphy Association in mid June. In 2006, he was awarded the title of "outstanding Chinese in the world". In September 2007, he was awarded the medal (2007 Chinese art person of the year, (outstanding artist of the Republic) in the auditorium of the CPPCC National Committee. He took a photo with vice chairman of the National People's Congress, bu he, and vice chairman of the CPPCC National Committee, sun Fuling. In 2014, in 2016, he participated in the Los Angeles exhibition to celebrate the 35th anniversary and 37th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the United States. In 2016, the inscription "DongTeng Oriental" for the new great wall and the work "cloud and sky join hands to prosper the country" were engraved on the marble slab in Badaling for permanent display, which will be recorded in history books forever, and he awarded the "China Great Wall Culture Award" and "China New Great Wall outstanding artist" medals. In October 2009, Ouyang Zhongshi, Li duo and Shen Peng ranked fourth among the "top ten Chinese Calligraphers" edited by the art talent center of the Ministry of culture; He was awarded the honorary titles of "2005 Chinese painting and calligraphy person of the year", "people's artist", "Chinese academic merit artist" and "2007 Shanghai contemporary calligrapher with great collection potential" by Shanghai Collection Association. He once participated in the Century Forum of Chinese writers and won the title of "excellent writer". In December 2009, calligraphy works were compiled into "new China Guoli art master" (edited by Shen Guofang) and published by world knowledge press. The works will be recommended for Guoli use. On September 18, 2007, he was awarded the (2007 Chinese artist of the year) medal in the auditorium of the National Committee of the Chinese people's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC). Now he is a researcher of the Chinese Academy of calligraphy and painting, a researcher of the Chinese Academy of traditional Chinese studies, a Senior Research Fellow of the honorary president of the Chinese Academy of calligraphy and painting in Beijing, a member of the Chinese poetry society, and a director of the world Chinese Artists Association; He is senior calligrapher and director of China Academy of collection and research, vice chairman of Editorial Committee of famous works of Chinese Calligraphers and painters; He has participated in the "national urban tour exhibition of works of famous Chinese Calligraphers and painters", "China International Art Expo", "the 28th World Heritage conference international calligrapher and painters Competition Exhibition" (won the gold medal), "World Chinese art boutique Exhibition" (Beijing, Hong Kong, Seoul, won the international silver medal), "Chinese powerful calligraphers and painters went to Korea calligraphy and painting exhibition".

陳炳章 作品《滿江紅·燕子磯》


陳炳章 作品《澳門迴歸》在 中華情—世界華人詩書畫名家邀請賽獲(金蓮花藝術金獎,詩文類創作金獎)


陳炳章 作品《數風流人物還看今朝》

陳炳章 作品《採桑子 . 秋日有感》創作於1985年10月


陳炳章 作品《宿峨眉山萬年寺》已由上海東林寺收藏


陳炳章 作品《登東方明珠塔》

釋文:璀璨明珠意氣豪,老逢重九喜登高。愧無神筆描新宇,幸有詩情賦離騷。幾許韶華逐逝水,一腔熱血尚滔滔。如林巨廈 沖天起,引得心潮上碧霄。

陳炳章 作品《誠》

陳炳章 作品


陳炳章 作品《在月城西昌觀彝族歌舞》

陳炳章 作品