How to Order Coffee in a Coffee Shop? 如何在咖啡店點咖啡?

When you walk into a coffee shop,the nice smell of the coffee soothe your tension. But you start to get nervous when it comes to order? Don’t worry. This article will walk you through the embarrassing situation.---當你走進一家咖啡店,咖啡的香味會緩解你的緊張情緒。但就在你要點咖啡時,又變得緊張起來了?別擔心,這篇文章將帶你走過尷尬的局面。

You will be asked “What would you like?” Or “What can I get you?”---你會被問到“你想要喝點什麼?”或“我能為你做點什麼?

To answer this question, you need to know some basic things:---要回答這個問題,你需要有些基礎知識:

1/ Different kinds of Drinks---不同種類的飲品

Espresso = Strong black coffee---濃縮咖啡=濃的黑咖啡

Americano = Shots of espresso + Water---美式咖啡=濃縮咖啡+水

Coffee latte = Espresso+ Milk+ Milk foam---拿鐵咖啡=濃縮咖啡+牛奶+牛奶泡沫

Cappuccino = Espresso+ Steamed milk+ Milk foam+ Chocolate powder---卡布奇諾咖啡=濃縮咖啡+蒸牛奶+牛奶泡沫+巧克力粉

Mocha Coffee = Espresso+ Hot chocolate+ Steamed milk---摩卡咖啡=濃縮咖啡+熱巧克力+蒸牛奶

Macchiato = Espresso+ Milk foam---瑪奇朵咖啡=濃縮咖啡+牛奶泡沫

After you know different kinds of coffee, then we could add something more.---在你知道了不同種類的咖啡之後,我們可以再加點其他的。

1/ Temperature---溫度

Hot/ iced---熱的/冰的

2/ Size---杯形

Tall/ Grande/ Venti---中杯/大杯/超大杯

3/ Syrups---糖漿

Caramel/ Hazelnut/ Vanilla---焦糖/榛子/香草

4/ Milk---牛奶

Whole milk/ Semi skimmed milk/ Skimmed milk---全脂牛奶/半脫脂牛奶/脫脂牛奶

5/ Shots of espresso---咖啡的濃度

Extra shot = Additional shot of espresso---額外的一杯濃縮咖啡

Double shot = 2 shots---雙倍=兩杯濃縮咖啡

Triple shot = 3 shots---三倍=三杯濃縮咖啡

Now you are more than ready to order, you could say "I’d like.../ Can I get.../ I’ll have.../ I’d love...".---現在你已經準備好了,你可以說“我想要一杯……/我能得到一杯…/我要一杯……/我喜歡來一杯……”

Here is an example:---舉個例子:

A: I’d love a venti caramel latte and can I also get an extra shot please?---A:我想要超大杯焦糖拿鐵咖啡雙倍咖啡

B: Is that to have here or to go?---B:在這兒喝還是帶走?

A: I’ll have it here.---A:這兒喝。

B: That will be $5.---B:總共5美元。

A: Here you go.---A:給。

B: Have a nice day.---B:祝你愉快。

A: You too.---A:你也是。

Ready to go? Let’s get a cup of coffee now.---準備好了嗎?讓我們一起去喝杯咖啡吧。